
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · 奇幻言情
117 Chs

I can help you.

four of them follow muchen and fenhua both boys walk in whole forest but was not able to find anything both of them have no choice but to go back and four of them also follow them they reach outside of the border of forest.

"fenhua what we will tell to him he will surely beat us up he will look at us like this and will say 'you can't even do this little thing' he will surely throw us in hellish training"

muchen start throwing tantrum fenhua look at him with black expression although he not like his friend nonsense but he know that whatever muchen was saying was actually right.

"we will see what he do to us he will not kill us after all we are his junior brother although he want to find the treasure he can't kill us i literally wish that he was not our senior brother"

"yes I think second senior brother is very much better then senior brother but he want to prove that he is much better then second brother he is just jealous from second senior brother like a jealous wife" muchen was like a gossiping village women who love to do gossip.

" 'sign' let's face the anger of senior brother or what we can do" fenhua suggest both of them unwilling exit the forest but the girls doesn't leave the forest.

They decide to wait for them after all what they can even do rather then waiting but after waiting for sometime they decide to continue to cultivate yun tame some beast while feng-yan kill them lim collect there meat to eat leigong look at there teamwork and felt jealous.

"leigong can you help us to lit the fire so we can eat something quickly before they come" feng-yan had notice leigong feeling lonely so she give her some work to distract her from weird thought.

it don't take her much time before she had lit the fire since her element was lighting it was easy for her to lit the fire after that everyone gather around the fire and start roasting the meat after they are done eating the meat they gone to cultivate.

After three days everyone stop cultivating there cultivation had shown some progress now lim is in 1st stage of ensoulment while yun is in 4th stage of ensoulment leigong has the highest cultivation level among them she is in 5th stage of ensoulment but now she is in 7th stage of ensoulment while feng-yan is in 5th stage of nascent.

she can had the lowest cultivation among everyone but her condition is difficult then everyone here so it's not surprise if she only had skip 3 stage cause the beast yun had tame was not only 3rd rank beast.

feng-yan: "leigong aren't you can sence the location of treasure so by don't you locate it it's not like you will able to reach there with your cultivation level if we manage to take help from those two man we will able to get something and if you want to go there alone then it's your choice girl"

leigong was shock she look at feng-yan who doesn't show much expression like it's a normal thing while lim raise her eyebrows then nodded her head while yun only had blank expression on her face.

leigong can see from there expression that they don't had ill thought about her unique skill they just want to reach that place to earn some profit that's it nothing else after thinking about prons and cons she agree.

"the door of that place actually is in our cave that hill of bone had covered the door of we remove those bones we can enter the cemetery but it's not sure if we can make it alive or not"

everyone look at the pile of bone creating a mini hill in the cave feng-yan had a very good idea in her brain she look at everyone and told them to hurry up to find those two man.

after searching for almost three hour they find more than twenty people seating there with exhaustion written on there face four of them mask there presence and wait for sometime to find the right opportunity.

feng-yan slowly climb on one of the tree and look at the people who had defeated expression on there face she also had seen the two guys from three days ago.

"senior brother i think we had received false information rather then the drakness we has not find anything from this forest it's only waste of time"

"junior brother you should not lose hope if we try again maybe we will able to find anything in this forest please don't doubt senior brother judgement"

feng-yan look at the man who was trying to ease the people and trying to encourage them he was wearing white robe with gentle smile on his face but there was schemes in his eyes he was second senior brother of these people.

she look at the man in black robe who had cold face with gorgeous features he look like demon from hell on his face both of them had diffrent beauty and temperament.

one is gentle beauty like an angle but she can sence danger from him he was like a man who will kill you while smiling goosebumps appear on his body while the other is cold and don't care about people and what they say about him although he look unapproachable he is also someone whom you should not mess with.

In other word both are dangerous person whom you should not mess with if you want to live properly there was also a lady in peach pink dress she look like gentle, noble lady with sweet mouth, weak and pitiful look on her face she can make man feel pity for her and make them to protect her at any cost.

"even if you spend your whole life you will not able to find the entrance of the cemetery" her word attract everyone attention what they saw was a little girl with devilish beauty

they were stunt no one was able to detect her presence.

since she cultivate using blood her aura had masked with smell blood and in the forest where beast roam smell of blood is very common.

"who are you" one of the girl in the group shout with jealousy in her eyes after all feng-yan beauty was something that can make people feel jealous from her.

"you don't need to find who I'm just know that I can help you to find the cemetery"


