
True Magician (FatexDxD)

Waking up in the body of a Romani Archiman is acceptable. Getting 3rd and 1st True Magics is nice. Getting Beasts as pets - delightful. The world of DxD is unforgivable. It's a world where some teenagers who aren't even two decades old somehow mystically defeat the descendants of legendary heroes, ancient demons, powerful dragons, etc. Why does this happen? Simply because! Simply put, this world only makes sense because it doesn't. And now, I have to put up with the fact that I live here. Such pain. (DxDxMulti)

Tiir_Rumibul_3715 · 漫画同人
73 Chs

Chapter 21

Emiya residence.

- Romani-san, right? - Barakiel, who had regained his senses, asked doubtfully, to which I nodded. - Are you saying that this girl is King Arthur?

Ohhhh... Dude. You don't know how deep the hole of Nasuverse and his genderbend is yet.

- Oya? You don't believe me, you masochistic pervert? - I grinned, and Barakiel twitched at his nickname.

- I... I won't even ask how you know this," he sighed before continuing. - 'But I have met Arthur, and he was definitely a man, not a woman... Besides, if she is King Arthur, how was Mordred, his son, born?

You... you're not being petty, are you? Look at Artoria. The poor thing's mood has soured, and she looks irritatedly in the direction of Merlin, who clearly finds the situation extremely amusing.

- Fou," Fou yapped, looking at Merlin and scratching behind his ear.

- And I'm not denying that he's a pervert," I shrugged and looked at Barakiel. - You know, I'll explain it to you. A flower wizard cast a spell on a young girl that made her m-" I shrugged and looked at Barakiel.

- If you care about your head, Master, shut up," Artoria said icily, holding Excalibur, hidden by the wind, to my throat. I only raised my hands and turned back to Barakiel with an understanding glance at her.

- As you can see, this is a delicate subject. If you're interested, you can go to her personally. Or to him..." I wondered what pronoun to use so as not to ruin his life. - In short, to Artoria.

With a brief glance at the invisible blade, he nodded. And Artoria slowly put the blade away and turned back to the rest of the Servants.

- And may I ask one more question?

- Go ahead.

- I remember clearly that King Arthur, as well as the other individuals you named, are dead. How can they be here?

Instead of answering, I looked at Azazel.

- You didn't say anything to them? I thought you'd have said something by now.

- I didn't," Azazel said with a shrug. - I didn't have time for that. Besides, I didn't know what information I was allowed to share.

- I understand," I nodded and turned toward Barakiel. - They're still dead. The Servants are copies of Heroic Spirits who can be classified as familiars of the highest rank. And as you guessed, each of these souls has written their name in history. This applies to both heroes who save princesses and villains who kill those very princesses. However, heroes of folklore are also included in this list.

- And...

- Yes, the abilities and items they had when they were alive are still with them," I interrupted him, answering his unspoken question, and pointed toward Artoria. - And, as you correctly realized, the sword in her hands is Excalibur. As real as your ten wings.

- I... understand," he muttered. - And you mentioned two Hashashin leaders... Can I see them? I may have had a... conversation with them sometime in the past.

- I apologize, but no," I shook my head. - I'd like to keep their identities a secret. Maybe some other day.

He nodded briefly and withdrew into himself, processing the information he'd gotten today. To which I only shrugged and looked at Akeno. She had her index finger to her lips and was tensely thinking about something.

- Akeno-san? Is something bothering you? - I asked. Truthfully, I already knew her answer. Heh. Only one person in Rias's retinue had the standing for Excalibur.

- If she's King Arthur, then the invisible blade in her hands is Excalibur, right? - She asked, looking at Artoria.

- The one and only," I shrugged. - What's the matter, exactly?

- Kiba.

- Hmm? - I asked, making a playfully interested face. - What about him?

- He has a... a little dislike for that sword," she mumbled.

I grinned.

"A slight dislike? More like 'Extremely strong hatred.' The kid doesn't realize how illogical his goal is. To take revenge on the sword? Heh. Why take revenge on the sword when you can focus your hatred on those who approved and experimented on him in Project Holy Sword. Go ahead and ribbon a couple priests here and there, or even the Pope. But making it your life's goal to destroy Excalibur is delusional.

Although, stop. The local analog can indeed be destroyed and forged into something worthwhile. Compared to the Excalibur of Artoria, this sword is trash.

The local variant was forged by God, which means his decisions will be informed by God's worldview. And that makes his worldview chaotic-good, which limits his power and relevance. He is not bound to a concept like his counterpart is.

Nasuverse's Excalibur was forged by the planet itself, as a crystallization of the desires of all humanity stored within it. As such, his worldview is true-neutral. He regards as enemies the evil itself, not the race he was raised against. And he will not break until the last man is dead, as he is bound to the concept of humanity.

