
Villainess By Choice

To be or not to be...a villain — that is her question. Born to a wealthy family, Theresia Liechtenstein grew up with not much worry in the world. Until she learned the truth of their world from the mouth of her lover. With newfound knowledge, Theresia decides to change things in the story she is told. For the ending was something she couldn’t freely accept. With a plan at hand, Theresia forges into the battle of changing the destined path. But her plan soon loses meaning because the heroine is not who she seems to be. Filled with foiled plans, Theresia must now step up her game and be the greater evil she did not expect herself to be. ------------------------------------------------- "Well, I'll be damned~" I singsong in laughter as I watched the little play the heroine was showcasing. "That's the heroine you're all so proud of?" "I---" "She's quite something, I'll give you that," I sarcastically said, cutting him off completely — unimpressed by the woman he declared to be a foe I can't even imagine myself beating. "She's a fox," I added upon noticing how she skipped from one man to another as the party progressed. "That's not something I'd associate with an angelic heroine which you claimed her to be," "That's for plot progression. The men approached her first." I side-eyed him immediately with his lousy defense. "Continue believing that," "Where are you going all of a sudden?" he asked as soon as I turned my back on him and walked off. "To make arrangements," "What for?" I slowly turned around once more, showing him an innocent smile. "I need countermeasures, love. That woman is a green-tea and I refuse to be left defenseless." We'll all be damned if I let that sneaky little fox win everyone over. She's forcing her way into our lives and I refuse to let her take over. If she's looking for an enemy... I'll willingly take her on.

themilesaguanta · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Gossip Never Runs Dry

Gossip is fun.

For Cecelia that is.

From the biggest gossip that everyone is already aware of, to even the most minuscule issue like who amongst the servants of certain houses got ruined for gambling and such—she knows it all.

"The news has been shushed as much as possible, but apparently, Marchioness Bailey has been wailing to her husband, wanting her child to marry the Crown Prince." she began right after we ordered food.

She was confident in saying all this because right now, we're the only ones inside the huge private room in Aurora—one of the booming businesses of house Machedras where the twins hail.

"Isn't her child merely 11? Prince Zachary is our age. She's too young to even get engaged." Margarette asked, now invested in all this.

Raylan who heard this smiled. "Normally, children get engaged at 12. We only got lucky to get exempted from that thanks to our parents."

With what he said, I looked at each of my friends—analyzing and recalling the reason behind their singlehood.

The Machedras Twins—Frederick and Cecelia—are not yet engaged to anyone, mainly because they're still too dependent on each other's companies. No one is willing to date Cecelia, knowing that Frederick would tag along on outings to guard her.

Then there's Margarette, who enjoys designing clothes too much. She spends most of her time indulging herself in her hobbies. Even though proposals were given, since Margarette did not want to get distracted, her parents agreed to fend off any proposals until she was ready for them.

As for Violet…well…she joined the nobility when we were 10. No one wanted to get engaged to her at that time because they were uncertain of her noble blood. 

Back then, everyone had their doubts about her existence since she was kidnapped when she was merely a baby and was miraculously found by the Count on the streets. Even now, there are still others who doubt her connection to House Melbourne.

Then there's Leon, whom I need not think about. No man is willing to take him as a son-in-law even back then because he causes too much mischief. Father had a lot of headaches because of him and that did not subside even now.

Lastly, there's Raylan who until now refuses to be engaged. I don't know the real reason but he told me he is not ready for that yet and wishes to focus on his studies.

And till now, none of us know why he remains single and unengaged.

"I couldn't imagine myself tied to someone at such a young age," Margarette commented once more.

"Well, I bet you'll be tied to someone soon enough," Violet teased forcing Cecelia to wiggle her brows in delight.

"I get the gist, but I want the details coming straight from you, Dear Lady Margarette," she muttered as she got her hands together and leaned forward so she could hear clearly. "What's up with you and the Prince of Khasrun?"

"Nothing is going on. He just asked me if it's okay for him to escort me to the Imperial ball."

"Was he forced by someone?" Frederick suddenly asked earning him an immediate blow in the guts by his twin. "Ouch!"

"How can you say that?!"

