
Tricking The Vampire King

‘I became the Vampire King’s chamberlain!’ ‘He thinks I’m a man!?’ ___ The evening that Reina Gomez experienced one of the biggest betrayals in her life was the day her life came to an end. Helping her elder sister, a three times failed author, in her research for her next project had turned out to be the cause of her demise. The efforts she had put in to teach her sister everything that she knew was not repaid with gratitude. The day of the new book’s release brought sorrow to Reina who had high expectations from the project that she had lent her support in. No matter how many times she refreshed the novel’s site, the result was the same. “Where the heck is the BL tag!?” She cried out for answers but to no avail. Her sister who had learned everything there is to know about BL for the new book had done something unexpected. ‘She wrote a frickin vanilla Vampire love story instead!’ She sniffled while finding solace in the one thing that never disappointed her. Her blurry eyes fell on the cover of the novel and her scowl deepened. The petite woman with cotton-candy colored hair surrounded by three breathtakingly handsome men was not something that she was hoping for. ‘Stupid reverse harem.’ She sneered while chugging the contents of the bottle. Her eyes shut that night only to awaken in a different room the next morning. From a drunken daze to panic at what had taken place, Reina soon realized what was wrong. The images flashing across her eyes displayed a life that was not her own. ‘Memories…’ She deciphered the meaning of these images. Staring at the new face in the mirror, Reina blinked those icy blue eyes as a name formed in her mind. ‘Rein Melk… The Vampire King’s chamberlain.’ She repeated the identity of the new body she was in. Was it not enough that she was in a different world, in a different body? She now had to pretend to be the King’s loyal servant. ‘A manservant at that!’ She grimaced as her new life seemed too hard to live. Tricking the Vampire King never was an easy task but doing so while possessing jumbled memories of this body was way harder. __ As days passed, Reina began to adjust to the world, living in the body of Rein Melk. However, she began noticing something strange. ‘Why do these men seem so familiar?’ She wondered while gawking at the three handsome men she was sure to have seen somewhere in the past. The pretty lady with pink hair further brought up a sense of deja vu. ‘Wait…!’ Her eyes widened when it finally clicked. __ With a large chunk of her memories still missing, will she be able to discover everything about the body she possessed? A nameless cannon fodder in the story her sister wrote, was that her fate now? Was the identity of Rein Melk as simple as a servant concealing her true gender or was there more at play here? Numerous questions with answers yet to be obtained. This was the life of Rein Melk, the one tricking the Vampire King.

ObsidianOrbs · 奇幻言情
250 Chs

Reina's Elaborate Plan Put To Action

Reina's mind was filled with images of people smitten with the King's appearance thanks to the befitting attire that she had prepared for him this morning.

'With a face that resembles Meteor Sama, of course, he will entrance people everywhere he goes.' She was swooning just by thinking of her online husband from her previous world.

Unfortunately, she would not get the opportunity to delve deeper into her fantasies featuring her Meteor Sama.

The cause of this was the throat-clenching aura that surrounded her while she was still lost in her thoughts.

Her lowered head raised in the next second only to find that the man who was supposed to be looking at his reflection in the mirror was now leering at her with his predatory eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Something on your mind?" The King's voice sounded breezy as though he was inquiring about something as menial as this morning's weather.

However, his eyes and his aura indicated that one wrong word and she could be done for.

Gulping hard, Reina shook her head in ardent refusal before standing ramrod straight.

The King scanned his servant's posture, pleased that his entire attention was now on him, and only then did he nod and wave his hand to dismiss him.

He only had a few minutes before his morning court session would commence and reprimanding this dull-headed servant who liked to dream with his eyes open would only make him late for his daily obligations.

Therefore, he decided to let him go for now but would look into this matter later on.

As though she had just gained amnesty for her crimes, Reina scurried away from the King's chambers and returned to her room which she deemed to be her refuge.

Locking her door, she pounced on her bed to rest until the physician arrived.

Back in his room, King Zander sneered when the sound of the door being locked was heard before he exited his room, hurrying so as to not get delayed any further.

Treegan was already waiting for him outside and once his Master had arrived, the two made their way to the Throne room in the Palace where their morning court sessions were held each day.


Laying in bed, Reina's mind was filled with troublesome thoughts.

'Did he notice something?' She wondered as the King's gaze on her earlier was too fierce.

In that instant, she had felt as though he was trying to peer into her soul.

However, he had only glared at her and left without prying too much.

This made her let out a sigh of relief but at the same time, she was worried that continuing to maintain such close contact with that man would lead her secret to be uncovered one day or another.

