
Total War : Shogun in another world

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." Mandle could not help but smirked at the thought of a quote that came to his mind as he remembered his last few moments on Earth. Thinking, hoping that he had finally retired from his occupation only to get blind-sided by life. And brought into a world where the only retirement was death. [*Ding* Initial requirements of System Activation have been completed, Waiting for deep evaluation of host…] [*Ding* Error, System has found that host lacks one of the initial requirements,…] [Cause(s) : 1. Host currently has influence over a monarchy. 2.Host does not have total control of said monarchy. ] [*Ding* System shall commence searching for an alternative route…] [Please stand by…] [*Ding* Alternative route found.] [*Ding* System shall now activate in: 3 2 1…] [*Ding* Welcome to The Total War : Shogun System.] "What the fuck." …or maybe not. .... As you can see am trash at describing my own book, mostly because I am not sure what going to happen in it. Yes I am that type of writer. But worry not as i am decent. I think. I hope. And is you want to support my works please check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n patreon.com/_Starsign_

Starsign · 游戏衍生
16 Chs

Chapter 13 - Sorin Bushin


~When I asked a seagull a tidal news, I am leaving now

Ask the waves the same – choi~ 

A man with an expressionless green oni mask sang at the top of his lunges, as he dashed past camps of circular felt yurts* with a lit torch in his hand. Setting fires wherever he could. With a group of close to a hundred angry warriors running and riding their bosa lizards after him, wanting nothing more than to rip him to shreds. 

~I will sleep on a satin pillow tonight

Tomorrow I'll be out and sleep on the waves – choi~

"What are y'all doing? At least five arban should be putting out those damn fires, while the rest of all of you should catch that bastard that is starting them!!" One of the leaders of the group of warriors giving chase to Green Oni roared at the top of her lunges. But sadly the more fires her people put out the fires more Green Oni created, giving this leader a headache to say the least.

However, Green Oni was not finished, as he said " 'Der yer are." 

Having found what he was looking for, the most isolated yurt in the whole horde and because of that it was also the most secure. As it was the yurt of the leader of this mingghan*(1000 men-group), who was one of the most powerful people in the whole horde. But despite that, Green Oni dropped the torch on the ground as his eyes began to glow bronze while he said, " Release… Body." 

A bronze translucent bow appeared in his hand and an invisible samurai shinobi armour similar to Red Oni's one appeared on him. Causing his speed to increase immensely as he then grabbed the bow string and pulled it. And as he was pulling, an arrow appeared in his pulling hand. 

~A man of six feet tall must be brave

I will lean far out over the waves – choi~

With all that he needed in place, he aimed the bow at the central yurt, then took a deep breath and released the bow string. 


The arrow flew at great speeds, reaching closer and closer to its target. Only a few saw it fly, and even then they did not know what it was until they heard.


A large crashing sound was heard throughout the sleeping mingghan. While those who were already awake, but were trying to put out the fires wondered what was the cause of the sound. And those who knew, caused the area to be grow silent as they had just lost a Khan*. 

~If the seagulls could talk with me

I'd like to chat with them and exchange some news – choi~

Well, not completely silent as the cause of all this was still singing his song, which caused the hearts of the stunned warriors to pump with vengeful rage. As a song synonymous with 'the Working Man' quickly twisted into the most hated song by the mingghan.

~It's fun to hear the seagulls chatting on the sea

So I cannot stop being a fisherman~

A/N : For the song, look up Sorin Bushin on YouTube. 


P.O.V Arno

[ Green Oni has completed his mission and is now enroute to the new rendezvous point.] Guide's voice rang in Arno's mind, who took no time to say.

"Good, then I guess it's time to officially begin Operation 'Welcome Home'" As his body grew more tense, while his mind began to zone out all distractions. He did not need a distracted mind for what was to come.

 "Tell Kenshin to prepare." 

[ Your will is my command, my lord.]



"WHY DID YOU HEAL HER?!?!" Masakage eyes widen, at the monk's actions. She would have punched Shin's teeth in, but she was stopped by her sister.

"Stop it already, Masa." Kenshin said to her sister as she had to give her a bear-hug just to keep her from getting close to the monk. " It is unbecoming." 