"What?! I was just curious. If he was forced by someone, we need to beat him up before he can hurt Margarette."

I immediately shook my head at his awful suggestion. "Beating the Prince has consequences. We should make another plan instead of mindlessly beating him up,"

All of us are of high rank, but the Prince, despite how he's still fighting for his right to the throne, is still a foreign Prince. If we touch him, it may become a way for the other country to declare war.

[ Although that's highly stupid since they will go against the Phedora Theocracy that's blessed by the Celestials—it's still a possibility.  ]

"I don't think he was forced," Margarette spilled, now blushing profusely. "He was shy…and he only asked to escort me after he confessed."

Leon immediately whistled rudely at this. "He's fast,"

This time, Violet was the one to give him a blow. "Shut up!"

"Can we hear what he said?" Raylan asked, wanting Margarette to have the option of keeping it to herself if this group was too much for her.

Her blushing only intensified which we all noticed, causing our smile to turn into a smirk and our sitting position to relax even more—willing to take in all the tea in her story.

"I was sketching back then when he approached. We talked which I can't remember now…my mind was a haze back then. All I could remember is how he complimented my work and that he's been observing me silently for a while now,"

"How long are we talking about? He's not a stalker now is he?" Frederick asked worriedly once more.

"I don't think he is. If he was stalking her, we would have noticed,"

Each of us immediately nodded our heads at what Raylan said.

He is right.

If the Prince was stalking Margarette, we would have noticed since she's with us all the time. Especially Raylan, since he's one of the current captains of Paladins of the Holy Palace.

Aside from that, we have Leon who is the most proficient in magic among us and the current candidate for the Archmage position in the Magic Tower. Despite his childish banter with Violet, he is 3 years our senior and the most experienced in combat among us.

We also have Frederick, Cecelia, and I who are sword masters. We can detect enemies a few miles away.

Aside from us, our other friends are all proficient in either magic or swords. That's why no one dares to approach us recklessly—our looks can be deceiving.

We have the capability to destroy despite how friendly we may look.

"He was genuine…I guess…he looked genuine. The prince said that he likes me and would like to know me better…so he offered to escort me if I allow him."

Violet immediately squealed in delight. "So did the Prince already make his appointment? You both need to coordinate your clothes so he must have come to tailor his clothes in your boutique."

"He'll come tomorrow…with Duchess Montcroix,"

[  As expected, the Duchess wouldn't leave her adopted son alone. ] I thought while nodding my head.

Despite being a foreign prince, Prince Aegyptus was born and raised in the Moncroix Duchy in Lissale. His mother feared for her life after the concubine gained power. She ran away and sought refuge in Phedora Theocracy, hoping that her son would be born safely.

Aegyptus is the only son of the Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh in Khasrun—making him the rightful heir instead of the son of the concubine who now reigns a bloody monarchy.

"Then I suppose Princess Kethra will come as well?" Raylan asked curiously. "She's never away from the duchess after she manifested as a Valkyrie."

"I suppose,"

With this, I turned to my dear brother who was turning silent by the second. "You'll be with them tomorrow, Leon?"

"Shit," he cursed.

Ah. He obviously forgot. 

"Kethra is going to kill me!"

"Brother Julius and Sister Cassia won't be able to save you anymore. You've missed your last appointment with them and ditched your duties in the Institute a couple of times already,"

Leon could only ruffle his hair in frustration as I told him why Kethra would kill him for sure. The four of them are the closest in the Institute and they are childhood friends. They've tolerated him throughout the years but Leon has been in his worst behavior lately.

[ They too must be disappointed in him.  ]

"You better be there," Violet said firmly. "They would hate you if you ditch them again, just because you're afraid Princess Kethra will scold you,"

I turned to Violet in surprise.  I guess it's not all hatred that she has for Leon.  ]

[ Could it be?  ]

"Should I go, Leon?" she asked which made even Raylan look at them in bewilderment.

[ What's with this sudden development?   ] We all thought to ourselves in confusion. We never expected Leon to ever develop feelings for Violet since he loathes her to the core.

And Violet obviously reciprocates that hatred.

"And why would you do that?"

