
Weak Hero Call me Ryu...

I walked up and down the street in a panic ''If I go right, I'll have to walk past Phillip Kim, but if I go the other way, I'll bump into Colton Choi!'' Just as I decide to make a decision I find myself in a seemingly endless white expanse, it was so white that it almost became jarring to the eyes ''Hello my son'' ''Huh?!'' the mysterious mans voice echoed inside my head ''My name is God''...

szechuansauce · 漫画同人
2 Chs

This is way too fun

I run towards him and he throws a punch with I guide away from my face simultaneously punching him with my other hand, this is unfair, I leave Colton's face alone, if I hit it again I might just end up killing him, when I punched him before I tried my best to hit him as hard without causing a lot of damage and he still ended up like... that.

[The next week]

I sat next to Gray Yeon, being up close like this, he's kinda cute, I mean he looks like a girl! Put a wig on his and he could be a model, suddenly from out of nowhere Colton Choi grabbed him out of his seat, bro what is this guys problem? ''Oh he's a man alright! He's packin' too this son of a bitch! He's got an Anaconda down there!'' before I could even move to defend him he was already attacking Colton *CRACK* this sound made it's way throughout our classroom silencing everyone ''My throat! What the hell?! You fucking bastard! You've got a death wish, huh?'' *WHACK* *WHISH WHISH* these where the sounds that made themselves loud and clear, as Gray tied Colton's hands behind his own back kicking him in the back of the leg causing him to fall down ''You fucking bastard! Get this thing off me! You little shit, now I'm really mad!'' *SLAP* ''You dare slap me?'' *SLAP* ''You just wait till I get out of this *sniff* and...'' *SLAP* everybody looked at Gray in shock myself included, they all froze as he said this ''You really don't get it do you? If you dare make a scene in my classroom ever again, I'll gouge your eyes out''

[In another class]

''Hey, Alex! I thought you said you were gonna crush Colton Choi? He he, you sure you wont be the one getting crushed?'' ''What do you want, dumbass?'' ''I'm sorry to tell you, apparently,n he got beat again today'' ''What? By who? From Class 3? From Class 9?'' ''I don't fuckin' know, some kid named Gray-something in his class tied him up and slapped the everloving shit out of him I heard'' ''Tied him up, and beat him up? I swear you've got the wackiest imagination, cool story bro, try to put some more realism in your next one. What is he a medieval baron? Tying him up and giving him lashes or some shit, I'll get my chance to crush Colton Choi another day'' ''Lets go check out Class 5, you can call me a liar after that''

[At Class 5]

''That wimp over there? Really? He looks like a chick.'' ''And Colton left early out of embarrassment, along with his goons'' Ben stated ''Interesting, huh? Isn't that Gerard Jin, from Do-Eui Middle School? He must've heard the rumors too, he even got taller, fuckin' giraffe'' Alex said this in a passive aggressive tone, causing Gerard to look our direction ''Gerard! So curiosity got the best of you too, huh?'' ''What about that other guy?'' Alex interrupted ''Who?'' ''That Ryu kid, who took out Colton in one punch'' ''Oh that other kid with the snow white hair and the red eyes? He looks so weak to me, it's kinda crazy how these guys are so small'' ''Yup''

[After school]

I walked the same path I have this past week but somehow this is the first time I've noticed Gray Yeon going the same way as me ''Hey! Hey!'' I yell as I run to catch up to him ''How come this is the first time I've seen you walking down here?'' ''I don't know'' he said in a quiet voice, it wasn't like he was scared or anything he just didn't seem like he wanted to talk ''You looked badass in class when you slapped the shit outta Colton Choi, I raised my arm up to high five him but he just kinda carried on walking and looked at me out of bewilderment and cluelessness, don't get me wrong he still didn't high five me but the feeling he gave off made me feel like it wasn't to be rude, it was just more like he didn't know how to react, I kept talking to him as I just happened to walk the same path as him, and he continued to give me one worded and minimal responses, but I get the feeling he quite enjoyed our conversation. A little bit down the road we were stopped by about 10 people with bats and crowbars and in the front, was a pair of losers we recognized! Orange Hair, and Red Cap! ''Come with us, bring the girl too'' Gray furrowed his eyebrows ''Don't follow me'' I whispered to him, but he decided to ignore my warnings and follow suit anyways Orange hair chuckled further exposing his hideous double chin, it wasn't hideous because it was a double chin, it was hideous because there was bits of food in the tiny ass stubble which revealed itself everytime he would tilt his head back (which was fyi all the time) It's as if he wanted people to perpetually see his tiny stubble which for some reason urks me, ''Get em'' I moved first *POW* I swung my first considerably slower than my fastest speed for the reason that my maximum speed mixed with my maximum power would actually just crush their skulls, then I wouldn't be able to plea self defense because they'd just tell me I was being excessive, he blocked it with both of his hands but my punch still very much shattered his guard and sent him flying, ducking under a punch coming from the side I sent a massive body shot towards the goons stomach, he also passed out.

[Minutes later]

I looked back at Gray to see his astonished face ''Gray could you do me the favor of just, not telling anyone about this?''