
Transmigrated With Raphael who now acts like an Onee San

Izumi from Earth was transmigrated in Miyamura Izumi before High School and the world was a mixture of Animes with slight AU characteristics. Sorry to Hori-San but she won't be the heroine. Later it will get into a Multiverse Journey because Cote isn't Finished. . . . . Schedule - 1 chapter every day The extra chapter will be available on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · 漫画同人
84 Chs

On July 1st

As the days kept on passing the environment in the class had become much livelier since the expulsion incident.

The students in the class got closer since the incident and Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi who had a talk with Horikita also started to change. They would listen in class, keep their behavior in check, participate in class activities, and most importantly study.

Horikita had also gotten with the class and now she could be seen as the leader of the class with Hirata being the co-leader.

As Horikita was getting to the class, on the hand, Izumi kept on getting away from them. Only a few in the class would interact with him while others avoided him because either they were scared of him or they had different rumors about him.

Heh! Even the students of other classes had heard about him so not many people interacted with him.

Izumi on the other hand didn't care about it. He still interacted with only those he was comfortable with.

Koenji, Ayanokouji, and Izumi had started hanging out more and more with each other's, they enjoyed each other's company as the three people were the type of people who want to be 'free'.

Morning came and the class was more raucous than usual. It was because today was the day they would get class points.

"Good morning, everyone. You all seem more restless than usual today."

Chabashira-sensei strode into the classroom as the homeroom bell rang. "Sae-sensei! Do we have zero points again this month?! When I checked this morning, I didn't see a single point deposited into my account!"

"Oh, so that's why you're all so restless?"

"We worked ourselves half to death this past month! We passed the midterm, so why are we still at zero points?! No one's been late or absent, and no one's talked during class, either!"

"Don't jump to conclusions. Listen to what I have to say first. You're correct, Ike. You have all worked harder than ever before. I recognize that. Naturally, the school understands full well how you all feel."

After being admonished by the teacher, Ike shut his mouth and sat back


"Well then. Without further ado, here are this month's point totals." She put a paper up on the board that listed the point values, starting

with Class A at the top. Excluding Class D, all of the other classes had nearly 100 more points than last month. Class A now sat at 1004 points, slightly above where everyone had started when we were admitted.

"This isn't good. Could they have figured out a way to increase their point total?!"

Horikita appeared solely focused on the other classes. However, Ike and most of the other Class D students didn't care much about the other classes' points. The important question for them was whether we had received more class points. That was it.

Written next to Class D was our point total: 98 points.

"Huh? Wait, 98? Does that mean we actually went up? Yahoo!" Ike excitedly jumped up and down the instant he saw our score.

"It's too early to celebrate. All the other classes saw a similar increase in their points. We didn't close the distance at all. This might just be a reward first-year students receive for getting through the midterm. Every class seems to have gotten at least 100 points."

"So that's what happened. I thought it odd that we'd been awarded points so quickly."

Horikita, who hoped to reach Class A, didn't appear pleased with the result. She wasn't smiling.

"Are you disappointed because the gap between the classes has widened, Horikita?" Ayanokouji asked.

"No, that's not it. We managed to get something this time, after all."

"Get something? Get what?" asked Ike, now standing.

Horikita, after attracting everyone's attention, fell back into silence. The class leader, Hirata Yousuke, answered for her.

"I believe that Horikita-san is referring to the deductions we incurred throughout April and May. In other words, we didn't see a reduction in points for talking in class or being late."

The sharp-witted Hirata hadn't missed a beat.

"Ah, is that so? I suppose that even if we got 100 points, a lot of deductions would've brought us down to zero." Ike, after this simple explanation, raised his arms in victory.

"Wait. But then, why didn't we get any points?"

He lobbed his original question again at Chabashira-sensei. It was indeed strange that we hadn't received 9800 private points in our accounts.

"Well, this time there was a little trouble. The first-year students' point distribution has been delayed. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a bit longer," she said.

"Huh? Seriously? If this is the school's fault, then shouldn't we get some kind of bonus as compensation?"