Masakage struggled for a while in her sister's arms, while Shin still had his eyes closed. Mostly focusing on dealing with and accepting the cuts he had just gained as after some time they began to disappear one by one. Until he said one more time.

"Om." And with that he was healed, and he then opened his eyes to the two sisters' antics.

"Now then, Sister Masakage, you may try to extract information from the prisoner now." Shin presented the healed up ninja, who was still unconscious from the exhaustion caused by her injuries.

" Just one, I want ju-wait, you are allowing me to torture her?" Masakage stopped her struggling, trying to process what the monk had said. Maybe she had misheard.

"Is it not what you intended to do?" Now for the first time the only expression on the monk's face was confusion. " I only prevented her death, so that you can extract information without fearing the mortality of our prisoner."

And with that Masakage knew she did not mishear, which caused her to internally chuckle while also starting to see the monk in a new light, as she asked, " And your injuries? Will it not-"

"No need to worry sister, this is but a small price I am willing to pay to serve my Bodhisattva." However Shin interrupted her before she could finish her question. As he then went to find a seat to sit in as he knew this was going to be a long night.

Seeing this, Masakage, without thinking bowed in thanks to the monk. Which earned a side eye from Kenshin. It was fine to bow your head to a person of lower social standing, but not your torso like her sister just did.

Because while the Usegui were famed for being devoted Buddhist, that did not mean they treated monks at a higher standing than their own. They were still noblemen, and monks were still lower in social standing. But ultimately Kenshin said nothing as Shin was a Usegui clan member, making him a nobleman.

"Thank you for your contribution to the clan, Tendoshoku Shin." Masakage earnestly said, as she then brought her attention to the ninja once again. And without looking at the doctor, who was at this point still dazed by Shin's actions, Masakage said.

" You are going to need you to call the engineers." A stoic expression plastered on her face as she pondered on the types of methods she could use to extract the information. "We will find out what this nin knows."

"Let's go see if their is more sake."

Kenshin, seeing that a potential kin-massacre had been averted, chose to go back to her bottle of sake. And maybe do that while planning on how the camp would ration the food that was their possession until it was time for their Bodhisattva to call upon them. Working while drunk was less productive than multi-tasking, but that never stopped her from making Echigo a financial and military strong territory.

[ That will not be necessary, ma'am. I have a few concerns I must discuss with you all.] A familiar voice rang out to everyone in the room, a voice that felt like a parent that had come back home from work. You could see the subconscious smile on everybody in the room's faces.

" You have finally shown yourself." Masakage muttered under her breath, even Masakage could not help but smirk. A thing she only did in front of her sister.

[ Yes, ma'am, I was quite busy with a few errands I needed to run for His Majesty. With those out of the way I believe it was prudent I stop all of you from making a grievous mistake.] Guide explained to them. And without waiting a second later, as if having already confirmed it was their Bodhisattva's retainer, they went on their knees and bowed. 

" We greet the Bodhisattva's retainer." They all said in unison.

Well except for Masakage, who had a frown as she was processing the implications of what Guide just said, and Kenshin, who did not need much time to process what he said, as she turned her head to the ninja on the bed.

"It can't be…" Kenshin muttered to herself. In her previous life and the current one she could never have thought that she would have oversight in such a manner. It was just impossible to imagine.

[ Yes it is, that is the Bodhisattva's agent that you were planning on extracting information from.] While Guide only confirmed her suspicions, which caused both sisters' eyes to widen at the realisation that they had just offended their Lord. And potentially had just hurt his interests. Causing them to go on their knees and bow while asking for forgiveness. But Guide, as per usual, was not done.

[ An agent that not only found the location for where your Clan could safely spawn, but also received a great amount of injuries trying to fight a beast that could have created a Usegui massacre.] Guide just added on the shame they already felt, especially Masakage who essentially spearheaded the want to extract information from Red Oni. 

While Shin and the rest of the staff in the infirmary were not taking the news very well. Shin especially, first day on the job of being an monk for the Bodhisattva they served and he had just conspired to torture a fellow comrade for days and nights. Especially one with Red's merit.