Just the thought of what might happen to her if this disaster occurred, made her shudder in fear.

Reina shook her head as she was unwilling to let things reach that point.

'I should find ways to escape!' She concluded that only that way she would be able to save herself from his wrath.

While she was tossing and turning in bed, struggling to think up a plan for her great escape, a knock came from her door.

'Must be the old doctor.' She surmised and rushed to open the door for him.

As expected it was the kind old man who had diagnosed her yesterday.

Reina gave him a look over and noticed that he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday which made her assume that this was his uniform.

Gesturing for him to enter, she escorted him in and the two soon sat facing each other.

Reina on the bed and the old man on the chair next to it.

Picking up his briefcase, he handed her a paper bag that had the medication he had prepared for her in advance.

This bag should have reached her yesterday itself but the man who was supposed to deliver it to her had never shown up.

"I was busy with other matters and forgot about this as well." Doctor Bundt apologized as he too was at fault here.

After preparing the medication, he had left it in his clinic and took off to complete his other duties.

Thus, he had failed to notice that the medication had never reached its new owner.

Reina shook her head as the one who should have apologized was Treegan but he had not done so.

However, she wasn't too upset about it as she would soon get revenge in the form of the punishment she had decided for him.

Shaking those thoughts away lest she fell into another contemplative trance, she decided that she could use this opportunity to gain some information from this old man.

The King would not be here for the next few hours which implied that they could speak without hesitation and interruption.

Being a vampire brought its own advantages as even if the King or anyone else would get close to this room, she could sense their presence right away.

Thus, alerting her and she could divert their conversation in a different direction to steer away from gaining any suspicions from others.

On the other hand, oblivious to the sneaky thoughts in her head, Doctor Bundt smiled at this servant's kindness then began the check-up he had come here to perform.

Watching him doing his job, Reina noticed something vital since this was her second time meeting him.

Doctor Bundt could feel the servant's gaze but continued with his task after associating this to the younger vampire's curiosity.

Reina's eyes took in the view before her as she paid attention to how the man was checking her vitals by only feeling her pulse through her wrist and nothing else.

He had done the same yesterday when he diagnosed her by just looking at her eyes, nails, and the inside of her mouth.

Reina had been troubled with a certain aspect of his procedure yesterday and even today so she decided to inquire about the same.

"Why do you not use a stethoscope?" She questioned him with an innocent look on her face.

Yesterday, she had been worried whether he would pull out this common tool and press it against her chest to check the rhythmic beating of her heart.

However, on both days, he had not done so which gave her much relief that her secret would not be uncovered by this old man.

'If he touches my chest then he will feel them without a doubt.' She recalled the mounds of soft flesh on her chest which were also the source of her troubles during these checkups.

Therefore, she had decided to put forward this query and was truly interested to know his reason for skipping that common step in all routine checkups.

The curiosity rivaled the naivete on her face which shocked the old man.

However, he did not ridicule this young manservant but answered the doubt that had been brought forward.

"Now why would a vampire need a tool meant for humans?" The doctor retorted with a chuckle.

Those tools were for the human physicians who were incapable of hearing the heartbeat of their patients without any external help.

He on the other hand was a grey-haired vampire who did not require such aids as his body was sufficient for him to make a diagnosis.

Reina was enlightened after listening to his explanation but she pretended to be calm as she gave him a simple nod in reply.

"That is true…" She muttered then took her hand back from the man's grasp once he was done with his examination.

Her reaction made it seem as though this was common knowledge which she possessed already but had merely forgotten it.

Her nodding face also did not reveal the shock she had received after realizing that he too was a vampire just like her.

Suddenly, a thought struck her mind which made her roll her eyes at her dull brain.

'The Vampire King will mostly have vampires serving him, won't he?' She scoffed at her slow mind that had come to this realization too late.

Not wasting too much time deriding herself, Reina decided to hop to the next inquiry as she wished to make the most of this opportunity.

She needed to gain more information from this old man so that more of this body's memories could be triggered.

Once the memories were triggered, she would be able to recall more information about her surroundings.

Only by filling the gaps in her memories could she stumble upon a way to leave this place without offending the Vampire King whom Rein had served for years.

This was the elaborate plan Reina had come up with after the brief but scary encounter with the King.

However, she could not get right to the point as that could incite suspicions in the doctor's mind.

Thus began Reina's attempt to extract as much information as possible from Doctor Bundt while trying her best to not appear like a fool who had lived for so many years without the basic knowledge of this world.

Doctor Bundt to Reina's rescue! He's going to be a valuable source of information to her without even knowing it. xD

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