
Unbridged mysteries

Loyd Reno, a 14 year old boy who lives alone with his older brother faces strange and unknown events in his life which completely changes the entire world of vision.

Koro7 · 科幻
17 Chs

Chapter 15

In a split second, Loyd attacks the captain with his strange bloodstained heavy weapon.

The captain stunned for a few seconds, looks down slowly to his chest to witness his armour somehow leaking out blood.

'What the hell was that weapon? I've never seen such a thing' he pondered after being stunned.

Captain's eyes are suddenly shadowed and his face becomes emotionless.

"Lock, do you comprehend what it means to attack me?"

Lock set his raging face back in confusion. He hadn't told the general his name, so how did he know it?

Then, Lock's face stiffened to a cold expression.

"Do you think I care!?"

"I see, you must be enraged at my army destroying your hometown" the captain replied calmly.

*A sudden projectile blazes through the air aiming straight to the captain*

*The captain with his eyes still shadowed, catches the projectile with his bare hands unfazed*

"Watch what your tongue old bastard!" Lock gritted angrily.

'This boy has a strange looking heavy weapon and now something that can shoot a projectile?' The captain pondered as he lowered his hand.

"Nice try young man, but-

At the same moment the captain was speaking, a red glow started to emanate from his hand.


*Graphical scene of the captain's arm suddenly blown off*

Lock then started to trudge forward at a slow pace holding his mighty weapon behind his back.

*Captain is revealed slowly from the smoke with thick blood dripping down his face and blown off arm*

Lock then thrust his large strange weapon into the ground causing several cracks to follow through.

He walked up to the captain and then proceeded to grab him by the neck.

Just as he was about to do this, a few monsters come darting towards Lock screaming out horrific noises.

*Slow motion scene*

Lock stops his hand mid air and then swings it to the swide without moving his gaze.

*A small monster with no eyes and a huge mouth is then chopped in half by loyd before it even reaches his shoulder*

Lock then turns around with a cold glare and pulls hit great weapon out the ground.

*Scene of Lock lightly chucking his weapon towards the monsters*


*Scene of the monster's body parts splitting with heavy force oozing out blood*

"That weapon isn't normal" The captain suddenly says.


"But so isn't mine either" an unknown voice replies.


*A sudden lash of what looked like a razor claw peirced through the heavy rain and straight towards Lock leaving a streak of air slicing through the raindrops.

*Scene of Lock blocking the attack without moving from his position or gaze*

"Oh my, well haven't you got good reflexes kiddo?" smirked the unknown caller.

*Lock slowly turns around and met his gaze to the appearance of a towering built man, who's shadow simply alone reached a size twice greater than Lock's*

Towering over Lock, stood firm General Rakano with an evil grin clenching his weapon.

"It's YOU" Lock muttered fiercely.

"Oh so you know me now kiddo?" He smirked once again.

Lock's eyes shot wide open with his veins cracking through.

*Then a soldier nearby comes rushing towards the general*

"General Rakano!!" He screamed as he noticed his fugure from a distance.

*Then suddenly a few other soldiers flash their eyes towards the call*

They stood there for a few seconds and then instantly started rushing towards the generals direction.

No man has that kind of huge bold figure aside from General Rakano they all thought as they came rushing through and fleeing away from the monsters.

*Through the heavy rain and choas, it was hard to see or find out who was who, but these soldiers all instantly recognised General Rakano, as they knew no one with such a figure as him*

"GENERAL!" 4 soldiers screamed as they finally reached a meter away from him.


*Slow motion graphical scene of 4 heads suddenly flying off*

An evil smile then shots up on the general's face.

*Scene of the captain's and Lock's eyes opened broad, struck in shock at the sudden flying heads*

*Scene ends with the General suddenly stood right in front of them both shadowed with an evil grin*