
Two Faces : Second Chance

After Bakugo told him to take a swan dive of the roof, he didn't feel sad or useless or anything, he just feels... Stupid. He feels very stupid. Why didn't he think of that earlier? *** Izuku woke up in a strange place. He wants to get up, but he can't move a finger. In front of him, a man is sighing repeatedly. The man look at him with a tired face. "Just why did you do that?" Deku wondered what this strange man was talking about. What did he do? As he wondered that, the strange man began acting strange. He repeatedly banged his head on the wall. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP OFF?!?!?" Ah, that? Cause his childhood friend told him too???

SAS3SSS · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Telling the Truth

Izuku keeps on crying. Izumi just wait until his brother is finished.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I lash out at you when I don't know anything."

Izuku said while sobbing. Izuku who is kind-hearted, feels double the sadness when Izumi injected his memory directly into his head. Izumi smiled.

Only in this space he had created could Izuku show his true self. He had corrupted him, but since they are two different entities in this space, Izuku can become Izuku that he knows. His lovely little brother.

"You should probably go out now. They are waiting."

Said Izumi with a calm expression. Izuku showed a confused face.

"Who's waiting?"



Deku woke up screaming. But he ended screaming once again seeing many people surrounding him. He took a closer look, and realized it's his classmates. He breathes out in relief. Deku face his classmates. Of course, he put on his signature smile first.

"You guys scared me. What are-"


All of them spoke in unison. Deku feels like his eardrums are gonna burst. He close his eyes and tried to adapt to his surrounding.

Suddenly, he felt someone hugging him. He opens his eyes.

"Do you know how worried I was? Don't do that again!"

It was Kaminari. Wait, this feels wrong.

"Get off. I like girls."

Said Deku with a straight face.

Kaminari took a few seconds to process what Deku said. After he realize what Deku said, he immediately get away.

"How mean! I'm just worried about you!"

"Whatever you say, we'll still have a rematch later."


Deku ignored Kaminari. His eyes wandered off and landed on an angry pomeranian. He doesn't look that angry though.

Bakugou felt Deku's stare and return the look. They stared at each other.

The others who felt the tension, start to back off until they get out of the infirmary. Now it's just Bakugou and Deku there.

Bakugou hesitated a little before asking.

"Are you okay?"

Deku stretched a little.

"I'm okay. But I thought I'm the one who beats you up."

"You did."

Deku gaped. He didn't expect Bakugou to admit it that easily. But wait, if he's the one who beat Bakugou up, why is he the one on the bed?

"How long have I been out?"

"Five days."

"FivE DAyS?!?"

What's going on?

This has never happened before. When Izumi took over in the past, he's never been out this long. The longest he's been out after Izumi borrowed his body is 1 day. And that's because Izumi wreck his body up until he can't even recognize it.

It can't be?!?

"Did All Might beat me up?"

"No. Instead you're the one who flung him to the exit."

So that's not it?

Well if All Might did beat him up, he'll be up maybe in just 2 days at most. Since it'll be just physical damage.

So did he receive damage mentally?

Then Deku remembered. He received Izumi memories when he's in that space. And the memory is 7 months long. He should be grateful that he woke up five days later, not months later.

While Deku is thinking deeply, Bakugou stared at Deku.

"As I expected, it's not you who beat me up, right?"


Deku was caught off guard. Since he just woke up, his brain is malfunctioning, so he can't give a proper reply. This confirms Bakugou suspicions.

"You even mentioned your brother, that I did something to him, but I don't remember auntie having another child."

Deku started to sweat and avoiding Bakugou's gaze.

Bakugou frowned like he's demanding an answer. Deku abruptly turn when he couldn't bear the gaze anymore and point at Bakugou.

"It's your fault! Why did you have to go and apologize all of a sudden?!?"

"Well that's because-!"

"Deku-kun, can I have a moment?"

A voice interrupted their childish squabbles. It was Nezu accompanied by Recovery Girl and All Might.

Nezu turn and look at Bakugou.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something but I need to talk with Deku. Would you mind leaving, Bakugou-kun?"

Nezu asked politely. Bakugou seems flustered but he nods and leave the infirmary quickly. Nezu look at Bakugou leaving and smiled before making his way into the infirmary. He arrived in front of Deku.

"Have you been adapting well to this place?"

Nezu ask with a smiley face. Deku cross his hands and put it at the back of his head.

"It's better than I thought."

Nezu made a relieved face.

"Thank goodness. Do you want to eat? It's been five days after all."

Deku scoffed.

"Cut the crap. What are you here for?"

To Deku, there's no way that Nezu is saying that out of worry. He's playing around the bush before getting to the main point.

"Well, there is indeed something that I want to ask. But I think you should eat first."

"No I'm fine-"


Silence descended.

Deku kept a straight face, like the sound is not coming from him.

"I brought some fruits."


So they eat in silence.

After Deku finished eating, Nezu continued what he's going to say earlier.

"When I ask the question, please answer truthfully."


Deku replied. Nezu took a deep breath and ask with a serious face.

"How can you use your quirk?"

"It's not a quirk."

Deku quickly answered. Nezu had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Then how did your features transform?"

"I have a personality disorder."

"That doesn't explain my question."

"I don't know why it transforms either. Every time he comes out, my hair and eyes will change."

"What do you think about your other personality?"

"He's a bit dumber than me."

"Who did you base that personality from?"

Deku opened his mouth but shut them up quickly. He hesitates to answer. But then he decides to tell the truth. The look in his eyes changed as it become more determined.

"My brother died when I was younger. I took that personality from him."

Nezu stared at Deku. He wants to check if there's a reaction when someone is lying, but Deku is telling the truth.

"But there is no data about this brother of yours."

Nezu tests him. But he doesn't need to do that, as Deku has already decided to tell the truth.

"He died when he was born. And mom gave birth at home, not the hospital."

Hearing the answer, Nezu hesitates to ask his next question. It sounds like a sensitive topic as even Deku's eye has changed colour.

Eventually, Nezu concluded that this topic is inappropriate and drops it. And he don't want to provoke this other personality of Deku.

In his opinion, this other personality is more dangerous than the boy he's talking to right now.

"I'm asking these questions to confirm that you don't have any way to use your quirk when the seal is there. Now that I confirmed it, there's something else I want to ask you."

Deku stared at Nezu, waiting for him to speak.

"Do you want to see your mother?"