
Tower of all Wishes

Welcome to the Tower of Wishes where all your wishes can come true! Ron a normal man who longed for a life of fantasy had died and was suddenly transported to this tower. Now with the help of the wish store he could wish for anything! Now he will explore this tower and see if there is an end to it. A/N This is my first fic. English is not my first language but I am pretty fluent in it. This novel will feature populair characters and powers from anime, tv, manga or other fantasy settings.

AnAccountant · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Villagers and dungeons?

After the waterfall events Ron and Scarlett continued east following the river to more markers. They encountered a couple of things like a herd of deer and buffalo drinking from the river but nothing really special.

When night hit they decided to camp out without a tent, it wasn't cold or hot in the plains and they could hear if anything were to sneak up on them. Once it was morning Ron took the bandages to look at his arm and leg. The wounds had scabbed over and were healing nicely however some scars would remain.

"Well they did always say girls liked scars right?" Ron joked as he continued checking out the damage. His physique was another thing to note as Ron started slightly overweight but with the potion and training 3 times a day for over a week now he's slimmed down a lot and even some definition was showing.

"As long as there's a cool story with them" Scarlett joked along before commenting about his injuries. "Seems like they're healing nicely, want to get some light training in?" Ron nodded and like that their day started.

After some light training they continued on their way this time slightly to the south as they were now heading directly to the cave. Ron had little hope for the villagers as it was currently almost 10 days after they cleared the goblins and who knows how long they were in the cave before that.

After a 4 hour trek Ron and Scarlett came to a massive mountain with an opening at the base. "Seems like this is the place" Ron commented after seeing the entrance. They decided to go in after looking at it for a bit.

It was dark and there were no torches anywhere it was also deadly silent, was this the wrong cave? Just when they thought there was no one here an arrow suddenly whizzed by Ron and Scarlett.

"Who goes there?" A male voice suddenly said in front of them. It was dark so Ron and Scarlett couldn't see him clearly.

"Are you a villager of Silver Town?" Ron asked the man. It was quiet for a little bit before the voice replied a little hesitantly.

"How do you know of our town?" The voice said with a little hope in his voice.

"We exterminated the goblins living in your town, you can go back there now if you want" Ron explained the situation.

"The goblins are gone? How can we trust your words?" The man was a little skeptical of Ron's words. There were over 100 goblins. How could 2 people just clear them all out?

"I have a diary of the homeowner of the largest house and also 2 books I have found in them. I also have a map of the area that was in the same house.

"Can I see the diary you claim to have?" The man said. To which Ron just nodded and took out the diary and threw it towards the man, it had become useless to Ron after reading it once.

The man picked up the diary and began reading it, after a while a sigh of relief came from the cave. "We can finally go home" The man muttered as he stepped out this time without his bow. Ron was finally able to see the man up close.

The man had black hair and a black beard and was pale. Ron guessed he must've been in his late thirties but the worst part of it was his clothes were ripped and was severely malnourished.

"How many people are here?" Ron asked after seeing the man's complexion. He was a little guilty about letting them stay here for this long as he could've come here a week earlier.

"There are 50 people here if you count the children, our food supplies ran out 2 days ago so we're eager to return to town to grow our crops" The man said.

"Here take this first" Ron said as he paid 100 wish points for food and water for the 50 people. This did ease his guilt a lot seeing that he was still on time.

Seeing the food appear out of thin air surprised the man a little before clarity came to his eyes. "You're a Wishmaster? That would explain how you got rid of the goblins."

Ron was a little confused "What's a Wishmaster?" He asked the man who gave an odd look to Ron "You can wish for things correct?" The man asked Ron who nodded accordingly.

"That's a Wishmaster, people who can wish for things in this place" The man nodded as he explained the terminology.

"I see, It's the first time I've heard that terminology since I've come here" Ron said after getting the explanation.

"How long have you been here?" The man asked, making a little chit-chat. There were more people coming and taking the food and water further back.

"About 10 days" Ron explained as he saw more malnourished people coming, word was spreading fast as he saw people looking at him a little afraid but also thankful.

"10 Days!? and being able to wipe out the goblins that quickly?" The man was shocked to hear this.

"Well I did get lucky and almost all of them were wiped out before I found them, and I happened to know an expert against goblins" Ron told the man glancing at Scarlett who remained neutral during the conversation.

"Ah I see even then it's not something to scoff at, then you probably don't know about dungeons either?" The man asked Ron to which Ron just shook his head.

"Then follow me please" The man said as he walked further in the cave. Ron looked at Scarlett who just shrugged, Scarlett had told Ron she had a talent for spotting when someone is lying.

