
VRMMO: My first Contractee is Yandere

"I am an evil god. Would you like to make a contract?" In "Phantom Heroes Online," a VRMMO where in-game currency can be converted to real money, a man, worn out by society, decides to quit his job and earn a living through gaming. In this fantasy world of swords and magic, players contract with advanced AI NPCs, aiding and nurturing them. The protagonist, Zephyr, whimsically tells a young girl a lie, claiming to be her savior. Believing Zephyr to be the "god who rescued her from despair," the yandere girl transforms into the formidable "Reaper Loli," a top-tier berserker feared as the "Fanatic" across the continent. She rises to become one of the game's top players, dominating the leaderboards. Unbeknownst to Zephyr and the other players, their actions in the game are actually leading to saving of another world.

Stylish_Demon · 游戏
73 Chs

Start From Straight A's

Arriving in Elfland

Countless treehouses adorn the giant trees. It truly feels like an elf village, but on a scale that constitutes a nation.

"Amazing," I say.

"Yes, god!!" Liora exclaims.

Despite the vast land, houses are stacked vertically. Branches, each as wide as a road, host houses, with treehouses wherever you look.

The handsome elf flashes a smile.

"Even so, we've lost over half of our territory. This area around the capital was somehow preserved by the goddess's freezing power..."

"So, there are a lot of elves?"

"The god is asking. Are there many elves?"

"The god...? Yes, indeed. We are numerous but not as much as you humans. Our reproductive capabilities are not efficient as humans, but in return, we have a longer lifespan."

The elf awkwardly looks away.

I have a bad feeling. Do I have to give Liora a sex education talk? I must ensure she's not misled while I'm logged out. Despite her current skinny frame, Liora has the features of a beautiful young girl.

By the way, what age range defines a young girl? I personally consider Liora (about 13 to 16 years old) to be one.

Am I an outlier? Even as a god (self-proclaimed).

"I want Liora to eat a lot," I say.

"Thank you, god."

"First, we need to earn money. Liora is strong enough now, so if she registers with the adventurers' guild, she won't have trouble getting food."

"I'm happy. God!!"


We asked the elf if there was a guild. He smiles with joy. It's a captivating smile. However, Liora is impatiently waiting for the god's question to be answered.

"I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Euclis, an SS-ranked elf adventurer--!"

"SS rank?"

"Yes. I watched your fight from afar, and with your current skills, you could send enemies to the other world in a blink of an eye. Not that I would."

"You should have helped."

"If I had interfered clumsily, it would have been a hindrance, reducing your experience points. Most importantly, I wanted to see your skills."

Liora tenses up in caution. I've often taught her that enemies who seek information are dangerous and to be careful about revealing information. It's an achievement of my education.


"Liora. Relax. If you challenge him now, you'll be killed. Showing caution and hostility means defeat."

"Yes, god!"

Liora's body relaxes as if she's at home (though she can't relax at home). Euclis's eyes widen at her relaxation.

"You're impressive. Deciding to face me in an instant and then discarding that decision completely... You're not just composed, you're reliable!"


If I command, Liora can relax even at the brink of death. What will happen when he realizes the truth?

Lying is scary. But I wanted to role-play back then, and I think it was the right decision. There have been instances where child NPCs were too scared to be useful in real battles.

"Well then," Euclis says. "Let me guide you to our guild, warrior."

As expected, it was a wooden building. The black wood interior is calm and exudes the atmosphere of a peaceful afternoon coffee.

The guild is filled with silence. As expected of elves, there's elegance. Most of the population in this country are elves, and naturally, the guild is also predominantly elves. Some are drinking, savoring their drinks like in a high-end bar.

I'd like to try mead too.

An elderly elf, smoking a pipe, carefully maintains his bow. He lifts his face slowly, smiling gently.

"Oh, Euclis. Have you finished scouting?"

"Yes, Guild Master. I've found a liberator. This person here. Everyone! This is our savior!!"

Euclis's voice suddenly booms. The guild's elves gracefully glance and listen intently.

"This person will be crucial in the coming demon king war. I've seen her fight, and though her level is low, her skills are exceptional. Do not be disrespectful."


The elf woman who had been sipping mead stands. She approaches Liora with silent steps. She moves close, as if to peer into Liora's face.

"Euclis speaks true. I smell death."

Bowing respectfully, she gazes up at Liora.

"I am Ninela, the 'War Princess'. Would you cross blades with me?"


"...Very well. Then, if you defeat me, I will give you some of my treasures. I have good weapons and armor."


"Hmm, a skilled negotiator, I see. Then..."

Euclis grips Ninela's shoulder. The force is evident to onlookers. Euclis smiles gracefully. Even his eyes smile, though it's clearly a facade. People who can smile with their eyes are scary. Second-rate ones can't.

"Ninela. She's my guest."

"But brother, I want to fight strong people..."


Leaving the crestfallen Ninela behind, we approach the reception. The elves part to make way, some bowing their heads. Such politeness and composure. Truly a long-lived race.

We face the receptionist.

"Liora. Wants to be an adventurer."

"Understood, Liora. I will issue a guild card. Normally, proof of identity and a registration fee are required, but with Euclis's endorsement, we'll waive them." The receptionist beams a smile.

Cute. It lifts my spirits. I'm happy with my contract with Liora, but I originally intended to contract with an elf girl. At the time, Elfland wasn't open yet, so there were few elves. The second wave of contracts will likely involve more elves.

Beastfolk are popular too, so the third field might be a beastfolk nation.

The receptionist quickly makes the guild card. Liora answers the required questions verbally, keeping confidential information minimal as instructed. The card is useful for forming parties, but I prefer Liora to go solo. Socializing is troublesome. I've gotten her new skills for solo play. You'll see them soon.

"Okay, registration is complete. Do you need an explanation about the guild?"

"The god knows."

"...Liora, let's hear it. My understanding might differ significantly from humans'."

"The god says to listen."

"Very well," the receptionist smiles wryly.

The explanation is typical. Adventurers have ranks and can only take jobs within two ranks above or below their own. For jobs, check the bulletin board. A-rank and above jobs are available from dedicated receptionists. There are also compulsory missions, refusal of which can result in demotion or expulsion. They don't want those who run away when needed.

Liora happily looks at her guild card. I peek over her shoulder and see "A-Rank Adventurer—Liora." Shocked, I lose control and fall. Getting up, I see Liora confused.

"This is wrong. It should start at F-rank."

"No, with Euclis's recommendation, starting at A-rank is appropriate. We expect great things from you, liberator."

The guild fills with applause. It's neither noisy nor silent. Perhaps it's a big celebration for elves.

Thus, we became upper-rank adventurers.