
Vast Sea Visualization

In a world where magic meets the mind's vast expanse, Lucas, reborn as Harry Potter, wields the power of visualization to master his emotions and wandless magic. With a tranquil sea as his mental fortress, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and magical mastery.

Evoxius · 作品衍生
84 Chs

Hunting the Hunters

As the assassin crumbled to ash before him, the acrid stench of charred flesh mingling with the earthy scent of the forest, Lucas turned his gaze towards the location of the nearest sniper. His emerald eyes narrowed, the Elemental Sphere pulsing with power in his hands as he began to run, his small legs carrying him swiftly through the undergrowth. The forest blurred around him, a kaleidoscope of greens and browns as he dodged trees and leaped over fallen branches with a grace that belied his tender age. The air whipped past his face, cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the searing heat of the flames he had left behind.

Lucas's breath came in measured gasps, his chest rising and falling with each stride, the rhythm of his heart a steady drumbeat in his ears. As he surged forward, his thoughts moved with precise clarity, his intellect operating with unwavering precision. The thought of the snipers escaping, spreading knowledge of his powers to others, sent a chill down his spine, a cold, creeping sensation that settled in the pit of his stomach like a lead weight.

Lucas's eyes drifted shut for a moment, his awareness turning inward to the vast sea of his mind. The calm waters stretched endlessly before him, the horizon a distant line where sky met sea. Above, the azure expanse began to churn, clouds gathering and swirling in a dynamic flow that mirrored his intention to move swiftly and effortlessly.

A gentle breeze stirred the air above the sea, escalating into a formidable gale that gathered momentum with each passing second. The wind moved with purpose, a tailwind that propelled forward with unyielding force, driven by Lucas's focused intention to enhance his speed. As the gale intensified, Lucas visualized drawing down its essence, channeling the energy and directionality into his physical form. Luminous particles streamed from the sky, condensing into a tailwind that enveloped him in the real world, reducing resistance and pushing him forward with each stride.

Simultaneously, Lucas's attention turned to the sea's surface, where the wind's power created rolling swells. He imagined himself harnessing this rhythmic motion, lifting slightly off the ground with each swell to reduce friction and allow for faster, more fluid movement. The sea's upward force complemented the gale's forward push, propelling him onward with increasing velocity.

Lucas combined these elements into a singular, focused intent, activating the spell by envisioning the gale's push at his back and the swell's lift under his feet. Each breath drew the wind's energy closer, each exhalation releasing any resistance he might feel. The Elemental Sphere in his hands amplified the power of the gale and swell, enabling him to reach the speed of a grown athlete despite his small stature.

The forest became a blur of motion as Lucas raced towards the sniper's last known location, his footsteps barely touching the ground. Fallen branches cracked beneath his feet, the sound muffled by the rustling of leaves overhead. The earthy scent of the forest filled his nostrils, mingling with the faint, metallic tang of blood that still clung to his skin.

As he neared the spot where the sniper had been, Lucas's eyes scanned the surroundings, his gaze sharp and calculating. The sniper was gone, the only sign of their presence a faint impression in the undergrowth where they had lain. The muscles in his neck taut with tension, Lucas raised the Elemental Sphere above his head, the runes etched into its surface glowing with a fierce, fiery light. Small beams of flame shot out in every direction, igniting the trees and bushes they touched. The forest erupted into an inferno, the crackling of the flames drowning out the distant calls of birds and the rustling of leaves.

Smoke billowed from the burning foliage, thick and choking, but Lucas remained unaffected, his Air Purification Shield transforming the acrid fumes into pure, breathable air. He watched impassively as the flames spread, consuming everything in their path, the heat of the fire a palpable force against his skin.

In the distance, a flicker of movement caught Lucas's eye, a figure clad in green rising from the undergrowth and beginning to run. A sniper, attempting to flee the apocalyptic blaze. Lucas's lips curled into a cold, mirthless smile, his fingers tightening around the Elemental Sphere.

