
Untouched by the Outbreak

Ryo Tanaka, a struggling college student, works tirelessly at multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. In a bid to earn some extra cash, he volunteers for a paid drug research study, unaware that it will alter the course of his life forever. The experiment takes a disastrous turn, leaving Ryo bedridden with a high fever for several days. But when he finally awakens, he finds himself in a world plunged into chaos. A deadly virus has ravaged the city, turning its inhabitants into ravenous, flesh-eating zombies. Streets once bustling with life now lay desolate, the remnants of civilization crumbling under the weight of the apocalypse.

Jacksen_Bent · 灵异恐怖
141 Chs

Chapter 8: Confronting the Unknown

Ryo's heart pounded as he descended the stairs, each step echoing in the silence of the deserted apartment building. His mind raced with the knowledge he had gathered, the images of chaos and destruction from the news still vivid in his memory. As he reached the ground floor, he hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves.

The front door creaked open, and Ryo stepped outside. The once bustling street was eerily quiet, the only sound the distant rustle of leaves in the wind. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that stretched across the empty pavement. Ryo scanned the area, his senses heightened by a mix of fear and determination.

As he took a few cautious steps forward, his eyes caught movement in the distance. At first, it was just a shadow, a flicker at the edge of his vision. But as he focused, he saw them—zombies. Their disheveled forms shambled aimlessly, their vacant eyes scanning their surroundings. Ryo's blood ran cold as he realized the enormity of the situation.

He froze, his breath catching in his throat. The news reports had described the zombies as hyper-aggressive, attacking anyone they saw. His mind raced, recalling the details of their behavior, especially their heightened activity at night. The thought of facing them in the darkness sent a shiver down his spine.

Ryo took a step back, his instincts screaming at him to retreat. His foot landed on a loose piece of gravel, the sound sharp in the stillness. One of the zombies turned its head, its lifeless eyes locking onto him. Panic surged through Ryo as he turned and bolted back toward the building.

His heart pounded in his ears as he sprinted up the stairs, the world a blur around him. He didn't dare look back, the imagined presence of the zombie close behind driving him faster. He burst through the door of his apartment, slamming it shut behind him and leaning against it, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

For a moment, Ryo stood there, his body trembling as he processed what he had just seen. The reality of the situation hit him like a tidal wave. The world outside his apartment had become a nightmare, and survival was the new order of the day. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

He moved to the window, peering out cautiously. The zombies were still there, milling about with a slow, unsettling purpose. He watched as they moved aimlessly, their jerky movements a grotesque parody of life. The streets were littered with abandoned cars, broken windows, and signs of hurried departures. The city he once knew was now a wasteland.

Ryo backed away from the window, his mind racing. He needed a plan. The thought of venturing out again filled him with dread, but he knew he couldn't stay holed up in his apartment forever. He needed supplies, information, and most importantly, a safe place to weather the storm.

He sat down at his small kitchen table, pulling out a notepad and pen. He began to jot down a list of priorities: food, water, weapons, and information about the outbreak. His mind drifted to the research facility. If there were answers to be found, that was the place to start. But the thought of making his way through the zombie-infested streets was daunting.

Ryo's stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since his disorienting awakening. He moved to the refrigerator, pulling out the ingredients he had stocked up on earlier. Despite the fear gnawing at his insides, he forced himself to cook a simple meal, his hands moving mechanically as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

As he ate, his eyes wandered to the television. He turned it on, flipping through the channels, but there was nothing—no signal, no broadcasts, just static. The silence was deafening, the absence of news a stark reminder of the world outside his door. He set down his fork, his appetite fading as the weight of the situation pressed down on him.

Ryo reached for his smartphone, opening the news app once more. He scrolled through the old articles, trying to piece together a timeline of events. The initial reports had been confused, speculation mixed with facts as the outbreak spread. The last updates were from day six, a frantic scramble for survival as governments and societies crumbled.

He switched to social media, hoping for some sign of life, some message from friends or family. But his feeds were eerily silent, the most recent posts several days old. Panic had given way to chaos, and then... nothing. The silence was oppressive, a void filled with unanswered questions.

Ryo stood up, pacing the small apartment as he tried to formulate a plan. He needed to understand the situation better, to find some semblance of safety in a world gone mad. His thoughts returned to the research facility. If he could get there, he might find answers—about the outbreak, about his own immunity, and about what steps to take next.

He walked back to the window and looked out again, watching the zombies below. He needed to gather supplies, but he also needed to be cautious. Going out there unprepared was a death sentence. He considered his options carefully, thinking about where he might find food, water, and something to defend himself with.

He'd have to move quickly and quietly, avoiding the zombies as best he could. Ryo knew it would be dangerous, but staying in his apartment with dwindling supplies was not an option. He would need to venture out, gather what he needed, and return to his apartment to plan his next steps.

As the day wore on, Ryo began to map out a route in his mind. The local convenience store was only a few blocks away, and it might still have supplies. There was also a hardware store nearby where he could find tools or weapons. He knew he had to make a move soon, while there was still daylight and the zombies were less active.

Taking one last look around his apartment, Ryo steeled himself for the task ahead. The journey would be perilous, but he had no choice. He had to find answers, to survive, and to uncover the truth behind the outbreak. The world outside was a dangerous, unknown territory, and he was about to step into it. With a final deep breath, he began to prepare for his venture, driven by a newfound determination to uncover the truth and survive in this altered world.


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