

I am coming with another type of romance of Ceo and a web comic writer. If you like more fantasy novels then I will come up with them. This is the story of genius CEO and a beautiful independent gals. I have three male leads as well as female leads. Also this will take u to so many twist and turns . So are you ready dears

Sitara_Venugopalan · 都市
45 Chs


Ankush and others reached Nagpur by evening and they were damn tired of all travels and mysteries. Luckily it was a Sunday and they got good rest. After relaxing they woke up by 10 am. Today all of them were free so Ankush called everyone to come and gather inside the hall to discuss something regarding the clues they got from the Mumbai trip.

Ankush gathered everyone. He told everyone what they found out. They don't have solid evidence to date. He called the person who helped him to watch the ship's movement. 

Ankush called the man who watched the ship's movement and helped them find the destination of the ship. That person talked on the phone as if he was waiting for the call. The person on the phone said," Sir, as you guessed there is a large number of drug dealing toys loaded and unloaded in that place. The Island which we found on that day was a reserve Island. If we find the main dealer, we can capture the whole drug-dealing Mafia gang.

Ankush thought for some time and said," I know the secret agency which deals with this. They had many cases solved. Also, I had my secret agent team in my office. They already collected the sample which had the drugs on it. We need some paper proof which will give us solid evidence. He cut the call and moved towards the others.

He told his dad," Father, you had the new registration paper in your hands, take its copy. We will need that. Sandeep said," Yes, we had it. Manish and Prateek were looking at Ankush. Ankush glanced through them and said, "Ankush, we have to do something to the laboratory because the drugs are created in there if police find out we will be caught and imprisoned.

Ankush said I arranged that. We have to shift all the important chemicals and other valuable things in the laboratory to the safest place. Prateek said," Any idea which place is the safest." Ankush said," We have to search for it, before that, we take all the valuable and expensive items from that laboratory and tell Preeti and Ramesh to keep them in the hospital. The other things we can safely bury in the mud and put fire in the laboratory to remove all fingerprints and we can blame that on the drug dealers whom we saw on that day.

Ankush continued," Both of you should wear hand gloves while you are removing the things, also wear a mask so that no one will recognize you. After that, he turned to Narayan and Sandeep and said that to investigate the details of Hatmen International and collect some samples from there., so that we can give evidence to the police and my lawyer friend Milan.

You should blame everything on Joseph because we have to make evidence of the wrongdoing and have to ruin Alexander. This way only we can produce solid evidence against him because all the toys that are manufactured are under the supervision of Joseph. Every one of you should wear gloves so that you all should not fall into trouble. 

Ankush said," All things are done by today and we should not get time tomorrow. Ankith said," What do we have to do, you allotted work to everyone, and what we should do my friend. We are the main players; we have to make arrangements to take the bad lion out of his cave and imprison him. Ankith said," Good my friend, nice distribution of the work. Ankush said," After this, I have to give you a good surprise my boys, but all these things should be kept secret.

Ankush and Ankith called the secret agency and also the Investigation team of the company, all of them are eight in total. Four from the Ankush team and four from the Narcotics drug dealing Agency of India. They reached the place as a buyer of the drugs, they introduced themselves as a doctor of different hospitals in India. They are looking very innocent and sincere so the sellers do not become doubtful about it.

They first went to the company that was supplying the drugs for Hartman International and decided to collect the toy samples. When they went there they were shocked to see the laboratory in which drugs are removed and toys are separated. One of the spies went to the worker, he asked why you are separating the toys from the drugs. The drugs are packed in a small polythene packet and inserted below the toys. 

In one look you cannot understand the opening of the toys. This drug was inserted inside the battery box and it was done in a beautiful manner that no one was able to see. What is inside? The spy went near the worker who was separating them and asked, what were you going to do with the toys? The worker said," The toy will be resent to the company and they will send it to the children.

The spy asked," But how are children going to play with it? Also, it is a very harmful drug, and the children will get affected by it. If they die then what are you going to do brother? They said," Why should I be concerned about the other children? My children are restricted from buying those toys and they only play with other cheap company toys. The spy was shocked to hear that. He asked, "Brother may I take those toys and keep them in the warehouse. 

The worker agreed. He took one sample and kept it inside his backpack. After bifurcating the agent saw that the packets were put in the machine, He asked what was that for the brother. This is the purity check of the material, and to his surprise, he saw that the packets are separated cleanly and the drug powder gives the positive results that it is a pure drug named cocaine. 

After that, the powder is collected and put in another machine where the duplicate toys are made, and when the toys come out it is fully packed and the toys do not look like the drugs inside them because they have the perfect finishing touch. These all things are captured in the agent button camera in his coat and all these things are seen by Ankith, Ankush, and Prateek. Whether they are able to solve the mystery of this business. 

My problem is not yet resolved. I will try to update them as the issue is resolved, my friends. We are approaching the climax of the story. Stay tuned and don't forget to like and comment and also join my chat room to talk with me.

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