
Under Dark Warrioress

A girl stared at the deep red blood moon at almost midnight The moon was red an beautiful but it only reminded her of her painful ‘fake’ memories that she has She found herself in an unknown place and upon getting out she arrived at another unknown place that she couldn’t get out o She has to live in said unknown place until she becomes the strongest person to be able to go back and find out the secret of her parents But before the time comes she doesn’t want to go back “I don’t want to go back, why don’t you just believe me?!” The people around her don’t believe her because cause she is growing stronger at an unimaginable speed A system, Unique blood line, a beautiful face, long hair With all these it would be very hard to disguise as a man but not impossible

Idril_drows · 奇幻言情
9 Chs

Strong Mana

"This has to be a prank"

"I think someone is pulling my leg" she taught then she realized no one cared about her enough to pull a prank on her …

She fell into an awkward silence and decided to continue reading the message again and engrave it into her memory.

"I understand everything in the message except unlock happiness"

"It doesn't make any sense. Is it like a metaphor or something. If so can I really be happy".

A dark shadow covered her face and she looked down at her feet while clenching her fist and her nails directly clawed into her palm

"…but then again, can someone like me really be happy. Do I even deserve it, a monster like me"

The mood suddenly make a complete 180°

Exhaling exhaustedly ~

Let's not be down in the dumps. I will get out of here so that so called happiness clenching her fist while looking up. It showed her eagerness

She sat crossed legged on the ground, which was the standard sitting method for mana training that she created

"First I'll start with magic. I'm about to be a 3rd circle mage so I only have about 2 circles left to reach the magic training requirement"

"First: concentration

Second: feeling the mana around you

Third: breath in the mana

Forth: circling the mana into your veins

Fifth: next storing the mana at various spots in your body, otherwise called 'mana points'

Sixth: purify the mana in the mana points

Seventh: Move purified mana into the heart and then other parts of the body

Eighth: Store as much mana as possible until a mana circle is formed"

" That is the method to train mana "

"Concentration art"




"Gasp. Pant. Pant. Pant"

"O-oh my go…sh" she exclaimed after coughing out blood. Breathing loudly and frantically while clenching her body and roolling on the ground

While rolling around in pain and her face strained and blue veins started appearing on her body, with cold sweat dripping down her face.

She started thinking of ways to relieve the pain

"The mana in here is too strong! It's so strong I couldn't even detect it. I was too careless. I have to stabilize the mana in my body before I explode!"

She then struggled using all the strength she could muster up and sat back in her cross legged position "ACK" she winced her face and started stabilizing her mana

she closed and started breathing heavily

After some time of training her face and body started getting relaxed, the colour of her veins reverted back to normal and her breathing started to calm down until it was back to normal.

Soon after that her body started emitting a blue aura and she entered a deep concentration





After some time she steadily opened her eyes and said

"This place is awesome"

With a wide grin on her face that looked a little evil and she said, as if to boast to everyone

"I advanced all the way to 5th circle"

I decided to make her just a tiny bit evil but not cruel or crazy but more life strong willed and not naive

Idril_drowscreators' thoughts