The students grumbled in discontent. Once they found out that they would be getting their points, their attitudes changed dramatically. There was a significant difference between 98 points and no points.

"Don't blame me. This was the school's decision, there's nothing I can do about it. Once the trouble has been resolved, you'll receive your points. If there are still points left, that is."

There was a deeper meaning behind Chabashira-sensei's words.

Izumi and Sakura who had heard this looked at each other and smiled. Ayanokouji didn't miss this and messaged Izumi to ask about it.

Izumi seeing the message sent some files to Aynokouji who raised his head after looking at them. Then he looked at Horikita and shook his head.

Both of them decided to not participate in the matter until it will get out of hand.

Once lunchtime came around, everyone went to the cafeteria. Even if they had pooled the points to prevent the expulsion, they still had some points to buy the food, instead of Free Food.

Of course, Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi had to eat the free food because they had to give all of their points.

Horikita in this matter was strict and didn't give any points to them.

After lunch, the classes carried on as usual. Everyone in the class was paying attention or making sure it looked like they were paying attention to the teacher.

*Raph! When will we leave for the next word? It's getting boring here.*

*Don't be so down Izumi, Going to the next world won't be easy and fun. You will have to understand a lot of things for that.*

*Still! Why can we leave the world? And Time will be stopped here, so who allowed world travel? I mean aren't there world wills that prevent it.*

*Hmm! You don't need to worry about it. The travels are approved by World Wills and the one who allows the travel, Well! They are constellations.*

*Fuck! Like the one in ORVP. Are they watching me now? Are the travels entertaining to them?*

*No, They aren't watching, for now. And the travels aren't entertainment, No! Maybe they are. The constellations when fed with a world story decided to send someone to intervene or changed the story. They will give you the powers, which will remain yours and they won't be able to take them back on a whim. It's just like you wished for someone to change Boob Dragon Emperor and Butt Dragon Emperor in DxD. You remember your disappointment. Well! It's the same.*

*So that's how it is. It's just like how I used to watch anime, and now they are watching anime. But in live-action.*

As he was talking with Raphael, the classes ended and,

"Sudou. I have to talk to you about something. Come to the faculty room," Chabashira-sensei called out to Sudou, who was trying to beat a hasty retreat from the classroom.

"Huh? What happened sensei? I've got basketball practice now." Sudou languidly opened up his bag to show off the sports uniform inside.

"I've already spoken with the advisor. You don't have to come with me if you don't want to, but you will face the consequences later."

Chabashira-sensei's threatening words set Sudou a little on edge.

"What? Will this be over quickly?"

"That all depends on you. The longer you stand there, the more time you waste."

It seemed as though he had no choice but to go with her. Sudou clicked his tongue and followed Chabashira-sensei out of the classroom.

"I thought that he might have changed, but I guess Sudou's the same as ever. Wouldn't it have been better if he just got kicked out?"

Some students in the class spoke, Horikita narrowed her eyes as she heard the conversation between Sudou and Sensei.

"What do you think? Did he get into any trouble?" Ayanokouji asked as he saw Horikita with narrowed eyes.

"He better not has gotten in trouble," Horikita said in a threatening voice to which Aynokouji thought of the images from before.

"Yeah! He better not. I still want my points back."

They both went out to leave. Izumi didn't join them because he was talking with Raphael.

"I'm a little worried about what Chabashira-sensei said this morning," Horikita said.

"About our points being delayed?"

"Yes. She said that there was trouble, but did she mean that it was a problem for the school, or a problem for us, the students? If it's the latter, then…"

"You're overthinking things. We haven't caused any real problems lately. She even said so herself. I doubt Class D would be the only one not to get any points. It's simply the school having an issue."

Ayanokouji said as he lied through his teeth.

"I hope that's the case. Trouble directly affects our points."

Horikita spent every single day thinking about how to increase our points. She wasn't concerned with private points, of course, but class points. She wanted to get up to Class A. He wouldn't say that it was impossible, but right now it was a very long shot.


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