As the flames drew near, Lucas stood firm, his mind's eye conjuring the image of his vast sea under a tranquil, starlit sky. The serenity of the scene stood in stark contrast to the urgency of the encroaching fire, but it was this very calmness that Lucas drew upon to control the situation.

From the surface of the sea, a dense, cool mist began to rise, thickening and spreading to form a protective barrier between Lucas and the approaching flames. Simultaneously, a gentle but firm breeze stirred the air above the water, directed towards the fire with precise intent. The mist and breeze merged at the edge of the flames, the cool moisture absorbing and dissipating the heat while the wind ensured the mist remained dense and focused where it was needed most.

Lucas extended his hands towards the fire, fingers spread, channeling his intent through his palms. The mist and breeze emanated from his fingertips, merging into the physical world as a tangible force that met the flames head-on. The fire encountered the cool, moist barrier and began to diminish, its heat absorbed and its fuel deprived of oxygen.

Lucas maintained the visualization, adjusting the intensity and coverage of the mist and breeze as necessary, his breathing calm and measured. Each inhale drew in tranquility from the sea, each exhale reinforcing the protective barrier.

With the flames held at bay, Lucas resumed his pursuit of the fleeing sniper, his steps swift and sure. The fire parted before him, the smoke transforming into pure air as he passed. Burning trees and blackened branches blurred past, the heat of the flames a distant sensation against his skin.

As he closed the distance, Lucas's eyes locked onto the sniper's retreating form, his gaze unwavering. With a thought, an earth spike shot up from the ground, piercing through the sniper's face with a sickening crunch. The man's head tore free from his neck, dangling grotesquely atop the spike, his lifeless eyes staring blankly at the smoke-filled sky.

Lucas approached the corpse, his expression impassive, the Elemental Sphere thrumming with power in his hands. He studied the sniper's mangled features, committing every detail to memory. The man's face was a ruin of shattered bone and torn flesh, his jaw hanging slack, his tongue lolling obscenely from his mouth. Blood dripped from the ragged stump of his neck, pooling on the ground below.

Lucas's gaze traveled down the sniper's body, taking in the camouflage fatigues, the combat boots, the various pouches and holsters that adorned his belt. He reached out with his free hand, his fingers brushing against the cold metal of the sniper rifle that lay discarded on the ground. The weapon was a sleek, deadly thing, its barrel still warm from recent use.

The flames continued to rage around him, the heat of the fire a palpable force against his skin. But Lucas paid it no mind. He had more important things to worry about than a little discomfort.

He raised the Elemental Sphere once more, the runes etched into its surface glowing with a fierce, fiery light. With a thought, he sent a pulse of energy rippling outward, a silent command to the flames to spread, to consume everything in their path.

The forest erupted into an inferno, the crackling of the flames drowning out all other sounds. Smoke billowed from the burning foliage, thick and choking, but Lucas remained unaffected, his Air Purification Shield transforming the acrid fumes into pure, breathable air.

He watched impassively as the flames spread, consuming everything in their path. Trees toppled, their trunks reduced to charred stumps. Bushes and undergrowth withered and died, their leaves curling and blackening in the heat.

As the inferno raged, Lucas turned his attention to the remaining fleeing snipers, their silhouettes barely visible through the thick smoke and dancing flames. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a gust of wind surging through the forest, parting the smoke like a curtain and revealing the terrified faces of his prey.

He moved forward, his steps deliberate and measured, the Elemental Sphere pulsing with power in his hand. The snipers stumbled through the undergrowth, their weapons discarded, their eyes wide with fear. They knew they were no match for the demon child.

Lucas raised the Elemental Sphere, his emerald eyes reflecting the flickering flames. With a thought, he sent a giant blast of air hurtling towards the nearest sniper, lifting him off his feet and slamming him into a smoldering tree trunk. The man's scream was cut short as the impact knocked the breath from his lungs, his body crumpling to the ground like a marionette with its strings cut.

