
Vampire and Werewolve

He was a vampire prince and she was a princess a Werewolves... She was rejected by her mate and disowned by her family was broken. Determined her survived she keeps her identity a secret while pretending to be a human and attending high school! On the other hand, a vampire prince attending the same school in disguise notice her and fall in love with her! Will she take a leap of faith in love?! *Where is she..?! John asked. Adam got panic when he didn't find her. Bella...! He shouts. Seeing Adam worrying for Bella because he wasn't feeling well these days and now she is not here John also got worried and said to himself, *I should have to tell him before. *Adam I have something to say, John said to Adam. *Listen Diana please don't even try to lie. Please..! At least not this time. After trying a lot they search the place where Bella is and the place is "The World Of Fantasy". And they have "The King" also. * Where is my Bella..! Adam asked the king. On which king replied, *Your Bella is now my.........

Sumbal · 奇幻言情
242 Chs


She got tears in her eyes. She then said to herself,

"I don't belong to anyone, I am only yours, Adam. "

She then closed her eyes and swallow her tears and took a deep breath. She then Said, Adam, I hope you are fine.

She was not feeling well at that time eat. Her head was spinning. But she somehow managed herself.

Tin after taking meal went to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She then opened her eyes and turned around and smiled.

He said, let's do our work.

They then sat and start studying. Bella was teaching him continuously and finished her work soon. After this she said,

" ok, so I have to go now."

Tin was looking at her he said,

" fine, let's go."

Bella then said, "I can go by myself, it's not dark today."

Yes I know it's not dark but, you are feeling not well so I will drop you.

" Look Tin there is no need, please I can go."

"I can say the same please and we are friends now and you are my responsibility."

Because she was not feeling well,

she then without saying anything, nodded, and then they left.

On the other hand, Adam was in the forest remembering His and Bella's moments. He thought a lot about What Diana said and their sweet memories. Then it comes to his mind that Bella will never do this to him.

He was like, "Yes she will never do this."

He trust her, he had trust in his love, but the thing that is bothering him and that make him of thinking about all this is that Diana had the power to see the future. He got frustrated.

Then he said, no I shouldn't do this. Our love is not that weak. Then he decided to go to her house to see her. And then he left for her home.

As he was a vampire and had the ability also of running fast so he run fast and went to her house in a very short time.

When he went, he was standing behind the tree and was thinking about, what will he say to her that why he came from school? and where was here?

He then said, let's step in first and then see what will happen? He then took a step forward and saw that her house was locked.

Seeing this he turned around and when he turned around Tin's car stopped in front of her house.

Adam heard a noise and turned again. He saw its Tin's car.