I thought for sure Leon's voice wavered—as though he was expecting something.

Only to be ruined in the end.

"I want to see how the princess will kill you. If she's out of weapon, I'm willing to hand her my dagger."

Leon's face turned red—in both embarrassment and anger.

"You little shit! I shouldn't have expected any kindness from your dark heart!"

"I, at the very least, have a heart,"

"Well, I've stolen many hearts," he proudly said which made me want to strangle him.

[ That's not something he should be proud of!   ]

Before I could react to that though, our food arrived forcing me to just drown my bad thoughts. Raylan who noticed everything chuckled to himself before drawing his plate close to me so I could transfer my peas to his plate.

We exchanged some of our experiences during our vacation as they began eating. Most of it came from Violet who had plenty of stories to tell.

"You sneaked out the first day you were there?" I asked in amusement. She's too bold for her own good. "And did you know of the terrain there already?"

"No. That's why I got lost," she answered nonchalantly as though that didn't sound dangerous at all.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Raylan asked worriedly. We know Violet would sneak out a couple of times to help those in need, but she was in the Capitol then and the crime rate in here is little to none.

"We don't have Zach or Theo here to help find you," I muttered, wanting her to know that she was safe only in the Capitol.

Crown Prince Zachary and Theoross have special powers that are great in detecting and tracing someone. That's why whenever we want to find Violet or anyone in the matter, we need them with us.

"I didn't want to rely on you too much," she said which made all of us sadly turn to her.

Violet genuinely smiled at us. "While I was on my way to our territory, I realized how much I wanted to stay with you all. I realized that throughout the years, I've been reliant on your love and care,"

"I wanted to try standing on my own…because something inside me told me that this happiness wouldn't last long. I'm afraid I will be set aside sooner or later…and be brought back to the time before I met you,"

[ She must mean the slums. She's afraid that she'll be returned to the slums.   ]

But why? 

Why in the world would she think of that? She's the child of Count Melbourne. She's the heir to their County.

"What's happened, Vee?" Cecelia asked after sharing worried glances at us.

"You know you can tell us anything. We're here for you,"

Violet looked away, somehow distracted. It took her quite a long time to reply to our concerns. "I had a dream and it's been repeating quite often."

"What is it about? Is it a nightmare?"

"I guess," she answered, her voice trailing off. "It always starts with me bullying someone…which I haven't done at all. All of you were there…but instead of helping me…all of you turned against me…you sent me to the guillotine."

"That's outrageous!" Margarette exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table and hurriedly hugging Violet who seemed shaken as she recalled the nightmare.

"Vee," I called out worriedly and took hold of her trembling hands. "We've been friends for how many years now. Do you really think our friendship is that feeble for us to turn our backs on you?"

Violet looked me in the eye, her eyes void of tears but obviously saddened. "No…and I keep telling myself that. But that nightmare keeps on popping up…and it's eating away my confidence."

"That was just a nightmare," Margarette muttered, burying herself in Violet's neck. "We will never ever turn against you. We will always have your back and no matter what anyone says, you'll always be our Violet!"

"That's right, Violet. That nightmare will never come true," Raylan assured which finally eased Violet.

I glanced at Raylan, amused by his power. [  When assurance comes from him, you better believe in it. ]

He's the embodiment of a Paladin, a holy knight serving in the temple, and the man gorgeous enough that people had mistaken him for a sculpted statue.

"Is there something more you wish to tell us about?" I suddenly asked after I saw Violet staring at me despite being buried in Margarette's embrace.

Her eyes were filled with concern that I too was affected by it. [  Is there something more in her nightmare?  ]

"Therese wasn't in my dreams," she mumbled in a low pitch. But the silence in the room made all of us hear it.


"All the others were there…except for you,"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked in concern.

 Everyone we know is in that dream except for me? ]

[  Is that supposed to be a premonition of some sort?   ]

Raylan and the others soon had creases on their forehead. Their worried glances intensified and they kept on alternately glancing at me and Violet.

"I don't know…just…you just weren't there. Even Everard was there,"

At the mention of such a name, my hold on the cutlery loosened. Luckily, the drop was close so it did not make enough noise. But what she said surely garnered all of our attention.