"We are deeply sorry for our actions, Bodhisattva's retainer." While Keshin, hearing this notice without speaking a beat, said, " As the highest commanding officer, words can never describe how much shame and guilt we feel for our transgression. I may be deemed selfish for this but I only wish you allow me to wash away the sins of my subordinates. Please allow me to commit seppuku." 

Masakage's heart skipped a beat at what her sister had said, as she then clenched her hand wanting to roar. To stop her sister from committing seppuku, because of her own mistake. But as much as she wanted to stop her. She knew there were some things that even she, with her personality, had to respect. Even if she would rather it be her who died today.

[ Please, call me Guide, and I do respect your commitment, ma'am. However as I stated before, I am merciful to those who are loyal. It is honestly a double-edged sword.] Guide said, Which caused Masakage's worries to subside just a bit, but that was only the calm before the storm as Guide continued to say, [ But punishment must be given out, as swiftly and steadfast as rewards are given.] 

Masakage's emotions at this point was all over the place, but she did not show it. She has already embarrassed her sister enough for today. But Guide would not let her emotions settle as she said.

[ I would like all commanding officers, including agents to gather at the Commander's tent.] Guide said to them, but it was clear that the message did not only go to them. As silence followed afterwards, a clear sign that Guide was done with the conversation for now.

Hearing the silence for quite some time, Kenshin decided to be the first to stand up. Which prompted Masakage to stand up and well to try and apologise to her sister for the shame she had brought.

" Sister, I-" She wanted to say sorry, but was Interrupted by Kenshin.

" Kumi-gashira, you heard Lord Guide. Gather at the Commander's tent immediately." Kenshin said as if she was speaking to a common soldier, instead of her sister as she then directed her gaze at Shin who was processing his actions while still in a kneeling position, " You as well Tendoshoku Shin, come with us to my tent. Maybe Lord Guide will provide all of us with a fitting way to wash away our shameful behaviour."

And with that Kenshin went to the Commander's tent, while a downcasted Masakage and Shin following her.

20 minutes later 

Loud chatter could be heard from inside the Uesugi Clan Commander's tent, as a group of high ranking officials of the clan and army sat down while waiting for Guide. Wondering what was so important, so urgent that he needed to tell all of them as a group. When he could have easily done it individually just like how he announced the meeting in the first place.

[ Good, see that everyone made it in time.] Guide's voice rang through every personnel in the tent. Prompting them to look around for where the sound was coming from.

"Lord Guide." Kenshin said as she prostrated herself to no particular direction, which caused a lot of officials to frown in confusion. Somebody of Kenshin stature prostrating was unheard of. Unless…

But that's when realisation hit them, as they followed suit. Prostrating in the same manner that Kenshin was, down to the direction of which she prostrated in. And while of course they heard Guide's voice telling them to gather. The sight of seeing a Taisho, prostrate themselves was definitely new to them. Causing them to falter for just a moment.

[Ah yes Taisho Kenshin, it is good to see again. And since you have a vague idea of why we are here. I would like you to inform the rest of the officials of today's debaricle.] Guide gave an order, letting Kenshin and Masakage understand, that their punishment had just begun.

Having to say her faults in front of her subordinates after one day of being reborn, was humiliating to say the least.

"Hai, my lord." However, Kenshin stayed strong as she turned to face her subordinates. She letting out slight sigh not before saying, " Good evening my fellow Clansman. This gathering is about a shameful occurrence on my part, that happened not too long ago."

Masakage clenched her hands once again as the realisation that her sister was about to take all the blame, for her own rash actions no less, was painful.

Talk about a failure for a sister. 

Which made it hard for Masakage to even look at Kenshin's eyes at that moment in time, as Kenshin continued say her humiliating speech. 

" A ninja of unknown origins was captured near the campsite, and without much thought I had decided that we should extract any information we could. Maybe it would have given us a better understanding of the layout of this new land, but-" 

However before her sister could go any further she was interrupted by Guide as he said. 

[ But thanks to me they quickly found out that the ninja they were about to torture was actually one of my Lord's agents.] 

When Guide's statement was heard, the group of officials' reactions varied. They were all definitely shocked that their Taisho had almost tortured an agent of the Bodhisattva they served. But It is how they reacted to said shock that varied.

