
We Hold Hands

Curse in modern times? There's just this grandfather of mine. Grandpa tells about the curse of a man who has a face full of wrinkles. Well it's only natural that when you're old, even an old woman will wrinkle, but this man was my age when he heard this story from grandpa, still a child. I couldn't believe it, how could it be. It could just be a gene disorder, or a type of ape that was never exposed. However, as I grew older, I experienced it. I mean, it wasn't me who wrinkled quickly, but one of my classmates who claimed to be. Weird, ostracized freak, Galter. Galter who went to school with me, said the same thing as my grandfather said. Even himself who experienced it, very strange, usually strange people will not tell the oddity. How could this handsome Galter be cursed to be an old geezer at a young age. “Don't read too many novels, they affect your mind. Are we in the Harry Potter world?"

Altumstar · 奇幻言情
29 Chs

Improper Nosebleed

Galter drove me back to the castle, while I was exhausted, and fell asleep on his back, unconsciously. Galter smiled to himself, as he carried me. He became very gentle with me, even careful when walking not to wake me up. Galter carried me to the castle and was lucky that aunt Yun was sitting on the castle terrace.


"Please don't make a fuss, let Eiryana rest. She's hot, she's tired at school," said Galter in a low whisper to Aunt Yun who was about to get excited because I looked like someone had passed out.

Aunt Yun understood and opened the castle door. Galter said he could take me straight into my room to lie down. Aunt Yun was very grateful to Galter for driving me home.

"Wait here, I'll get you some water first," said Aunt Yun, leaving the bedroom door open.

Galter took off the shoes I was wearing and wrapped my body up to my stomach. I fell asleep very comfortably. Then Galter saw the open window of my bedroom and closed it halfway. Galter didn't sweat at all, even though he had carried me that far. I woke up for a moment and saw the image I had longed for, but when I opened my eyes clear, I saw Galter instead.

"Go back to sleep. Nothing can hurt you here," said Galter gently stroking my hair, making me sleepy again like a child when I was with their mother.

"Thank you."

I fell back asleep, and Galter came out of my room and closed the door. It just so happened that Aunt Yun had just brought her cold orange juice which was good to drink when it was hot. Galter sat for a moment to enjoy aunt Yun's gift while reminiscing about this castle. There are many memories in it.

"Son, thank you for bringing our Miss back," said Aunt Yun calmly because she thought Galter was a good man.

"You're welcome. Mr. Enzo told me before he died. He said to take care of his granddaughter. I just did what was told. I owe him a lot," replied Galter recalling a grandfather and making his return to memories.

"Master loves his granddaughter very much, to the end."


I woke up when it was dark. My window was half open and I felt a cool breeze rush into my room. The compress plaster was stuck to my head, and I was sweating profusely. I still wear the uniform, and I feel better than when I was at school.

I changed clothes, then sat on the balcony of my room watching the crescent moon. Strong wind hit my face. I'm lost in thought, my mind is blank, can't think of anything now. Someone tickled my stomach, snapping me out of my thoughts. In front of him was a person wearing black clothes, even his face was covered. Bad people.

I rushed back into my room, but the man in black robes grabbed my hand, preventing me from running anywhere. There is no sound, my mouth can't make a sound, did my voice disappear again? My hands are tied, my eyes are closed, and what's more, my voice can't come out. The man in black robes knocked me unconscious by depriving me of oxygen.


In the morning, I felt my head hurt a little. My dream last night was scary. I've been having nightmares lately, I don't know why. Aunt Lin came into my room and was about to wake me up, but I was already awake. Have to go to school? I'm lazy for school right now.

At school I didn't talk much, I could feel that the dream was very real. Never mind, I always think all my dreams come true. Learning continues as usual. During recess, upperclassmen came in to deliver for a meeting regarding the organization that would be held after school, it was hoped that everyone would gather. Short explanation, after that many of my classmates, had gone out shopping.

Galter was about to greet me, but from outside I saw Danial along with Lavin calling me out. Soon I passed Galter just like that and met them.

The longer I daydream more and more as if my mind couldn't focus on just one point. Even when studying, I feel tired, even though there is no gym class today. While studying I was daydreaming again. Galter watched me, and I unconsciously had a nosebleed, but I was still lost in thought.

"Eiryana!" shouted Galter which brought me to my senses.

The whole class turned around, even the teacher who was teaching. I just realized, that I had a nosebleed and the blood dripped on my book. The teacher was immediately worried and came to me to check on my condition. I didn't feel pain earlier when I was daydreaming, but now my vision feels dim. Slowly my vision was spinning, making me dizzy.

I feel someone is calling me, but I don't know who. Then my consciousness disappeared I fainted. Galter immediately carried me, and took me to the school clinic, while the teacher told the other students to stay in the classroom. Galter was very worried about what had happened to me, but his demeanor was firm, not showing any concern.

The school clinic members were called in and Galter came out to let them handle me. I'm still unconscious, even if I want to, I'm kind of paralyzed. I could see whoever was trying to bring me back to my senses, but I couldn't move my body, not even my voice would come out again.

For fifteen minutes, I tried to move my whole body but still couldn't. And in the end, I realized, I immediately woke up gasping for breath. Looked around and was confused. Galter who saw me awake, immediately hugged me so tight, that I could even hear his heartbeat. Galter cares for me.

"Eiryana? Thank goodness you're aware. Give me your parents' phone numbers, I'll call them to pick you up," said the teacher who had been taking care of me with Galter.

"I'll just rest here until I get home, Ma'am. My parents are not here, my mother is in the nation's capital," I replied in a voice that sounded exhausted, thankful that I could talk.

"I'll take care of her Ma'am."

"In that case, okay."

The teacher came back in to teach and said Galter and I could catch up later. I sat down, not daring to lie down because I was afraid that I might get crushed again.

"What's on the back of your neck?" asked Galter feeling something on the back of my neck as he hugged me earlier.

I brushed my hair forward and let Galter take a look. He said there was a sun mark on the back of my neck in a circle, and it was red. "Did you get a tattoo on the back of your neck?" asked Galter, noticing the sign or symbol.

"No, mom will be mad at me," I replied in pain as Galter grabbed the back of my neck, it felt like it was burning. "Awww! Stop it!"

"Answer me Eiryana. Where were you last night?" asked Galter which made me even more confused about what happened. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm having nosebleeds again. Galter took a tissue and wiped the blood from my nosebleed. Do I have a chronic disease that I don't know about? Why is my life pathetic like this? What happened to me now?