
Time Return With My Boss

What would you do if one day you find yourself having gone back in time? What if you find one of your colleagues who you knew when you were younger, acting completely different from how they were before? Ivan sees his boss in a completely new light; turning a complete 180º from the original demon lord manager to a cutesy fox that won’t let him go. More impactful is her sudden interest in him, and her bold yet flirtatious actions completely destroying any semblance of their past—... now present. This is a romantic comedy with absolutely zero brains. A feel-good novel and a source for sugar. There’s a lot of fluff, some degree of plot, and trauma healing. Single dogs, lucky taken, come get your dose of diabetes. Cover is not owned by me. Message murdsguy if the author of the cover would like for the cover to be taken down.

CyanSuch · 都市
27 Chs

Chapter 15


Realizing that I had been made a fool, I felt slight heat rising towards my cheeks.

Her laugh began turning even more scandalous, openly calling me a fool.


I turned around and saw her eyes spilling tears. Not sad tears like just a few minutes ago, but full-on, laughter tears.

I sighed helplessly. I am relieved that she is not crazy, but honestly, what a bitch.

My breathing calmed down and my pounding heartbeat slowly steadied to a normal beat, albeit it was still heightened.

"Hahahahaa," she did not stop laughing, rather her laughs became even worse.

I looked at her with exhaustion and rubbed my eyebrows.

As long as she's laughing and feeling better…

"Stop sighing, old man, Pffft— Hahahahaha."

I let her have her laughs. You'll see later. I'll make you regret ever doing something like this.

I looked at her emotionlessly while she pointed and laughed at my face for too long until she finally settled down.

"Haha… Oh man," she clutched her stomach, "it hurts. It really does."

She massaged her cheeks, "Ah, they're so sore from laughing so much… Ahhh they burn. Laughing is a whole freakin' workout, haha…"

"Anyway, what'd you think of that? Did I do well?"

"..." I refused to answer and looked away.

"Oh, c'mon. You can't deny that it wasn't at least a little funny how you were shitting your pants, Pfffft— Hahahahahaha," she began laughing again.

Again, I had to wait for her to settle down.

"Anyway, answer my question. What'd you think?"

I massaged my forehead, "Can I not answer?"

"Hahahaahah, no way. You have to! I know you're a little salty but losers lose and winners win. C'mon, don't be a sore loser."

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"You were very good at acting insane," I relented. Yeah, this prankster is not my cold, dignified, out-of-this-world, manager.

To be honest, though. I like this Alice more than the other one.

"Hahaha, you shitted your pan— PFFFTT—"

No, I did not.

"Yeah, yeah yeah… Keep laughing, witch"

"Hahah… oh man, and your face when I said my first time would be on the grass, haha hahaha…"

"And your negotiations and stupid excuses like 'Uh, I'm better alive than dead, no?' Hahahahaha…"

At my deadpan face, she began punching my shoulder with amusement.

"And then, hah, and then, when I told you that breathing near someone else was cheating… Hahahaha… You were so, pffft— You looked like the world was ending…"

"Anyway, you were probably thinking I was a crazy bitch, huh?"

"Yes. Exactly that. I thought you were a crazy bitch."

"Look, I'm insane and have my own problems… but I'll only turn like that a few months later, not so soon."

I mocked her, "Uh, dur dur duh. 'I'lL tuRn lIKe tHat A FeW mONthS latUr,' Shut the fuck up."

"Pfft— Hahaha… you're still mad, hahahahaha… stay mad…"

"Anyway, didn't you get excited when I called you Darling or Honey? Fucken' virgin…" I sighed…

Who was the person crying that they'd be alone for the rest of their life..?

Obviously, I'd never say that to her since I won't use her own insecurities against her, even as a joke.

But still… very shameless of her to say that to my face like that… she's itching for a beating.

"...Yes, yes… I was very happy when you called me Darling and Honey," I deadpanned.

"Hmmm, good answer," her smile was contagious and she suddenly dropped her head on my lap.

While looking up at me, her smile became even more vibrant.

"I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

My fist was itching.

I brought it up and bonked her head.

"Not forgiven."

"OW!" She rubbed her head.

In revenge, reached her hands up from below towards my cheeks and grabbed two fistfuls of them, and played with them as if they were dough.

Letting her do whatever, she tugged them softly forwards and backwards, left to right.

"Hey, Ivan."


"Have you fallen in love with me yet?"

"I just might if you threaten to turn me into a corpse again."

"Ha~? So you're into that?"

"Yeah… Definitely. Very into that," I tugged at her hair myself, practicing braiding with her front hair.

