
Twilight - Hell Scorpion

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are owned by their respective owners Stephenie Meyer. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. Except for some O.C characters I don't have any characters in the series. The cover does not belong to me, if you are the owner, just ask me to remove it. English is not my main language, I use Google translator to be posting this fan fiction, any constructive criticism will be welcome, stupid criticism will be ignored, welcome, and I hope you like it :D

babysaya · 作品衍生
10 Chs

Chapter 06 - My Old Friends and a good meal

It's been nearly six months since Jenna and I split up, I've been touring the country, making the most of my new life.

Whenever I need to feed myself, I find a lone bandit or a small group of criminals. Life is simple.

Today my day started very well, I'm in Portland. I just bought a really fun romance book from what I read.

Heading to a small abandoned warehouse that I found yesterday when I arrived in town, I appreciate the rain that falls. I've always loved the rain, and even now it hasn't changed.

Arriving at my temporary home, I notice a van that wasn't here yesterday. Also, a faint smell of blood leaves the warehouse. Seems like a free meal has come knocking on my door, climbing the outer wall I come to a second-floor window through which I enter. Better not scare my meal yet.

Quietly I find a place where I can observe what is happening downstairs, and then I have a pleasant surprise, looking down I see a boy of about fifteen, he is gagged and tied to a chair in the center of the place.

Sitting near the warehouse door, two young men in their twenties watch him, so he doesn't run away. This reminds me of not very pleasant memories, yet I resolve to observe what will happen.

Night came, and with it cars began to enter the warehouse grounds, and with them a few dozen young people as well as a few older people. Things are getting better and better.

It's about thirty minutes to midnight, downstairs about a hundred people are gathered in silence, five people prepare the place for the sacrifice that is about to take place.

I've already tracked down the man-goat responsible for this cult, an old man in his sixties, if I judge by his face. His body, however, has an aura of vitality along with a stronger scent like an animal that is almost repellent to my thirst. It's weird, I think I'll taste your blood to tell the difference.

Looking to the left I notice a woman with the same goat horns, she also has an animal smell that repels me, although hers is much weaker than the old man's, maybe her transformation time is shorter, and considering she has about 30 years this must be the truth.

Tired of watching, I finally start to move, I silently release my stingers from my hands. Holding them like two daggers, I start running at speeds that human eyes will not be able to follow.

Every time I pass one of the humans, I create a small cut in their bodies where I inject my paralyzing venom. And then I go to the next one.

I did a fantastic job, fifteen seconds, that's how long it took me to knock everyone out, sir and madam goat have looks of terror, I think they know my kind.

As I don't want to kill the captured young man, I gave him a bigger dose of poison that made him pass out before he saw me. Picking up her inert body, I sling it over my shoulder and run out of the warehouse, take a few blocks away, back it up against a wall, and leave it there.

Returning to the warehouse, I search the surroundings and find two guards making a round of the outside area. Capturing them both, I carry them into the warehouse.

I have nothing against these people, honestly, I've never seen them. But they like to burn innocents as a sacrifice, and that's weird. Looking at all the presents, I find three very beautiful women. I feel hungry just looking at them. I pick the sexiest of the three, a beautiful Hispanic woman with black hair and brown eyes, her breasts threatening to pop out of her sundress.

As they watch me drain their former mate, the little demon worshipers finally seem to understand the situation they're in.

Some are moaning, others have tears running down their faces, some however have adoring looks, unfortunately for them, I injected enough poison for them to be paralyzed for hours. The toxin in this poison is such that not even talking is possible, although they may still let out a moan or two.

Unfortunately even my poison doesn't seem to be effective against cowards, some men among them urinated in their pants, really disgusting I throw my flame on them and make them burn.

It takes a little decency even in the face of death. Besides, how can I appreciate my two little kids in the presence of such a disgusting smell.

Ignoring the surrounding humans, I walk towards the old man, bending towards him, I grab his wrist and bite. A slight human flavor, in addition to a strong, heavy flavor, reminds me a little of the taste of a stalk of grass I used to chew.

It's not one of the best meals I've ever had, but it's not bad either. Besides, I think I'll try to feed on animals. Maybe it has an interesting flavor too.

Looking at the old man now dead, I get up leaving his body lying there on the floor, I approach the woman and repeat the whole process, her taste was a little more human than the old one which made it a wonderful meal, like a good steak served with a light salad.

A perfect match indeed, I think I will be hunting some cults from now on, such a delicacy is something that can get me addicted.

Looking at my little now scared worshipers, I decide to get out of here, but before that it's time to get rid of the witnesses.

Releasing my flames little by little on them, I start to burn them slowly, my fire burns body or soul. Or body and soul at the same time, and that's exactly what I wanted for them.

I slowly watched as they burned, their moans increasing their looks of despair increasingly intense, some looked at me defiantly, I respected those, people capable of looking at their tormentor without fear are something worthy of respect. Whenever I saw one of these, I threw my stinger at him and gave him a quick kill.

It took about two hours to finish. Looking at some bodies that I had shown mercy to in a quick death out of respect for me, giving them one last look, blasting a blast of flame that began to burn them to oblivion. A few seconds later, no humans can be seen, just dust.

Looking at the result of my job well done, I turn around and start looking for another warehouse to stay, the rain outside has stopped, but the dark sky is an indication that even more rain is to come.