
Travelers Between Two Worlds

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Pyro_Moon · 奇幻
5 Chs

A small DETAIL

It took some time, but the chef finally let him go. Though he is someone who Ryan fears the most, at first sight, he does have a talkative personality when he finally gets to talk to him one-on-one. As he got out of the kitchen with a full belly, he went on his way to find Ellie with some questions to ask. He went through the mansion, every nook and cranny of the estate but still had yet to find her. Every nook and cranny of the mansion except for her room since he was taught not to enter a maiden' room no matter what. He wanted to know the answer to his questions as soon as possible. But instead of knocking on the door of her room, he stands in front of the room, questioning himself if the answers are worth entering a maiden's room. When he finally made up his mind to find out the truth, that's when an unexpected person saw him standing in front of Ellie's room. That person came up to him and tried to stop him from entering the room. She was one of the new maids who his fosters hired. As she got close to him, he was dragged to an aisle away from Ellie's room. As they stood in front of each other, one-on-one, she started to scold for quite some time about why he shouldn't bother the landlord's daughter's room. As she reprimanded him, he thought he was getting scolded because she did not know who Ryan was or care who he was. The second thought came to his mind due to what he was told back in the kitchen. He was not treated as the nephew of the landlord. It is not like he was ever treated the other way around. That was the last event that happened throughout the day.

Early on the morning of the next day, the chef came to his shack, intending to wake him up. Suddenly, Ryan heard loud noises in his shed, but it didn't feel like it was coming from one direction. Instead, it felt as if the noise was coming from every direction. As that was happening, when he closed his eyes while covering his ears, he could see a bunch of rings with a dot as white as light in the middle of those rings. He could see the rings getting smaller and smaller until they hit the light, and as the ring hit it, a giant ring appeared, closing in on those smaller rings. And it proceeded to do it again and again as if it was a loop. Though the noise was unbearably loud, he noticed the pattern of the sound. The closer the rings get, the louder the noise gets. The sound was so unbearable that he started to reach for the pillow to help him muffle the sound. He grabbed the pillow, and as he was pulling the pillow towards him, he felt like he hit something that made the noise stop. As soon as the sound stopped, he was fully awakened from his sleep and went straight to look outside to see if there was anyone else who heard the noise. But there was no one outside the shack which was strange. How come that loud noise didn't attract a single soul that early in the morning. That was good for him since no one got attracted to the noise since yesterday's explanation scared him to meet with his 'fosters'. As he was relieved that no one was drawn to the noise, he thought it would be better for him to go back to sleep since it was still early. Just as he got on his bed, he could hear the chef's voice and knock on the door. The thought of meeting the chef this early in the morning only meant that he heard a loud noise coming from his shack and was convinced that he would be punished for making that loud noise. He knew he also got punished for making the chef wait in front of the door too, for too long, thanks to Ellie's actions. As he opened the door, he was expecting to get an angry reaction on the chef's face, but instead, the look on the chef's face was as if nothing had happened. He thought the look on the chef's face was not fit for what he just did, so Ryan proceeded to apologise for making those loud noises even though Ryan knew he wasn't the source of it. As he was apologising, the chef asked him what made him apologise. When Ryan heard that, he felt so relieved that he wouldn't be punished for something he didn't do. He could see that the chef couldn't care less about why he was apologising and proceeded to tell him to get ready for the day.

As he got out of the dressing room, a house cleaner was waiting for him outside just to tell him the instructions from the chef. The chef orders him to go to the farm his late parents own instantly. As he got there, he could see the chef was drenched in sweat while Ryan had just got there. He now was instructed to go farming just as he had always done with his late parents. When he was given that instruction, Ryan looked around and noticed no trace of him even planting a single seed. That didn't surprise him since he is now a slave to a contract. He planted sufficient seeds to fill most of the destroyed places due to the incidents when the chef was ready to return to the mansion.

When they got back from farming, it was about time to get ready to make breakfast. Both Ryan and the chef don't waste a single cause of the small amount of time they have to take a bath. Luckily they managed to make breakfast right on time. Though they were the ones who agreed to raise him on his late parents' behalf, right after the contract became legitimate, they no longer treated him how they used to. They didn't even let him eat at the same table and even made him follow the same rule as the maids. He was farming in the field all morning and hadn't eaten yet. As his fosters were enjoying their meals, he was forced to wait for them to finish their food before he could touch his. As they finished their food, Ryan was starving, but his foster mom immediately pulled on his ears just as he felt his food. Ryan was shocked at why she would do that. At the same time, tears ran down his eyes while begging for her to be a bit gentle. She told him he wasn't supposed to be eating until the maids were done wearing theirs. The difference between them is that they are her workers, and he is just a clueless orphan. That harsh comment he told him only made him cry even more, but she couldn't care less about him though he was crying so hard. Her only reaction to that was to force him to stop crying. Even though that strategy works, she managed to put a black dot in his heart, a drop darker than the space. And just as he stopped crying, all of the maids were done eating their food, and that was when she stopped pulling on his ear then told him, "NOW is when you eat." The way he was treated by her wasn't the one he thought when he agreed to let her family take care of him, but now it is too late for him to back down on his agreement, so bear with it is the only option.