"He appeared in my dream…he randomly appeared there," she answered which made my heart race.

[ Why in the world would that man appear in her dream when he didn't even appear in our empire anymore? Nobody had seen that man for years now and yet he appeared in Violet's dream?!  ]

"Vee, did you pass by the Morgensteirne's carriage on your way back?" Cecelia asked curiously.

Violet turned to her, slowly nodding her head. What she did caused Cecelia to breathe a sigh of relief. "You know, I've read somewhere that dreams often reflect our fears and the concern of our waking life,"


"Therese has always been the most important to you. I'm sure you're afraid of losing her the most. That's why she did not appear in your dream. Your fear of losing her manifested itself in your dream."

With her explanation, Violet began regaining her composure. But one thing still bewildered her. "And Everard?"

"That was a reflection of your concern…after all, he will be returning and you so happen to come across one of their carriages on your way back home,"

Margarette who finally released Violet from her grasp turned her worry towards my direction. "Are you sure he's returning? For good?"

"The duchess had confirmed it herself. He will be returning this season…and will be joining Marian Zios Institute." Cecelia muttered. Despite such happy news, her voice did not appear cherry.

And the atmosphere only darkened at this.

Except on Frederick's side.

"We know nothing about him now. Do you have some news about him, Therese?" he suddenly asked causing me to nearly spit out my water.


"Haven't you been in contact with him this past few years he was gone?" he asked, being the often dense man that he is.

Not finding that enough, he added salt to my wounds—accidentally. "Do you still fancy him?"

Everyone immediately stopped whatever they were doing. I could hear their breath hitch and could see Cecelia wanting to choke the living daylights out of him.

Frederick just doesn't know. His innocent inquiry can't be answered by a rude remark.

So I indulged him instead of sending a chicken in his mouth to silence him.

"Everard no longer sends me anything. After he manifested as a beast tamer, he vanished off the face of the earth. I don't know where he is or who he is anymore."

"Too bad," he muttered in dismay which made me curiously look at him once more—totally unprepared for the next words he will say.

"I was expecting your engagement to him once you reach marriageable age,"

"Freddy!" Cecelia exclaimed as she slammed her hands on the table, now furious at him.

I was left tongue-tied by this. [ Well, everyone did expect that.   ]

Cecelia swiftly reacted and walked over to her brother, collaring him as she glared down at him. "You stupid---"

"What did I do?!"


That's what happened next.

Margarette and Violet seem to be lost in their thoughts. Cecelia was collaring and shaking her still confused brother. Leon had a sour look on his face and his hold on his cutlery was tight.

Raylan was looking directly at me in concern.

I could feel his stare burn and I didn't want to be faced with more questions from Frederick so I decided that it was better to leave for some fresh air.

"Please excuse me," I stated as I slowly stood up from my seat. "I need to go outside for a moment."

"Therese," Leon worriedly called out—reaching out his hand to catch mine. "Are you okay?"

[ No. I'm not.  ]

"I'm fine,"

I lied. Leon is already worried enough.

If I were to tell him honestly about my feelings, he may storm toward House Morgensteirne and wreak havoc.

 I don't want anything to do with him for now.  ]

To ease his worry, I offered him a gentle smile. When he retracted his hands, I quickly escaped from his clutches and headed outside—to the inner gazebo situated at the center of the inner garden.

There, the moon shone the brightest. There was no obstacle blocking its path—revealing its mighty size and glorious shine.

I silently took a seat in one of the chairs and breathed some fresh air to relieve the feelings I'd been bottling inside.

Everard Morgensteirne.

The name I adored back then and the name I've been trying to forget for a few years now. The last time I saw him was during his manifestation ritual where he manifested as a beast tamer.

Our meeting back then was brief as he left without saying anything at all—despite how much I looked forward to that day.

"Jerk," I whispered to the wind.

I was not the one who showed motive first. He was the first one to approach and confess…and yet he had to audacity to leave me hanging.

That left a foul stain in my heart.

He certainly played with me. 

He must have found great joy in watching me helplessly seek his attention. 

