
Uzumaki clan: rise in a cultivation world

Haru is reincarnated as the heir to a dying clan named the shen clan and just as he is about to become the clan leader he awakens the uzumaki bloodline. Not only that he can awaken it in the entire clan however the information that the inheritance comes with, informs him of how truly dangerous this cultivation world is. the story is about the rise of the clan from its lowest to its highest point while garnering greed, envy and a hell of a lot of enemies. [i have never written a cultivation story before so...comment on how i do anyway, have fun]

Narciss84 · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Uzumaki attack 2

Haru managed to jump back in time but the smoke managed to touch his arms before he could fully evade, they were engulfed for are mere split second but the damage was visible, the entire hand looked akin to a rusten metal, Nevertheless The elder appeared somewhat surprised and dissapointed at the result because whilst the injuries looked horrific they were mere surface wounds and a few seconds later, Haru bit the wounds and as a result they flaked away like a snake shedding its skin leaving pure white skin behind and no indication of infection.

"What the hell?! i couldn't feel my hand there for a minute, what was that" Haru spoke when he finally healed. "The venom of a godbeast bloodline creature...its meant to turn your body into rust by means of erosion untill there is nothing left, it would cripple someone of my level in minutes...makes me wonder what exactly you've become boy?," The old man with an aged voice tremblingly said and then he gestured to the battle where the Uzumaki guards had joined the fight against the forces of the other clans.

"All of you have become incredibly powerful in such a short time, its a shame"... What is? Haru asked but an ambush attack came once more in the form of a clawed hand coming from the female elder who had recovered, he managed to release the chains from his side to meet the claws and use them as a springboard to get back again. "tch", you really think you can take us both, Im doing it now already, Haru replied snarkily to the womans comment which got a clear response as her eyes turned blood red and scales started appearing over her cheeks and arms, 2 horns appeared on her forehead and when she opened her mouth she had sharp canine teeth

This is a bloodline, she started in an educating tone. Much like what i feel you have awakened however this bloodline is that of a snake, The 8 heavens divine snake. a tier 8 poisonous beast of legend, This is a true bloodline that can be found in only one in trillions, not this...this thing that you give to an entire clan like charity. "rarity isn't the be all end all you know", Haru responded to the snake lady in front of him. Maybe not but it'll be your end, She moved again but it was different from how she usually did, it was smoother, faster but more limited and the reason why made itself clear when She dove towards him face first, using her tail as a springboard.

Her strike was followed closely by the male elder behind her

Meanwhile after the female elder had gotten up from her fall she immediately flew back up leaving Shun and the Chubby cultivator alone once more, They had awkwardly stared at each other for a moment before acting in sync, Chubby unlike his size and stature would suggest appeared very fast and used that speed to get into physical fighting distance of Shun and then a purple image engulfed the chubby cultivators Hand indicating the use of a powerful Marshall technique that was met with a mud wall jutsu.

The jutsu however easily crumbled and Shun was hit squarely in the chest with the attack be it the damage was somewhat nullified, Shun was able to Tank the blow and deliver one of his own to his foes belly however his hand merely sunk into the flesh like it was a mass of quicksand. There was clearly no damage taken nor delivered and it complicated this fight that was meant to be a simple bout however the chubby cultivator is seemingly immune to physical attacks. Okay so that's useless, i should rather...find a way to seal him somewhere". His thoughts were disturbed by a mad laughter and a round of rather fast jabs and kicks from the manic man infront of him, They were rather annoying and disturbed his hand sign making fortunately Shun himself is a durable person so he was able to tank the hits until he completed the signs

Fire style, Fireball jutsu- the wave of fire was intense and was fueled by spiritual energy making the flames more intense and wider, The chubby cultivator was angulfed in the flames and only when the flames subsided was a charred form visible with sizzling clothes and pitch black skin. The result shocked not only the target but Shun himself, apparently supporting a jutsu with spiritual energy made it more powerful, food for thought after this, he made one more sequence of hand seals while the charred mess spoke its final words in a dry tone..."you'll never win Uzumaki" stone projectile jutsu, the life ended with a bullet fast stone that pierced the forehead. 

"and here I was starting to think I needed to seal him, apparently he's weak to spiritual attacks. I doubt he thought i could do them though, not with the cultivation I showed". Shun then looked back at the warzone.