
Warcaster Of Misfortune

In a world where reality intertwines with a virtual realm, a man finds himself thrust into a game he once dismissed—an intricate web of challenges, quests of extreme difficulty, and encounters with creatures of overwhelming power. Fate, it seems, has a mischievous sense of humor, as our protagonist becomes the unwilling pawn in a cosmic game of chance. Will he find the peace he so desperately desires, or is he destined to navigate the realms of life and death in an eternal dance orchestrated by unseen hands? In this story, where even death may not be the end, the quest for serenity becomes a thrilling odyssey through the uncharted territories of fate. ------- Writer's note: If you guys are reading this story then I must confess that I am both proud and embarrassed. As long as I can remember, I have had this great love for the litrpg and virtual reality genre (yes, sadly the motivation is lit by Sword Art Online). Still, over the years I find myself reading more and more about real fantasy, with a logical plot and realistically written characters, this story is my sole attempt to get back to my old book taste, a webnovel of non-stop fighting, lots of rpg numbers, less descriptive graph, mostly conversation and sound effect.

WanderingInnkeeper · 奇幻
50 Chs

Lost Conciousness

From my body cracks started to appear as well. At this rate am I going to end up like the bracelet. All broken and stuff. I don't want to end up like that. This game is so realistic that falling apart like that would be similar to torture.


Something is entering my head! Damnit it hurts beyond hell. It makes the training from the church seem painless.....what training?.....what was I doing?....who am I?.........