"I hope that's not directed at me,"

Without even turning, I immediately knew who came as the representative of the group. He must have come to console me.   ]

"Ray," I called out, leaning my head backward on the baluster. Raylan who was behind me caught my head in his torso. "Did I worry you?"

"Not as much as you worried them," he answered, offering me a smile. Despite his face being upside down in my view, he still looked angelic with his hair dangling down my face.

"Are you here to reprimand me for overreacting?"

He shook his head in reply before setting my head and back straight up. Raylan then placed his coat at my shoulders—worried I'd catch a cold.

Once he saw me looking snug in his large coat, he circled the gazebo and took a seat beside me. "I'm here to listen,"

"There's nothing new to share, really," I answered as I stared at the moon just outside the gazebo and smiled bitterly. "This issue has been on repeat. I'm sure you're bored listening to it by now,"

Raylan just smiled. My crush on Everard Morgensteirne is indeed nothing new. He knows of my heartbreak and he already expressed once how badly he wants to beat up the bastard for causing me this distress.

"Even if that's the case, I would still listen. Your concern is worth listening about," he answered, being the sweetest he has ever been. "If I listen, I can offer you advice,"

"Just being by my side is enough," I mumbled before slowly leaning my head on his shoulder.

All he did was remain silent—just like he always does—and by doing so, I found peace in this.

I could hear his calm breathing and I could tell that he was simply waiting for me to share my concern.

He has always been like this.

Always waiting for me to speak my heart out.

He could already tell that I was unwilling to unburden myself at this moment. So all he could do was provide a distraction—hoping to change my mood.

"Nights like this remind me of how we first met," he suddenly started after a long silence.

I opened my eyes and watched the moon shine bright and the garden gets enveloped by light. The fairies are coming out of their homes, buzzing around with their iridescent lights.

The scenery was the exact replica of our first meeting. I couldn't help but chuckle at this. "I was clueless back then,"

"Your eyes were simply closed," he muttered.

"Be honest, you found me foolish,"

"No. I found you strange," he honestly answered with a chuckle. "Our mothers are of Faie descent so we should be able to see fairies."

I could feel his head tilt.

Raylan must be reminiscing as he stared at my flaming red hair. We've already made countless memories, but how I first met him still left a mark and remains my favorite memory with him.

"You were shrouded in light back then. The fairies were practically fighting for your attention…and yet you didn't even give them any attention."

I chuckled as I remembered how he described back then that the fairies were fighting and literally grabbing each other, just so I could notice them. "Mother closed my gift. Until now, I don't know why she did that,"

"She was probably trying to protect you from their annoyance," he said, which immediately caught the attention of the fairies.

Five of them that were in close proximity charged at him without much haste and Raylan was left defending himself while laughing his ass off.

"I was just joking!"

"As if they would believe that," I muttered, amused at how he was fighting tiny lightbulbs circling him around using a small-sized sword.

"Alright. I surrender!" he exclaimed while raising his hands up.

The fairies, who were still red in anger, continued circling him around for a good few minutes. Raylan continued his position while I died laughing at his surrender.

Only when another swarm of fairies got out of their homes did they leave him alone. "They get easily agitated,"

"That's because they can only show such things to very few people here in Phedora. Had they lived in Faie, there would be no need for them to get offended easily, nor they need to play pranks just to catch someone's attention,"

He hummed in agreement. "I'm sure they're glad you can see them now,"

No. He got it all wrong. [  I'm the happiest since I can see them now.  ]

"Our first meeting was brief, don't you think so?" Raylan asked, now remembering even the tiniest of details. "Leon interrupted,"

"Like he usually does," I answered. We exchanged pleasantries back then since we first met in one of the sacred rituals in the empire—Heaven's blessing.

Heaven's blessing is celebrated each year, right after the Solar Ball during New Year. Children aged 9 or those turning 9 that year are the main celebrants of this celebration.

The celebration marks our first introduction to the society and takes place at Ashima Palace where the power of the Celestials is the strongest.

During the ceremony, we are not allowed to clap our hands since it's very sacred. The Celestials give blessings to the children, as such, there should be no interruptions.

But Leon nearly broke that rule. He wanted to throw punches at Raylan who was merely greeting out of formality.