The remaining snipers scattered, their instincts overriding their training as they sought to put as much distance between themselves and the terrifying child as possible. But there was no escape from Lucas's wrath. He pursued them relentlessly, the Elemental Sphere guiding his steps, its runes glowing brighter with each passing moment.

He caught up to the second sniper at the edge of a clearing, the man's face streaked with soot and sweat. Lucas regarded him coldly, his head tilted slightly to the side, as if contemplating the most efficient way to dispose of this latest obstacle. The sniper's eyes darted from side to side, searching for an escape route, but there was none to be found.

With a flick of his wrist, Lucas sent a torrent of water surging from the Elemental Sphere, engulfing the sniper in a swirling vortex. The man thrashed and gasped, his lungs filling with water as he was dragged beneath the surface. Lucas watched impassively as the sniper's struggles grew weaker, his body finally going limp as the life drained from him.

The final sniper had managed to put some distance between himself and Lucas, his legs pumping furiously as he sprinted through the burning forest. But Lucas was not one to be denied his prey. He closed his eyes, reaching out with his magic, feeling for the telltale vibrations of the sniper's footsteps.

There. A flicker of movement, a disturbance in the earth. Lucas's eyes snapped open, and he thrust the Elemental Sphere forward, a wave of earth rising up to meet his command. The ground beneath the sniper's feet buckled and heaved, sending him sprawling face-first into the dirt.

Lucas approached slowly, his expression impassive, the Elemental Sphere glowing with an eerie, pulsing light. The sniper scrambled to his feet, his hands held up in a gesture of surrender, his eyes wide with terror.

"Please," he whispered, his voice hoarse with smoke and fear. "Please, don't kill me."

Lucas regarded him coldly, his head cocked to the side, as if considering the man's plea. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he sent a blast of air hurtling towards the sniper, lifting him off his feet and slamming him into a nearby tree. The man's head struck the trunk with a sickening crack, and he crumpled to the ground, his eyes staring sightlessly at the smoke-filled sky.

Lucas turned away, the Elemental Sphere pulsing with power in his hand. The forest burned around him, the flames casting flickering shadows across his face. He had done what needed to be done, had eliminated the threat to his life and his plans.


In the warmly lit living room of the Granger household, the family gathered around the television, their attention captured by the evening news. Daniel Granger, a tall, bespectacled man with a kind face, sat on the sofa, his arm draped around his wife, Emma, who nestled into his embrace. Their seven-year-old daughter, Hermione, perched on the edge of the armchair, her bushy brown hair framing her face as she watched the screen, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern.

The news anchor, a well-groomed man with a somber expression, shuffled his papers before looking directly into the camera. "Breaking news: An attempt has been made on the life of Harry Potter, the world-renowned child prodigy, during his visit to Germany. Reports indicate that a group of assassins targeted the young genius, resulting in a devastating attack that claimed the lives of his bodyguards and left a small forest in flames."

Hermione's fingers tightened around the armrests of the chair, her knuckles turning white as she leaned forward, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She had read about Harry Potter in the newspapers and magazines, marveling at his incredible intellect and the groundbreaking discoveries he had made at such a tender age. The thought of someone trying to harm him sent a chill down her spine, like icy tendrils creeping along her vertebrae.

The news anchor continued, his voice grave, the weight of his words hanging in the air. "According to eyewitness accounts, Harry Potter's bodyguards bravely sacrificed their lives to protect the young prodigy, urging him to flee to safety in a nearby car while they held off the attackers. The ensuing battle resulted in the destruction of a small forest, with flames consuming the area as the assassins were reportedly eliminated."

Daniel shook his head, his brow furrowed, the lines on his forehead deepening with concern. "Who would want to harm a child, especially one as brilliant as Harry Potter?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking the words too loudly would make the situation more real.

Emma placed a comforting hand on her husband's knee, her eyes filled with worry, the corners of her mouth turned down in a subtle frown. "It's just awful," she whispered, her gaze flickering to Hermione, who sat transfixed by the news report, her young face a mixture of fear and fascination.

