
Transmigrate in ancient time

Jangli was reborn in ancient and very happy for being good life .She likes farming and animal husbandry. Don't want to get close people because of sharp mouth speaking lead to fight. But she want child and adopted twin . Feng Quahai, son of Prince reagent Everyone known him as God of War. Villagers -Who is he ? Feng Quahai said with cunning in his eyes -I am her husband because we quarrel she refused to admit. my identity so you guys don't tell her Your highness , why these child look like as you ? - said guard. Feng Qinhuai - They are not my child . Feng Qiu - Because he is my uncle.Uncle if you deny us again I tell aunt that you don't want us and your previous life .Aunt don't like you anymore Shut up , you want to tell her how she abondend by her family or by you for your white or green tea mother - Feng Qinhuai face darkened. Feng Qiu - We control ourselves.we are in novel Feng wanwan - Uncle if you purchase some beautiful jewelry for me maybe I help you Aunt don't know what happened in previous life It better to not learn these. so what happened in their previous life? so let's read and see how story unfolds. What is. mistery of previous life of Feng Qinhuai?

N_D_6019 · 历史言情
33 Chs

Chapter - 17 System

Host , you are bounded by world most powerful system . I am system Nova and also known as IQ and EQ system means intelligence and emotional ,IQ or Intelligence Quotient: The intelligence, knowledge, facts and trivia that one possesses. EQ or Emotional Quotient: The emotional understanding and capability of oneself and others that helps with differing situations and people.

Host your IQ level is only sixty you only slightly clever than fools .I help you increase it .

Jing li - You are saying that I am only few points higher intelligent than fools.

System - No host , you are intelligent than everyone . You are a person with a little wisdom amony fools . So I choose you as a host .

Jing li - Okay , so I am intelligent , you choose me as a host.

System don't dare to say that you are fool ,both sentence has same meaning but she doesn't understand .

Host , your EQ level is only Five points - system

Jing li - oh , I see. then what I do to increase my level .

System open a panel - Host ,you see yourself how to increase or how earn points .in system panel

When Jing li open the panel , written that there are zero points in points column

How to earn points are following -

: Help others. : Punish evil people

: When other are happy because of host.

: Other additional points according to situation.

Earning points value are used for following -

: Increase IQ level

: Increase EQ level

: Know about past life ( Two hundred year ago or herself life)

: Know about future

Jing li didn't think much about her past life she know everything about her past life so there no need for it .

When Jing li saw that Two year hundred ago life she ask - System , what happen two hundred year ago this is nothing to do with me . Why you add this.

System - Host , there must a reason for adding this , you needed to find this yourself .

Seeing that she can't get any information from system she recultanely about - Why there are not earn points . I give job to villagers .

System - Host, you give job to villagers to earn money because of this system is bounded to host.

Jing li - Okay .

Lu Yao saw that she not talking when he call her , only staring in one direction .

Lu Yao squat in front of Jing li - Wife what you are thinking.

Jing li closed system then she find a good excuses Lu Yao we don't able to plant the plants why don't you go and call people for working .

Lu Yao - Okay , wife He then put babies on mat under tree .

Jing li - You gave babies to me

Lu Yao - wife , you tired yourself let them there ourselves.

Feng Qiu and Feng Wanwan know that he don't want to her hold them , After he came , he find excuse everytime not let her hold them.

Feng Qiu and Feng Wanwan also aggressive but saw that he glaring at them they shut up don't even dare to cry .

Lu Yao went to villagers , he saw that a uncle was sitting in the yard .

Lu Yao knock the door - Uncle

Uncle who sitting on yard saw that someone are standing at door -oh came in , who are you ? I never see you in village .

Uncle , I am Jing li husband - lu Yao cupp his fist for gretting .

Uncle also hear rumour that Jing li is married and give birth to twins babies .

Oh , you are Jing li husband , I am ye winlin you call me uncle Ye . - said uncle ye .

Lu Yao - Oh uncle ye , I am here for tell that who want to work came to my house , we pay the ways for workers .

Can uncle call who want to work to my house .

Uncle ye also happy for making money they don't have any work it better earn some than nothing .

Ok , I call everyone said Uncle Ye

Lu Yao - Now I go back , uncle you go to find them we need now .

Okay said uncle ye .

When lu Yao came back saw that Jing li is playing with babies , he also sat down with them .

Lu Yao - Wife , I do your given works what the reward do you give me.

Jing li stunned first then say first plant chilli we discuss about reward after that, you go home and get a paper and ink , we need to record everything . First Bach of plants about to came.I forgot untie tuktuk also he also need feeding he eat himself in field there no need for someone feed him.

Lu Yao - ok , wife I go to get it .

Lu Yao went home and untie tuktuk. When he came back after getting the paper and ink notice that tuktuk ran away