
Under your Command

A soldiers job is to protect the country yet they can't protect their love ones. Maddie was suspended being the military commander she was traumatized and started to take action by herself. Until she met Green Le Cartel the arrogant tweety bird which was now her Fiancé how much secrets will they keep from each other? Will hatred and revenge will change their path together?

Calorie · 现代言情
4 Chs

Old Comrades

Green's Pov

Green was so irritated how the woman spoke to him, no one has ever than that towards him.

"Have a sit Ms?" He asked.

"Maddie Lewis." Maddie answered in a bored voice.

"Well then Ms. Lewis what is your purpose towards my brother? I can sense you have no interest towards me." He said.

"Not just arrogant but also straight forward more I like it I don't have any interest with Neon. He dragged me here without knowing anything I just followed the poor kid and here I am." She answered.

Green was not convince with her answer but knowing his little brother he won't pick up some strangers. Ever since the kidnapping incident he became more aloof with everyone but this woman is different.

"Very well since my brother trusted you I'll give you a task because I really need a fiancé right now. I'm not just a celebrity Ms. Lewis I was also the head of the Hydra, I won't be able to have my position without someone beside me." He said while massaging his head in frustration.

Green was so not happy with this kind of condition knowing that a lot were after him. They might also dragged this woman in front of him but of course he won't let that to happen.

This is the trial he had to face as the head of Le Cartel, he need to survive not just protecting his family but also the incoming one to be part of his life.

All his weakness must be under his control to protect them and it wasn't an easy job at all. He almost lost his little brother years ago if it wasn't for that daredevil major who saved him.

"I see where's the contract?" Maddie asked.

Green passed the contract he was a bit surprise that the woman would ask about it. It seems like she knows what she's doing and wasn't trouble about it either.

"You seems to predict whats next Ms. Lewis you surprise me." He said.

Maddie look at him with her fearless green eyes.

"I also need someone like you to help me now that I lost one of my comrades." She said directly.

"Sure not a problem with me your life is at risk beside me so a simple wish won't be bad." He replied out of curiosity.

"I'll tell you when I finally got a lead as for now let's make the blood contract." She said with no big deal and grabbed his hand.

"Wait hold on what are you doing!" He said in a panicked voice.

Green might be successful and all sharp stuffs is his weakness.

"Seriously its just a needle I won't slice your palm open but if you like we could try to do that." She answered.

"Hell no you first." He said pulling his hand.

"Tweet tweet." Maddie said and rolled her eyes at him.

Green saw how she pricked her finger at the needle and drop her blood at the contract.

"I'm not a freaking bird." He said and pointed his finger towards her while closing his eyes.

"Poor birdy." Maddie teased and prick his finger making him flinch.

"Ouch!!" He blurted.

Maddie laughed so hard with his reaction making him glare at her.

"Your face was epic." She said while continue to laugh.

"You know what I hate you." He said and fix his stuff.

"Perfect the feeling is mutual mate." She said while giving him a smile.

He was dumbfounded on what Maddie said making him more irritated at her.

"We are going out to buy you a ring and also your taste of clothes is horrible." He said and pull her out of the office.

"Am I that light to you? You two are real brothers dragging is your best asset." She replied in sarcasm.

"Oh baby I'm just getting started." He said while grinning but the woman beside her froze.

Green was a bit confused on how she reacted it feels like he said something that he shouldn't.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing its been so long since someone called me in that endearment." She replied in a low voice.

"Must be a lover." He thought.

"You aren't seeing someone right?" He asked to confirm.

"Negative." She replied.

"Negative? You sound like a soldi-"

"I love watching action movies thats why." She replied.

Green shrug his shoulders, the door opened at the parking area.

"You drive." He said and stand at the back seat.

"Who's the nutcase person would let his fiancé drive?" She said glaring at him.

"The door please my feets all numb waiting for the door." He said trying to tease her.

"Open it yourself birdie." She replied and got in the driver's seat.

"I can't believe I accepted you as my fiancé." He blurted in dissapointment.

"Me neither." She answered and turned on the car while driving it to its fast speed.

"You got to be kidding me slow down!" He said.

But Maddie just grinned and drove it more fast.

Green became more pale and his about to vomit if this continues.

"Where here you okay?" She said innocently.

Green got out of the car and ran to the nearest trash can and vomit.

"Oh sweetie are you okay? You must be so exhausted experiencing my wrath." She said while rubbing his back.

"I'll throw you at the Han river." He replied wiping his mouth.

"Here you stink!" She joked.

Green glared at her and gargles the water.

A sudded scream was heard making him spit the water.

"Isn't that Green Le Cartel?!" Two young ladies screamed making the other people around them.

"Oh no." He blurted.

"What do you-" a lot of security were running towards them.

While the other people were trying to pull him, Maddie almost forgot that this guy was a complete celebrity.

He was shocked when Maddie grabbed his hands and ran inside the mall.

"Our first date was awesome running for our lives." Maddie shouted while laughing.

Green was amaze to see her happy, by just running so he followed her.