Leon was only 12 back then and I was only 9—but his stupid protectiveness was already at its peak. Luckily, he was intercepted in time before the punch could even be thrown and I made sure he understood that I would hate him forever if he did anything foolish like offend one of the Ducal Houses.

"You were good at handling Leon, even back then," he muttered with a chuckle making me sit straight up and stare at him with a frown.

"You mean I had a temper even back then?"

He laughed at this. "Well, your temper makes you cute."

When I didn't respond and continued staring at him, he slowly reached out and touched my forehead, gently brushing the creases forming in it with a chuckle.

"Your frown looks cute…you remind me of Maximilian."

[ This boy!  ]

Offended, I smacked his arms as he nearly died laughing. "How can you compare me to your bulldog?!"

"What? Maxi is cute!" he exclaimed defensively in between his laughter. "He's literally the biggest baby there is. Even though he looks tough, he's the sweetest and most lovable dog I know,"


He reached out once more, this time aiming at my cheeks. "See? You're really my Maxi,"

"And I thought you're an angel," I muttered as I allowed him to continue squishing my cheeks.


"Really now?"

"That was my first impression, okay?"

After hearing this, he ceased his laughter and offered me one of his endearing smiles. "And now?"

 There's no denying…he still looks like an angel now. He grew a habit of teasing but he's still our angelic Raylan. ]

His long hair was swaying by the wind and his eyes shone brightly, illuminated by the moon—clearly revealing how jeweled it was.

I caught the tip of his swaying hair and smiled at him. "You're much of an angel now with your long hair,"

Raylan looked momentarily shocked—lost for words.

It took him a good few seconds to recover before he flashed me the smile all women would want to see before dying. "I know you like long hair. I guess it fits me well."

As the swaying of the wind intensified, Raylan's hair got tousled and his face got covered by it. I couldn't help but laugh at his current state. "You're like an alpaca now!"

"Very funny, Reese," he said as he tried blowing his hair out his face. "Help me!"

I laughed once more at this before deciding to lend my aid and end his miserable state. "Come here,"

Raylan immediately scooted over so he was close to me. I reached out my hands and gently brushed his hair at the side so I could see his eyes. "Should I braid your hair?"

"So that was your intent all along," he muttered.

He sounded disappointed and against what I wanted, but still, he turned his back and gathered his hair behind. "Don't put flowers,"

"You make me want to do it now," I joked as I began brushing his hair with my hands—delicately handling each snow-white strand.

"But it's so hard to remove," he whined. "I appreciate the fragrance, but the petals keep getting stuck in between my strands,"

I chuckled at this and continued smoothing his hair. His hair had much fuller gloss compared to mine on certain occasions. "The Celestials sure has favorites,"

"Why do you think so?"

"Not only were you given such a handsome angelic face, but they also gave you this long silky hair that even I am jealous of."

He shifted his sitting position and gave me a slight turn of his head, just enough for me to see his eyes staring at me with a smile. "I don't think I'm the Celestial's favorite,"

"You think I'm superior in looks, but you look the closest to the word divine. You were blessed with your mother's eyes and your father's hair. You have both of your parent's most iconic traits which sets you at the very top. The celestials are certainly biased." he grumbled.

"Oh please. Wherever you go, the sun and moon shine the brightest. The Celestials took their time in making you." I muttered to counter the absurd things he was muttering about. He shook his head in disagreement with what I just said. 

 Some may think I'm lying. But I'm not.   ]

In my eyes, and many others, Raylan is greatly favored by the Celestials. Violet was not exaggerating when she said that one look at him and you'll know you'll be with the Celestials in the afterlife.

He has snow-white, long hair neatly coiffured to reveal a thin, charming face. He has smart jeweled red eyes, set seductively within their sockets and soft skin graciously complimenting his eyes and hair, which leaves a fascinating memory of winter.

[ You'll expect him to look cold with how high in rank he is but he smiles the brightest.   ] I thought, still marveling at his handsome face.

People tend to welcome him with open arms while trying to subtly look more like him.

That's Raylan's effect on people.

"And for the record, I am not given this hair. I took care of it," he proudly stated which snapped me off my trance.