"Didn't you say you loved me?"

"It's another thing to say I love you when your life is being threatened, to falling in love with someone," I pointed out, very obviously.

"So then… when are you falling in love with me?"

"What was that?"


"Don't be such a coward, tell me."

"Nuh, don't wanna. When are you going to?"

She turned her face towards the side, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Who knows when… I don't know the future."

"...Is that a rejection?"

"No. It's the opposite," I tapped her cheek, her temples, and her forehead.

She grabbed my hand that was tapping her facial features and held it tightly with her two hands.

She opened her mouth, and bared her teeth, "I'll bite your finger off if you don't tell me."

"That's not the first time I've been bitten by you."

She blushed, "Shut up."

"How'd my ear taste like?"

I looked at her with disdain.

"Stop… shut up."

"So that's your kink? Biting?"

"Stop talking, already…"

"Can dish it, but can't take it?"

She frowned and pinched my hand.

I held the pain inside and didn't let it notice on my face. She huffed and frowned cutely, not wanting to hurt me.

"...how about calling me honey and darling again?"

She gained a blush on her face and turned away.

"We've been absent from class for a long time now… Let's go back to class."

She quickly rushed away from my lap like a rabbit and hopped out of the area.

"What am I going to do with you guys…?"

"I said to be responsible! This is still an educational institution and the honor code must be respected."

I scratched my head. "Ah… Counselor. I think there's been a misunderstanding."

She paused and fixated her gaze on me with a weird stare.

"Misunderstanding something? I'm clearly understanding everything. Ivan, look at your hair. Do you think I'm a fool? It's messy and all over the place. Alice? Look in the mirror, why are you so red as if you weren't properly breathing air for a long time? Huh? You think I'm dumb?" She paused to take breaths.

"Ivan. You literally have lipstick on your neck!" the counselor facepalmed. "Isn't it obvious what you did?"

"Alice, again coming back to you. That red face you have that looks like it just had a workout, I can tell you guys were making out for almost an hour!"

"Ma'am, we were not making out… I was laughi—"

"Quiet! Stop the excuses. Really? You're still lying when both of you are disheveled? When Ivan has literal lipstick on his neck?" She gasped, "Ivan?! What are those wet spots on your shirt?" The counselor brought her hand to her face.

"I'm about to faint. I know you're high schoolers and can make your own decisions but, my goodness! Time and place! Also, Ivan. You literally reek of Alice's perfume. Goodness. Gracious!

"...Counselor this is a misunderst—"

"Stop saying that. You two need to learn moderation… Why couldn't you just wait until class was over? Why be late just to… sigh."

"Counselor. This is a misunderstanding," I repeated firmly.

"Okay, then explain."

"I can swear it on my life. That we did not do what you're thinking of."


"Why would I have lipstick on my neck, and not on my lips? If we were making out? Why are our lips not swollen? They should be swollen if we really were… doing things not appropriate for school. Naturally, we weren't kissing at all."

"That still doesn't explain the kiss mark on your neck… and the… wet spots."

I glanced at Alice and she nodded, "Alice was not having a good day. She's been… having some problems lately and she was crying. Do you see her eyes? They're swollen."


"Counselor, have we explained ourselves?"

"...Yes. I guess so…" She deflected her eyes away from us, avoiding our gaze.

She seemed embarrassed at her reaction, "Sorry…"

"It's alright, Yvonne," Alice spoke up.

She stared at Alice's eyes, noticing their puffiness and redness. "So… you know. I'm the counselor… Apart from helping students with class problems… I can help you with other problems…" she told Alice.

She laughed lightly at her awkward behavior, "No, it's fine. Thank you, Yvonne. I just needed some time away from everything."

She nodded. "May I ask… if it's about your parents?"

Alice tilted her head, "Why do you say that?"

I raised my eyebrow.

"Well… you know. I take care of students' mental health and… one of the big signs to watch out for is when a student's parents don't normally come to our events… or conferences…" she trod lightly on the subject.

"...Yeah. I guess… in a way. But I'm fine now. I'm happy."

Yvonne did not believe her. I myself did not believe her either.

Still, being pushy won't be too good.

"...Hmmm. Then if you want to talk, I'm always here…"

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Alright well, get back to class. I'll give you a tardy ticket… just… if that happens again then come to me."

We nodded at her obediently and she pat our shoulders.

We exited the room, "You know, in a way… I started crying from your words. So you owe me one."

What a shameless woman. "Yes, yes. I owe you whatever you want…"

Yeah. No way I'd follow up with those words.


Thanks for reading :)