Some of the members showed contempt to their taisho for doing something so disgraceful, without having ruled out any possible options as to who the ninja belonged to. They had only been here for about three days max, who would send a ninja in such a short amount of time without having prior knowledge of them.

While some were sympathetic to their taisho as war was unpredictable and unforgiving, it was better to be safe than sorry. Some of them if put in said particular position would have done the same, without question.

[ Now as a punishment for this transgression.] Guide said.

And paused for a few moments, just to let what was going to be said next carry some weight.

Which it did, as the silence was felt by all in the tent. Prompting Guide continued to say, [ The Bodhisattva will not blame the Taisho for her subordinates' mistakes, and he will not punish one when many could have stopped it. So the Uesgui Clan will wash away their sins with the blood of their enemies. Prove that all of you are worthy of serving or if my lord is just wasting his time.] 

Silence followed.

Silence stemming from the group of officials trying to digest what Guide had told them, more specifically a certain sentence he had said.

'Wash away their sins with the blood of their enemies.' 

These ten words were what caught the attention of most of the officials in the tent. Causing their blood to boil with excitement at just the mere thought of spilling the blood of their enemies, because even if this was their punishment and they were devout Buddhist. At the end of the day they were still warriors. And what was a warrior without a war. 

The only ones who really focused on the whole sentence were rare and few. These subset of officials were individuals like Kenshin, who came to realise her sister's mistake would now not only get some of her clan members killed, but potentially herself. While on the other hand Masakage also paid attention to the whole speech, as she came to an understand that Guide was giving her a chance to potentially save her sister at the expense of her clansmen. A fair trade in her opinion.

[ And to further brief all of you on who will be your enemies I have invited one of His Majesty's agents to explain to all of you the situation.]

And with that sentence Kenshin's shadow began to move slightly as Green Oni jumped out. Causing everyone in the tent to be frightened as a ninja just appeared out of nowhere. While Kenshin saw what happened, the thing that frightened her the most was that she could do nothing to prevent the ninja from killing. How did she know, her instincts told her so?

But despite her instincts telling her not to, Kenshin looked Green Oni in the eyes and said, " Hello brother." 

But Green swiftly replied, " I am not yer brotha."

Which caused the group to be taken aback by the levels of animosity that the ninja displayed at a taisho, but Green was not done as he brought his attention to the rest of the group. 

" Ya are all are not worty uv be'n kalled a soilda uv our kage, but i will work ya 'cos Guide's forc'n me. But if i see any uv ya act'n out line i will fix dat right proppa. Y'all hear?" 

There was no reply to Green's declaration, not out of fear of the ninja. But because the audience could barely understand what the ninja was saying. Wondering how someone incapable of articulating himself properly becomes a ninja? And whether or not he became that way because of a failed mission.

However, Green Oni on the other hand , hearing the silence, took it as confirmation of them accepting his declaration.

"Dey not even fight'n' back, wot? Are dey really scared uv me." A smirk appeared under his mask, clearly impressed with his skills in fear tactics. While being partly disappointed that no one tried to fight him.

"Oh well." He shrugged off the thought and went on to brief the officers, " So ere iz da fing, danks ta ma amaz'n sing'n. Yer all are gunna have a propa kramp. Lucky bastards. An' i know, i know wot iz a kramp without dakka. But I we all have ta komprise."

"Huh?!?!" Was what was at the back everyone's mind.

Mingghan : The mingghan (Middle Mongolian: *mïŋgan) was a social-military unit of 1000 households created by Genghis Khan

Arban  : An Arban is made up of 10 soldiers (6 archers and 4 lancers) and includes 50 mounts. 

Yurts  : is a portable, round tent covered and insulated with skins or felt and traditionally used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the steppes and mountains of Inner Asia

Khan : a local chieftain or man of rank in some countries of central Asia

Echigo : was an old province in north-central Japan, on the shores of the Sea of Japan.

Like I said, I don't write with a plan in mind, but with people in mind. And who ever came up with this plan is more evil than I thought. Should I put an evil tag after this🤔 

oh well🤷‍♂️, let's just surprise the new readers😈

I shall resume posting on p.a.t.r.e.o.n on the 17 July 2024