"You're more high maintenance than other women," I laughed before starting to braid his hair from the top.

Raylan is the heir to the Ducal House De Claire. He has been showered with love and care beyond compare. The care he receives in their house is topnotch and apparently, he places great care in his hair maintenance.

His hair is smoother compared to others. That's why he's been mistaken as a woman a couple of times.

"Did someone confess lately?" I asked curiously. "I heard Young Lord Callaghan was searching for a white-haired woman with jeweled eyes,"

"He'll be shocked to learn who that woman is," he answered nonchalantly. By now, he's immune to such teasing.

He had been confessed to a couple of times—both by men and women.

"And you? Are there still some brave souls left who dared to send proposals?"

I could only sigh at his question. "Foreigners are perhaps the only ones brave enough to covet my hand in marriage. They haven't met my family members so I understand why they would blindly send such letters."

"I'm surprised your father didn't interfere," he muttered in amusement.

Raylan has been by my side since we were 9. He saw firsthand how Father reacted to such proposals. Despite his known title as a war hero, he challenged all those who wished to marry me to a duel.

I can still remember how he announced at one of the social events that only those who can defeat him can have a chance with me.

No one in Phedora is brave enough to challenge his sword.

"He's been silent…but I doubt that would stay for long," I answered, my hands momentarily stopping from braiding Raylan's hair.

Everard has been his thorn. Despite his young age, Everard knows how to hold a sword and he is confident in his skills. Even though he is inferior to Father's strength, his resolve is unwavering.

The number of times he lost to Father cannot be counted. But never once did he admit defeat. He would come back again and again, arguing that he would not stop until he finally defeated Father.

All so he can have a chance of dating me.

[  And yet he ghosted me. What great mockery to House Liechtenstein. Father is itching to duel and kill him. I'd be happy to aid him in doing that!  ] 

While I was engrossed in memories of the past, a warm hand suddenly found mine. "Reese?"

Raylan knows what I'm thinking and he's here to offer his comfort...he is the representative of the group after all.

"I was reminiscing old times," I answered, not wanting to lie to him. "It's pathetic how I always remember things that should be forgotten,"

"Memories you see…the more you try to forget them…the more you'll remember."

[ And that is what makes everything depressing. ]

"Hey," he suddenly said as he gently squeezed my hand. "I know what can make you feel better,"


He slowly gathered his hair once more which came undone after I got engulfed by memories. "I'll allow you to place flowers in my hair,"

I couldn't help but stare at his jeweled eyes. He was genuine as always. Despite how much he whined earlier, he was still willing to do this.

"Ray~" I cooed as I engulfed him in an embrace. "I'll give you anything you want in this world,"

I thought for sure he'd ask for a sword or something since Father has legendary swords in his treasury and Raylan has been dying to receive one for quite some time now.

But instead, he chuckled and brushed off my offer. "The one thing I want can't be easily obtained,"

"Why? Maybe I can get it for you?"

He shook his head at this and reached out his hands to gently poke my nose. "It's coveted by many,"

"Come on. Tell me. I'll try my best to get it for you!"

Any treasure that he wants, even if it belongs in a foreign land, I can get it for him if I place my heart in it. All he needs to do now is tell me what it is and I will get it for him.

Raylan chuckled once more before he looked away and stared at the moon. "Only the Celestials can give it to me now,"

 Okay. Now he's involving even the Celestials. He must really want that wish and want to keep it under wraps.  ]

"Well…whatever it is that you wish…I pray to the Celestials as well that you receive it," I muttered and smiled widely at him. "Because Raylan deserves the world."

He stared at me, a smile slowly blossoming on his face. "What am I supposed to do now? I think Reese deserves the world too,"

"We can just conquer it together," I joked before braiding his hair once more. "I hope I can do this more often,"

"No can do!" he immediately reacted. "I'm only doing this as a special service, okay?"

"Can't this special service be offered all the time?"

He tilted his head once more and raised his brows. "It will no longer be special will it?"

[ He has a point. ] I thought with a smile.

"Then I will enjoy this to the fullest!"

"Don't fill my hair with flowers!" he warned but I was already plucking some roses that were growing at the railings. "Reese, I beg you. I don't want to go home looking like a flower pot!"

