Lukas Qvist is a man who has always had difficulties getting friends because he has always looked lazy and depressed. He has always liked being alone reading books and often ignored other things like studying this made it so he had bellow average grades and not many friends. He has also always lacked morals and has problems feeling bad for other people. Follow Lukas as he has to climb out of hell to finally see the daylight again with his system.
Hi, my name is Lukas Qvist and I was orphaned when my parents died in an electrocution accident when I was 5. I have always been pretty emotion dead and I usually don't really get sad and I didn't feel anything when my parents died. I was then adopted into a middle-class family.
I had a pretty normal upbringing after that except that I had a hard time getting friends because I didn't really fit in and was pretty mature for my age causing the other kids to stay away from me.
When I was five I fell down from my bed onto a corner of a table and got a lot of damage to my face causing me to become blind In my right eye and having a large scar. This made me afraid of heights.
I had a pretty average face and long brown hair that I kept in a ponytail.
When I started going into puberty (around 13) I began to start avoiding people and started reading books in my free time. My grades were slightly below average.
So this brings me to where I am now. I am now 22 and I have moved to the middle of a forest up north in Sweden where I work from home. I usually spend my free time reading or walking in the forest. As I was sitting in my bed reading because there was a storm outside I heard a strange noise from above. I look up just in time to see a tree falling through my roof. I try to run but the entire roof comes down crushing me.
I felt pain all over my body and then it suddenly disappeared. Everything was black I looked around and found that I had no body.
Then I heard a voice.
I was startled and looked around to see who was talking but I saw nothing.
So I asked "Who is there."
"I am the God of reincarnation and I would like to give a proposition for you. You see we gods can't directly influence reality therefore we choose a soul and reincarnate him/her to fix some worlds that have 'problems'"
"So you are telling me that I am chosen to be reincarnated"
"Yes Indeed"
"So do I get anything like a cheat?" I asked
"Well you will get what you would call a 'system' and we will remove the limit on your body. The system will also be unique."
"So what happens If I decline."
"Well we will reset your soul and remove your memories and throw you back into the reincarnation cycle."
"So will I keep my memories if I chose to be reincarnated and do your tasks?"
"So will I be the only one that gets reincarnated?"
"No there will be millions from different worlds and realities that will be given this chance. There will be only a very small chance that you will meet one of them and even if you do they will be from a different world or reality because we can only have one person from each world."
"So what will I reincarnate as."
"We can't interfere too much with souls so we will only make you keep your memory and remove your limit and give you the system so the reincarnation will be random."
"Well then I accept"
" Well then I will send you to the reincarnation cycle now. A warning the procedure will be weird because you will still be conscious when your soul gets a body. Also we don't know how long it will take for you to get a body it will range from a day to a year so please don't go insane."
"Wait what you didn't say that before-"
"Well bye"
Then he suddenly felt as if he was spinning and turning inside out but it didn't hurt because he couldn't feel pain so it felt just weird. So he started waiting... And waiting... And waiting. Time felt awfully slow and he couldn't do anything so he just waited.
After what felt like thousands of years later he finally felt that he moved. His soul then flew so fast that it felt faster than the speed of light. Then suddenly he saw a universe and then he flew in there to a planet that was 5x the size of earth with 3 moons and orbiting two suns that were orbiting around each other. The planet looked like Hell. Everything was burning and there were demon-like abominations on the surface.
He then flew right into one of the seven continents of the planet and into a forest made out of red trees filled with thrones into a body of a skinny tall white demon.