
The Underworld Walkers (3)

"Is it true that we can meet the one called Cassandra that the Black Snake mentioned earlier?" Alexandra asked curiously.

"I cannot answer that question. In the words of your people, it depends on fate. If there is a destiny, we will meet on a thousand miles, but if there is no destiny, we will not be able to hold each other's hands." The dark shadow said after a moment of silence.

"Can she really foretell the future?" Anna was also curious.

"Of course, she had told people that Troy would be destroyed by war, and that the huge wooden horse outside the gates of Troy was not a gift from the Greeks, but a trick, that Troy would be sacked by the Greeks' wooden horse. But no one believed her. And then it all came true." The dark figure said with certainty.

"Her prophecies were all tragedies, so of course people didn't want to believe them." Anna thought for a moment.

"She didn't mean to curse people. Cassandra was a noble princess. She got the power of prophecy from Apollo, but since Apollo didn't win Cassandra's love in the end, she was cursed by Apollo that no one would believe her, even though she could predict the future correctly. This is Cassandra's sadness. This is why her heart is still full of sadness. In fact, no one knows that Cassandra is a kind-hearted princess who wants everyone to be happy and prosperous, and who wants her prophecies to alert people so that they can avoid disaster." At the moment, the dark figure looked like a learned university professor.

"In that case, it is better to believe in her prophecies." Anna muttered to herself.

"Of course, if someone believes her prophecy and uses it as a warning, they have a chance of avoiding bad luck. If you ever meet her, you'd better believe her. Maybe she will even give you some honest advice and a way to avoid bad luck." The dark figure advised.

The canoe moved slowly. Finally it came to a stop on the shore.

The ferryman docked the canoe and said to them, "Here is your destination, get out." When the three of them got out of the boat. The canoe headed back in the direction they had just come from.

It was a place that looked like a castle. Although it was called a castle, it seemed cold and uninhabited. The feeling of desolation was close to the bone. Occasionally three or two shadows drifted in and out. Anna looked in and felt her hair stand on end: "What is this place? It's eerie."

"This is the underground city of the underworld." The dark figure replied naturally. Then with a whoosh, it only used to move out. He led them towards the gates of the city. The dark shadow knocked three times on the gate with his tail, and the heavy gate opened slowly.

They entered the gate. The dark shadow led them straight to the room on the left hand side. He reminded them in a whisper, "This is the residence of Cassandra, the prophet, and you will see her there if you have the chance." With that, the dark figure swished back into Alexandra's clothes.

Alexandre and Anna came to the door of the room, hand in hand and side by side. They looked at each other for a moment. It was as if they were exchanging words. Then Anna knocked gently on the door and it opened with a creak.

They entered the room and saw a woman in a purple dress sitting on a chair. Her golden curls fell to her shoulders and her pale skin was framed by a small, delicate nose. Even with her eyes closed in sleep, she was beautiful, seemingly radiating a unique sense of coolness and nobility. But at the moment she is frowning, absorbed in thought.

She heard someone enter. Cassandra's eyelashes lifted and she said, "I know two unlucky people are coming today, so I guess it's you."

Anna settled down at the sound of her partner's voice. She said softly, "I heard that you are a brilliant prophet, so I came to visit you to hear your prophecy of our future."

"So what if I tell you a prophecy? No one ever believes me anyway, so what's the use of my saying it?" Cassandra said coldly.

"I believe you because you say we are unlucky people, and it is true, we love each other, but we cannot be as sweet as a normal couple. Now that I have the chance to meet you, I wonder if there is any way you can make us love each other properly and keep each other together when we return to the human world?" Anna looked at Cassandra and said sincerely.