I ignored him and hummed as I began placing flowers in his finished French braid. He looked at me in horror when I continued placing more despite his objection.

"Do it moderati---nooooooo!"

I laughed at his reaction, now totally forgetting what brought me outside the restaurant. Raylan looked mortified by my decoration but all he could do was whine and continuously whine while I laughed to near death.


Behind The Scene: (Margarette's POV)

Love birds. 

Everyone will think of that if they're watching what we're watching right now.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched Theresia continuously place roses in Raylan's hair despite his obvious objection.

For sure, he'll be returning home smelling like roses again.

"I hate to watch this end," I muttered in melancholy.

"Gossip will surely be abuzz once Everard returns and I'm afraid Raylan will be set aside once he does," Cecelia muttered as she stood beside me to watch the magic unfold.

Frederick who was the cause of this came behind them. "Why?"

Cecelia immediately elbowed him in the guts again. "I'm still annoyed by that mouth of yours,"

I sighed as Frederick looked cluelessly and helplessly at his twin sister. "Shouldn't we do something?"

"Like what?" Cecelia asked as she approached the window even closer to get a better view of their precious friends' laughing faces. "Raylan asked not to intervene."

 Should I call him considerate or coward?   ] I thought as I analyzed the many emotions that Raylan is showing to Theresia right now.  I don't know.  ]

Sometimes, Raylan is too good to be true. He only wants Theresia's happiness even though it's obvious that he also wants to be her source of happiness.

He suppresses himself so often that now Theresia only sees him as her best friend.

"I don't get it," Frederick suddenly muttered which made both of us turn to him. "Why won't he just confess?"

As though on cue, Cecelia and I sighed at the same time. "You make that sound easy,"

"Huh? Isn't it? He just needs to say he likes her all this time and that he harbors feelings for her. He can just tell her to choose him instead of Everard."

Cecelia shook her head at his naivety. "Look at them Freddy. What do you see?"

Frederick watched Theresia and Raylan outside who were enjoying their time together as usual. "Lovebirds?"

"Therese sees them as friends," I answered for him. "He's afraid that his confession will ruin whatever it is they have at this moment."

"If he confesses, they can be so much more," Frederick argued once more.

But Cecelia was quick to dampen his feeble hope. "Do you think Therese feels the same way? Does she look at Raylan and think of him as a romantic partner instead of a friend?"

This statement made Frederick silently contemplate. It took him quite a long time before he could give us a sigh as an answer.

"I thought so,"

While the twins were busy looking at the lovebirds with complicated eyes, I caught Leon silently observing from the other window. "Will you support Raylan?"

Leon looked at me momentarily before he returned his gaze to Theresia. "I guess he's better than that Everard bastard. But he's much of a coward for our liking,"

"Why do you allow him near Therese all the time then?" Violet asked curiously. "I understand why you'd allow the others, but don't you see Raylan as a threat?"

He sighed at her questions. "I know Therese won't choose him. I'm still hostile, but with him, she's safe. And I know she won't be taken from us,"

Violet leaned on the window and gave him a mocking smile. "You shouldn't be so sure of that. Everard is a bastard in her eyes now. Raylan has a chance."

Leon returned her smile with a cold look. "Really? Then tell me why they had to go outside?"

His question forced Violet's smile to disappear. He then added salt to her wounds. "He's a good man…too much of a good man. He'll never have our Therese with how weak he is."

"We'll see about that," Violet said as a challenge. Right now, I could see the mischievous glint in her eyes.

She's up to something and I think Leon will not like the outcome of it. Unless Raylan learns how to fight for his love, this setup will remain.

"Raylan treasures Theresia too much to lose her," I commented before slowly returning to our table, afraid that Theresia would catch us eavesdropping on them.

 The peace the two have right now will soon be broken once Everard Morgensteirne returns. ] I concluded, bracing myself for the upcoming ball that will turn the tide for all of us.

Sorry for the delay in the chapter. There's a lot going on my plate lately.

I'll never stop writing about this story though.

Hoping for your continuous support. <3

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themilesaguantacreators' thoughts