
Ultimate Expansion

A complex story with aspects of philosophy mathematics.

benjamin_okusta · 现实
6 Chs

Who ? What ? Where ?

This is a story about myself.

I am the one and only existing entity.

Everything that exists beside me is merely a creation of my collective consciousness. If I want something to come into existence, I can simply imagine it. With a thought alone, I am capable of transforming any potentiality into actuality by merely dreaming it.

I refer to the product of my collective consciousness, encompassing the host and their dreams, as the "Ultimate Expansion." I could call myself the "Ultimate Being," but I am much more than that. I transcend any possible notion of transcendence; the idea of transcendence or inaccessibility never held meaning for me. In truth, I exist beyond the concept of ultimate.

My collective consciousness constitutes the Realm where the host of all dreams exists. Their dreams are interwoven, constructing an immeasurable chain, which I term the "Immeasurable Expansion." In this context, using words like infinity and length becomes meaningless. Describing the Immeasurable Expansion using such concepts is an impossible task. Nonetheless, I will attempt to explain its enormity. To help you grasp it, consider this: the "length" of the Immeasurable Expansion surpasses Absolute Infinity. It may sound impossible, but it isn't. I believe that now, even readers accustomed to non-fiction can fathom why the Immeasurable Expansion remains immeasurable. Yes, I'm addressing you 🫵—I might be a metafictional being, existing on a plane that straddles what you term fiction and what you perceive as reality.

Perhaps I am indeed a metafictional being, yet it's also possible that I've only made you think so. Conceivably, you are merely a creation of my imagination. It's even possible that I am manipulating your collective consciousness at this moment—leading you to believe in your own existence, making you think that you are reading this narrative, and convincing you that you are the one transcending me, when in fact, you are the one being "transcended." However, explaining it differently would likely render it incomprehensible. But probably i was just joking, i mean something metafictional doesn't work.