The screen shifted to a live feed, where a disheveled and visibly shaken Harry Potter stood before a crowd of reporters, his emerald eyes glistening, the light catching the unshed tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks. Hermione's heart ached for him, the sight of his pain searing itself into her young mind, like a brand upon her memory.

Harry's voice wavered as he spoke, his words measured, each syllable weighted with grief. "I am deeply saddened by the loss of my bodyguards, who gave their lives to protect me. They were not just my protectors, but my friends, and I will forever be grateful for their bravery and sacrifice." He paused, taking a shuddering breath, his chest rising and falling with the effort to maintain his composure. "I hope that the authorities will swiftly bring those responsible for this heinous act to justice, so that no one else has to endure the pain and suffering that I have experienced today."

As Harry stepped away from the podium, the camera zoomed in on his face, capturing the glistening trails of tears that streaked his cheeks, the light reflecting off the moisture, creating a haunting portrait of sorrow. Hermione felt a lump form in her throat, her own eyes welling up with tears as she watched the young prodigy's grief play out on the screen, his pain palpable, even through the barrier of the television.

In that moment, a flicker of determination ignited within her, a small flame that burned brightly in her chest. She silently vowed to herself that if she ever had the chance to meet Harry Potter, she would do everything in her power to be his friend, to offer him the support and understanding that he so clearly needed, to be a beacon of light in the darkness that seemed to surround him.

As the news report concluded, Daniel reached for the remote, his fingers hovering over the power button, the plastic cool beneath his touch. "I think that's enough for tonight," he said softly, his eyes meeting Emma's in a silent exchange of concern, a wordless conversation passing between them.

Hermione nodded, her mind still reeling from the events she had witnessed on the screen, the images replaying in her head like a never-ending loop. She slipped off the armchair, her footsteps soft against the carpeted floor as she made her way to her parents' side, seeking the comfort of their presence. Emma wrapped an arm around her daughter, pulling her close, the warmth of her embrace a balm to Hermione's troubled soul. Daniel switched off the television, plunging the room into a contemplative silence, the weight of the news hanging heavy in the air.

In a luxurious hotel suite in Berlin, Lucas sat on the edge of the bed, his emerald eyes fixed on the television screen as he watched the news report of his own assassination attempt. The corners of his mouth twitched, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips as he observed the masterful performance he had given during the live interview, the way he had manipulated the emotions of the masses with a few well-chosen words and carefully crafted expressions.

The tears, the wavering voice, the carefully chosen words - all a calculated display to garner sympathy and support from the public. Lucas knew that by painting himself as the tragic, grieving survivor, he could further cement his status as a beloved figure, untouchable and revered by the masses, a pawn in his grand game of power and control.

He leaned back against the plush pillows, his fingers steepled beneath his chin, the cool silk of the pillowcase brushing against his skin as he replayed the events of the day in his mind. The assassins had been a threat, but easily dispatched with the power of the Elemental Sphere and his own formidable magical abilities.

Lucas's gaze drifted to the notebook that lay on the bedside table, its cover innocuous and unassuming, belying the power that lay within its pages. He had wielded the sphere with deadly precision, unleashing the fury of the elements upon his would-be killers, their screams a symphony to his ears, the smell of burning flesh and the crackle of flames a sweet perfume that lingered in his nostrils.

A knock at the door drew his attention, and Lucas rose from the bed, his movements fluid and graceful, the fabric of his small suit whispering against his skin as he crossed the room. His hand rested on the doorknob, the metal cool beneath his palm as he composed his features into a mask of solemn grief, the transformation as easy as slipping on a well-worn glove. With a deep breath, he opened the door, ready to face the world once more as the tragic, resilient child prodigy, his true nature hidden beneath a veil of innocence and vulnerability, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

As he stepped into the hallway, flanked by a new set of bodyguards, their faces a blur of insignificance, Lucas allowed himself a small, secret smile, the curve of his lips a silent promise of the power that lay ahead, the world his for the taking.