After eating, the chef immediately invited him to return to the farm and continued what they left off. He spends the day at the field from breakfast to dinner. Lunch isn't something he would be receiving from being their 'nephew'. He went home when it was already dark since he knew he wouldn't be able to eat until the maids were done. He thought it wouldn't be a problem if he was to get back home late. Just as he got home, no one was there to greet him or even worry about him coming home late. That has when tears started to fall. Even though it's not even a month yet, he already misses the warmth from his late parents. When he got back from the farm, he went straight to the bathroom, but Ryan managed to meet up with Ellie just as he was getting near it. Somehow it felt weird the closer she got to him, as if he could feel the same atmosphere just like back then but a bit weaker than how it was. The atmosphere Ellie was giving didn't manage to stop him from trying to get close. When he did, he could tell from the look of her reaction, she was doing her best not to acknowledge his existence, but deep down, she knows she is terrible at acting. It was rather embarrassing for her to act that badly to make him hate her, but that was what she was ordered to do. As they got closer to each other, he noticed she was trying to bump into him intentionally though he did nothing about it since he felt bad for her to go through that kind of embarrassment just to bump into him. When they did bump into each other, she finally got a reason for her to be mad at him. That's when she turned the embarrassment she went through into anger for her to dump on Ryan. She immediately changed her expression to anger then yelled at him for bumping into her, his master.

While Ellie was scolding him, she talked so much that she started to snitch to herself why she went through the embarrassment. After revealing what she was doing, Ellie went straight to her room to realise what she was doing. Ellie spent the rest of the day in her room while trying to relieve herself from the embarrassment. When she left them, Ryan let the chef go in first out of respect for those who were older than him. As Ryan was waiting for him, he remembered what happened the other day when Ellie made his nose bleed. After what just happened, the only thing he was thinking was to forgive her, but the thought didn't feel right. The idea of ignoring her was on his mind for the rest of the day.

The next day at 3 AM in the morning, he was woken up by the same noise, just like the other day. The differences were that it was louder this time, and the ring had a different colour. Now he started to wonder how to make the noise stop from continuing, but nothing came up other than using the pillow to muff it. And he knew for a fact that wouldn't solve it, but he just did it since the noise was so loud. Even if it was just going to slow it a little bit down, it is worth it. Though he managed to muff it down, it wasn't slow enough for him to be satisfied. He was so annoyed by the loud noise he started to throw the pillow. He used to muff the noise while shouting the word stop. When he did that, he noticed that his throwing the pillow was as if it was projecting to the illusion he was watching. But that's not all. When he yelled the word stop, he could see the dot casting its own ring with the same motions as what the rings were doing.

The difference was that the ring coming from the white dot was slightly more significant than the white dot. When it stopped growing big, its look was like a barrier protecting the white dot in the middle. As it became a barrier, the red rings appeared faster than usual. Still, they all disappeared the moment they touched the barrier. That's when Ryan noticed those red rings trying to hit the dot were the source of those loud noises. Those loud noises made him wonder how that vision he saw when he closed his eyes managed to make such a loud noise. Just as he was wondering about the logic behind those red rings and those loud noises, he noticed the door of his shed was slightly open. But that's not all; There was also a guy standing behind that door. The moment they made eye contact, the person immediately sprinted towards the mansion's gate, but he was being followed by Ryan. As he was getting close to the back walls of the mansion, the guy jumped so high he managed to jump over the fences. He did manage to run from Ryan, but as he jumped over the walls, the robe he was wearing followed his movement, which exposed a tattoo on his back. The tattoo on his back was the same as the person who was there when his parents were killed by a Grand Deer. The appearance of those two made him wonder why would a cult want to mess with his life. The answer won't come if he just keeps going the same road as he is, that when Ryan makes a promise to himself, he will find what the cult wants.

Two hours later, the chef came to his shed just to find out he was already drenched in sweat while lying on his bed. He thought Ryan was sweating from being hot, but little did he know Ryan was working his ass off after the chase. Then he immediately was told to get ready since he should get to the field next. As he was on his way to the bathroom, he met with one of the maids; it was as if she was avoiding him. That behaviour couldn't be blamed since the smell of his sweat was so strong. As he arrived at the field, he was immediately were asked to teach the chef how to farm. Since he only knows something connected to the kitchen, like butchering but not farming. As Ryan finished teaching the chef what he knew about farming, he suddenly started to breathe heavily for whatever reason. Then all of a sudden, his legs gave out as if it was tired. When that happened, he thought it was just muscle fatigue from working out before. That's when he asked the chef if he could take a little break after teaching him the way to farm. His reaction of his was so much different from how he used to treat Ryan. This time he was forcing him to tell every last of information he had on his parents' ways of farming. But when he said the chef they were just doing it as any other farmer did, Ryan could tell he was unhappy when he heard his response. The response he got from Ryan wasn't the one he was hoping to get, but for him, that just meant Ryan was sealing the secrets of his parents' way of farming. The chef knows if he wants to get the information out of him, the only way for it, but first, he couldn't come back late. So he told Ryan to forget what happened then and invited him to get around since it was about time for breakfast. After what just happened, Ryan knows to not let a single opportunity for him be catching up. As the chef was no longer in his eyesight, Ryan told himself to never trust anyone ever again. After everything that has happened to him up until now, trusting someone only meant to be betrayed by them to get what they wanted. But that'll never happen again.