"You must be used to this kind of incident when were together Ms. Lewis. On the left wing at Aluminum that's my friend's shop." He shouted back.

Some people were confused why are they running but the other screaming of the crowd behind made the others follow them.

"This is getting out of hand a lot of zombies were after us!" He joked.

"Yeah and it seems like I kidnapped their mastermind!" Maddie answered and turned left.

Acorn was currently talking outside the shop when he turned towards them making his eyes widened.

"Holy cheese-"

"Get in!" He shouted and pulled him inside the boutique.

Green pulled the two of them inside Acorn's office.

"That's a crazy tough exercise." Maddie blurted.

"What the hell are you doing here and seriously no cover ups?" Acorn nagged.

"This fiancé of mine loves to enjoy extremes." He answered.

"So what now?" Maddie said like nothing happened.

The two of them look at each other and Acorn grabbed him away from her.

"Is she normal? Are you sure your not casted some black spells?" Acorn asked.

Green laughed on what he heard.

"Sadly, but no and she is normal I need you to fix her." Green said looking at her.

"You must be-"

Maddie suddenly moved and almost kicked the poor staff in the face.

"Oh I'm so sorry for that." She said while bowing her head.

"She's not normal where did you get her?" Acorn asked him.

"Neon introduced her to me and he trusted her." He replied.

"You got a hell of a woman out there." Acorn said while looking at Maddie head to foot.

"Help me fix her." He said.

"Fine." Acorn answered.

The got back at Maddie and Acorn walk towards her.

"I'm Acorn De Bleu the owner of this boutique and green and I are great friends since junior high." Acorn said offering his hand.

"Maddie Lewis serg- I mean Mr. De Bleu." She said.

"Dear your soon to be husband is a famous celebrity you must be careful with your appearance for pete's sake!" Acorn nagged at her making her covered her ears.

"I'll leave the rest to you Acorn." Green said and sat in front of him.

"Chop! Chop! Set 18 I need it now!" Acorn shouted and two stuff were holding a set of clothes.

Before Acorn could speak Maddie remove her long shabby jacket revealing her sports bra and exercise short.

"You've been wearing that piece of cloth ever since?" Green blurted in surprise.

"Hell yeah what's wrong with that? Its just clothes." Maddie answered.

"Goodness for a lady like you to have this kind of body. What happened to you!" Acorn exclaimed making Green stood up.

Her body was properly built and she even have abs like it was exercised properly. Maddie's tan skin doesn't look bad at all it suited her perfectly. But the moment she turned around Green was surprised to see the scar in her bare back.

"Can we just finished this? I'm a bit hungry." She blurted.

He was so confused where did she got those scars however, he didn't even dare to ask.

Acorn dragged Maddie into to fitting room leaving him.

Green was currently waiting for her at the office when Lois suddenly came and looks irritated.

"No wonder those people are outside where's my wife." Lois said while glaring at him

"Helping my fiancé inside still short tempered as always Mr. De Bleu." He said.

"You know its a good news that you'll be able to have someone with you. I might reconsider you as a friend of mine." Lois replied and sat on the other couch.

"Drinks sir." The staff said giving us some wine.

"Thank you."

Minutes had passed and Acorn got out from the fitting room with a wide smile.

"Come on Maddie." He said while pulling Maddie out.

Green almost choke from the wine but he's not the only one who's surprise because Lois just spit the wine on his face.

"What the hell dude." Green exclaimed.

"What are you doing here!" Lois blurted.

"Oh long time no see mate." Maddie said grinning at Lois.

"Honey you know each other?" Acorn asked.

"No/Yes." Both of them answered.

"It seems like someone's not being honest." Maddie said while walking towards Green and suddenly sat at his lap which made him a bit surprise.

"Honey?" Acorn said glaring at Lois.

"We once worked together in a case right Lois?" Maddie answered while wiping the wine dripping on his face.

"Y-yeah." Lois replied while glaring at Maddie.

"I thought your work was just at the office?" Acorn said suspiciously.

"You don't need to worry Acorn its been ages and I guess you two are already married right?" Maddie changed the topic.

"Your right what a small world it is." Acorn smiled and dragged Lois.

"Thank you Acorn we will take our leave the old man might be freaking out right now." Green said.

"You know what I take back what I said earlier your soon to be wife is a pain in the ass good luck." Lois whispered while shaking his head.

"Oh come on its been two years Lois you need to move on and some respects old bark I'm your superior." Maddie teased making Lois more irritated at her.

"Will you take her away Green!" He said.

"Honey thats rude." Acorn warned him.

"But honey-"

"No buts see you guys some other time." Acorn waved at them and pointed the other door.

The people are no longer outside and some body guards were already waiting.

"Old pops sure is fast." Green blurted.

"Who?" Maddie asked.

"My grand father these are his people and I guess he heard the news from Neon." Green explained.

"This way young master." Cain said and raised his head while he's eyes widened at Maddie.


"Sweetie we need to go." Maddie replied and pushed him at the car.

"Okay." Green said.