Ron and Scarlett followed the man deeper in the cave along the way they saw all the people and children eating the food Ron had given them. They continued for a while until they came to a door. ('A door in the middle of a cave?') Ron looked at it a bit miffed.

"Place your hand on it," The man said. Ron decided to do it after Scarlett didn't do anything, he didn't trust everybody he came across but he trusted Scarlett. Placing his hand on the door Ron suddenly got some information.

Dungeon: Kobolds cave

Difficulty: Easy

Limit: Level one beings

Warning only 1 may enter per party, Non repeatable

Well it's explanation was short and sweet but Ron didn't see the need to go in. Before he could ask, the man explained about dungeons. "Dungeons are special places where monsters can spawn and you or a party can explore them.

As for why you should explore them at the end there are rewards that are proportional to how well you've done in them. Of course beings that are too strong cannot enter them. There are also special rewards for Wishmasters in them" The man explained a bit about dungeons.

Ron nodded now it was interesting to him that if there were rewards at the end of the dungeon it could very well help him gain something that would make him stronger as the man even hinted at wish points for Wishmasters. Also it mentioned level one beings Scarlett couldn't enter it which meant she was higher than level one.

"What do you want to do?" Scarlett asked the important question, she couldn't access the dungeon as she was too strong for it.

"For now we should escort the villagers back to the town and then I would like to summon someone for training then doing the dungeon" Ron explained his plans for the short future, he had thought of someone that maybe would help him in training his whip skills although he was a little unsure.

"Alright then I'll just train at the waterfall when you enter the dungeon, how long do you think it will take?" Scarlett said before asking how long he would be at the dungeon for.

"I have an idea that will tell you if I'm still alive by then" Ron alluded to an idea he had in his head. To which Scarlett just nodded.

After the villagers ate and were well rested for the journey ahead they set out with Ron, Scarlett and the man who told Ron his name was Aaron up front. Ron showed Aaron his map including his own notes to which Aaron replied that he never did note down the markers because he just remembered what they were.

It still took multiple hours before they arrived and when they did the town was left exactly as it was although there were holes in the ground and some leftover blood the repairs were easy enough, Goblin Slayer already burned the bodies before he had even left which Ron didn't even notice.

Soon it was nightfall and the townspeople had prepared a feast for Scarlett and Ron for clearing out their town, they also stayed at Aaron's house for the night. The next morning Ron's injuries had completely healed with only scars being left over.

"So who are you going to summon? I'm kinda curious" Scarlett asked. Ron mentioned he was going to summon someone for training and it was always interesting to see who he knew.

"Well, follow me for now I don't want to summon this person here" Ron vaguely replied as he and Scarlett bade their farewells to the townspeople, Ron also returned the diary and books he had taken before but was given a copy of the map as thanks.

After following Ron to the plains he stopped and seemed hesitant in summoning this person. Scarlett noticed this and asked why he was hesitant.

"It's kinda because the person I wanna summon is not exactly a good person" He explained a little. "She's got a history of theft and is a big adrenaline junkie but is very skilled and with payment I hope she'll help" He told her about the history of who he's trying to summon as for the name it was Catwoman aka Selina Kyle.

"I see, I'll just let you handle it" Scarlett just nodded and accepted it. She knew she was stronger than anyone Ron could currently summon so she was not afraid of Ron betraying her.

Ron nodded and prepared payment in advance as he knew she would like to see it first. After that he was left with exactly 1,000 wish points he hoped he had enough left for all his plans.

"I wish to summon Catwoman" Ron issued his wish and the store responded soon after.


This meant at best he was going to have her guidance for about 5 hours if he wanted to execute the rest of his plans. Ron confirmed the wish and in a flash of light a woman in full black spandex was standing in front of him. She was equipped with a whip and had cat ears on her head.

She looked around before looking at Scarlett then at Ron before lingering her eyes on him. Suddenly she puffed her chest a bit before asking him.

"Well handsome mind telling me where I am?" She said in a seductive tone of voice.

Ron knew Catwoman was like this and was prepared but even then he was almost taken aback by how aggressively flirting she really was. Scarlett on the other hand frowned a little as she saw only deviousness in her eyes with not a hint of actual infatuation.

"We're currently in the tower of wishes. I'm Ron and this is Scarlett. I've summoned you here because I need your help." Ron explained the situation.

"What could you possibly need me for? I should mention I already have a boyfriend" She said before placing her right hand near her hip where her whip was placed.

"I need you to train me how to use a whip" Ron got straight to the point.

"Huh?" Catwoman was a little stunned. Did he seriously ask her how to use a whip?

"I'm willing to pay you of course," Ron added.

"Huh?" Catwoman repeated herself even more stunned. He truly was serious.