Even Gilles de Rais, Custer of the Fourth War, who was that other sodomite, saw in the light of Arthurian Noble Phantasm his true desire hidden under a thickness of hatred and anger - justice for Jeanne d'Arc.

And if I manage to get my hands on all the shards of the local Excalibur, I can somewhat give it the concept of its counterpart by applying Heaven's Touch and Denial of Nonexistence at the same time.

That theory still needs to be tested, though. Somehow.

- Dislike for my sword? - asked a perplexed Artoria. And Emiya and Merlin nodded, wanting more details.

- He's... been through a lot," Akeno replied with a hesitation.

- Still don't see the connection to the King of Knight's sword," Archer crossed his arms.

- I apologize," she made a small bow. - This is his private matter. And I'm not at liberty to tell it.

Artoria stared at her, and then shifted her gaze to mine, as if telling me to explain it. Archer and Merlin echoed her actions.

- Well, that's his problem," I shrugged and looked at Azazel, who was staring intently at the Servants. - What are you thinking about, Azazel-kun?

- About the possible problems that could arise from the presence of certain Servants," he replied, scratching his chin. I raised an eyebrow and asked him to continue. - The Greek pantheon.

О? I see. He suggests that the Greek gods might make me uncomfortable, and later, himself. Quite logical thoughts.

- Heh," I grinned. - Do you really think they have anything against me? Or the Servants on my side?

- Maybe they can't, but they can be a nuisance. The Greek pantheon has always been characterized by stubbornness.

- I'm sorry to cause trouble," Medusa said quietly, bowing her head.

- Don't worry about it," I said. - At the very least, Olympus will cease to exist on principle if they take on too much.

- Ahem," Azazel cleared his throat falsely. - You do realize you're talking about destroying an entire pantheon, don't you?

- It doesn't matter, mongrel," Gilgamesh interjected. - Enkidu and I are more than enough to deal with them.

Azazel looked at him and sighed tiredly. Apparently Gilgamesh's ego was inflated beyond belief in any world if he let such a reference to himself pass his ears.

- Uh... Sensei? - Issei raised his hand and pointed at the two Servants whose names I didn't mention, - Who is Archer-sensei and that man in purple armor?

I'd forgotten he was here.

- Archer is a hero of justice. And that's where I'll end about him," I said and heard Emiya's sigh of relief. Then I pointed to Lancelot and continued. - And that man over there is Lancelot du Lac, Knight of the Lake.

- Lancelot? - Azazel asked with interest and looked at him. - King Arthur's most loyal knight?

- Who wields Arondight, the sacred sword equal to Excalibur? - Barakiel picked up on that.

 - Absolutely right," I nodded and smirked. And when the Servants saw my smirk, they grinned and backed away. An uncomprehending Lancelot looked from side to side, trying to figure out what was wrong. - Also, he is known as the Knight of Netori.

Silence fell in the room. The Fallen looked back and forth at me and Lancelot with their wide-open eyes. Saber Netori himself gave me a puzzled look. Then, a few seconds later, Merlin gave a short laugh. And after that, the others spoke up.

- Netori?! - Issei shrieked, pointing a finger at Saber. - He is the enemy of all men!

- That's right! - Azazel supported him.

- Ara-ara..." Akeno glanced warily in Lancelot's direction and moved closer to her father. And Barakiel sent a hard stare in his direction.

Medusa slowly backed away from Emiya and stood behind his back. And Artoria twitched in annoyance and sent a judgmental look at me. Archer only sighed tiredly and facepalmed. The Beasts, the Ophis, and the Assassins didn't care. And Gilgamesh and Enkidu giggled, enjoying the spectacle before them.

- 'Well, the Master's words are not wrong,' Merlin said with a wide grin on his face.

- What does that word mean! - Lancelot was indignant, looking at the people present in the room. - Why do the lovely ladies look at me with such wariness!

- Silence, Sir Lancelot," Artoria said in a commanding tone, looking at him sternly. - 'Just... be silent.

- B-but my King... How can I let my honor be compromised?

- Lancelot. Shut up.

- I-I will. - He trembled and hesitated.

- "Netori means-" I was about to explain, but Artoria interrupted me.

- And so do you, Master.

- But he asked me.

Before I could finish, Excalibur was at my throat again. Again.

- Okay, okay," I sighed, my mouth shut.

She nodded briefly and returned to her seat, putting her sword away.

I looked at the time.

- Okay," I started, clapping my hands together and looked at the three Fallen. - It's soon time for dinner. Will you be staying?

- Yes!" Azazel said quickly. Too fast. Probably stalling so he wouldn't have to go back to Nightingale.

- If you don't mind, Romani-sensei," Akeno said softly.

- If Akeno stays, so do I," Barakiel nodded, supporting her.

I sighed.

Apparently, tonight's dinner was going to be particularly noisy....


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