
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · 作品衍生
44 Chs

Chapter Eight

"What?..........What does Alice see Edward?" asked Bella.

There was a moment's silence before Edward answered her "The volturi may have been wiped out as a coven, but Jane and Alec are still calling themselves the volturi just the two of them. All they are doing is going around the world to each coven just to show whose in charge"

"They have even tortured a few of them because some of them rebelled against them," said Alice.

"I think it is also mainly because they enjoy torturing and punishing others regardless of whether they have done anything wrong or not. You've seen the way Jane looks at you, she's always prepared to use her gift" said Bella.

"Carlisle! There's someone coming and they want to speak to us all" Said Edward

"Who is it? Anyone we know?" Carlisle asked

"Looks like Vladimir" Alice said

Carlisle went to open the door for him, "Vladimir, it's good to see you" He greeted welcomingly' "It's good to see you too Carlisle"

Vlad caught some of the conversation as he went up the stairs.

"Isn't he the one who despised the volturi, so much he wanted to fight them" said Bella

"Yeah he is, luckily we were protected, but why has he come here?" said Emmett

"Yeah no thanks to Vlad" said Rosalie with a scowl, Vlad heard Rosalie's voice and responded, "I was only avenging my people and helping you guys".

"Rose...." Esme said as Rose was about to take a swing at him.

Alice then asked him "So tell us how did you escape the....", "The Volturi?" Vlad finished and Alice nodded Vlad then continued "Well it wasn't too hard really, if you think about it I have a little more agility than they think and coming straight to you would be best, but they still managed to get stefan and he told to me to carry on"

"I'm sorry you lost Stefan, he had been like a brother to you for many centuries and you did the right thing by coming here, hopefully we can get some idea how to defeat them both" Carlisle said sympathetically.

"That shouldn't be too hard with Ateara's gift, so long as he has full control of his shield" Jacob said.

"Yeah that would be great and hopefully he won't hesitate to kill Jane and Alec this time" Rosalie said.

They talked for most of the day, meanwhile somewhere in the Irish coven Jane and Alec were torturing Liam, Siobhan grew upset whilst Maggie was trying to hold her back but she kept resisting. When she eventually broke free from Maggie's hold she made a run at Jane but Alec released his vapours which paralyzed all her senses.

Maggie watched in horror and considered fighting back but she knew she was going to meet a similar fate. She apologized to Liam and Siobhan "Sorry!" then turned her back and ran to Carlisle's place.

Once Jane and Alec had finished them off, they both headed in another direction, Alice saw their direction in a vision and told everyone. "Carlisle...!" he turned round "What do you see Alice" "It's Jane and Alec, they are heading for the Denali's.

"Bella and I will go Carlisle and we will bring them back here" Edward said

"We will be back soon as we can" Bella said

They managed to get there before the twins. The Denali's didn't know what was going on they just followed Edward's and Bella's instructions and left. Not long after they left the twins arrived. They were not happy to see it deserted and they knew immediately who had taken them in. "Carlisle must have alerted them" Jane said to Alec and he just nodded with the same expression on his face as Jane's. "There's nothing for us here, let's see the Mexican coven brother"' "Yeah, maybe if we can get there quick enough this time" Alec said.

As they headed towards the Mexican coven, they ran passed the Amazon coven but it was deserted as well. They were smart. They were already heading towards Carlisle and they carried on. When they finally got to the mexican coven without a second thought they wiped them all out.

Carlisle and his family were getting worried for the rest of the other covens that Jane and Alec haven't dealt with yet. Alice saw them at the Egyptian coven with Benjamin protecting his family, Bella and Edward went to help them. Ateara had overheard and came into the room and asked "Do you need my help too?"

"Ateara you are going to have to stay here and protect everyone else while i'm not here" Said Bella

"OK grandma, I will"

In Egypt, Benjamin was trying his best to save Amun and Kebi who were being tortured by Jane and Alec and they were badly hurt. Then suddenly Amun and Kebi were still a bit weak, but stopped groaning in pain, they looked around and even the twins, Bella and Edward walked in. Everyone in that room knew Bella was protecting everyone including Benjamin and Tia.

"Jane you know with my shield up you can not harm any of us and neither can Alec's vapour, so we are just going to walk away now" Bella said keeping a firm eye on Jane. Then suddenly Edward knew before anyone else when one of the nomads came into the room. Bella expanded her shield to protect him. "What brings you here Alistair?" Edward asked

"I'm only here cause we heard Jane and Alec are coming after all the covens, I was just seeing if it were true"

"Yeah it is and they are torturing all of us and whoever stands in their way" said Edward

Bella had deactivated her shield as soon as they were at a good distance away from Jane and Alec, then Alistair said "STOP! I got to go back to my people and protect them"

"OK, I will come with you, I can use my shield to protect you all" Bella said to him kindly.

"Thanks, the Cullens have always been so kind to our coven"

"Yeah! They always treat you like one of their own" said Bella "They also accepted Jacob, he shapeshifts into a wolf by the way" she continued. As they carried on talking, they also realised it was getting dark so they speeded up as they did not have much time.

When they arrived the Twins were already there with the rest of the Nomads kneeling before them. Alistair and Bella stood out of sight and with Bella's shield up they walked out slowly towards them. They got close enough in full view and it still looks like no one had spotted them like they couldn't see them, first Bella thought Alec had used his Vapour to paralyze their senses, but when they stood in front of Jane and Alec they did not see them either. Bella found this very confusing but she decided to take advantage of the situation.

Alistair ran up to them as soon as the twins were out of sight and Bella instructed them to head towards Carlisle's and she followed closely behind.

They soon got to the forest but Nahuel and Huilen appeared before them looking upset, Bella had approached them "Nahuel, Huilen, why do you look so upset? Did the twins get to you already?"

"Yes they have got to us but Joham saved us and now he's gone. We also found my distant siblings I never knew I had"

Bella looked surprised, "Sorry to hear about your dad and glad you made it here safe and with your brothers and sisters, where are they?"

They appeared from behind the trees "You may come out now" Nahuel said to his siblings "They are in fact my half sisters, same dad, different mums, no brothers."

As the three walked next to Nahuel and Huilen, Nahuel introduced them "This is Serena she's Norwegian and the oldest, standing next to her is Maysun from Algeria and the one clinging to Serena is Jennifer the youngest from Ohio. Also they are like me and your daughter half vampire/half human as well."

"Wow there is more, we need to bring you back to Carlisle's, I can't wait to introduce you to Renesmee, she will be happy".