
Till I Met you Again

R18( Matured content). No rape What happens when he found out that the person he thought loves him was actually playing with his feelings in order to get her revenge over what happened over a silly incident and would happen after she realized that she had feelings for him after he walks out of her life And what would happen after she met him again years later, would she go after him or regret her decision of letting him walked out her life. Follow the story of Antonio and Jessica and how he changes her personality. This story is full with conspiracies, betrayal and action. Please take it easy with me if you found any fault in my novel because this is my first time writing a novel and I hope to get your support and encouragement. I hope you enjoy my writing Thank you.

EddyKing · 现实
7 Chs

The Encounter

After arriving in USA and due the fact he was in a foreign country and had to take care of his sister, also the fact that they had no one to take care of them, Antonio had to do many odd jobs in order to raise money to care of him and his sister Sofia who was 15 years old while he was 18 years old. He had to do meager jobs such as cleaning and being a waiter to cater for himself and his sister.


2 years later

It was nighttime in Manhattan (New York), the road was bustling with people rushing back home from their work and one of them was Antonio who was walking back home back home after returning from work when all of a sudden he heard the sound "beep beep", upon looking up, he realized that a car was approaching him at full speed and he managed to narrowly escaped being hit.

The car halted and stopped in front of him, it was a Lamborghini sports car, he furiously banged on the door of the car and said " hey don't you know how to drive? " with that sexy Italian English accent.

Stepping down from the car was a tall, slim, dazzling girl with a long black hair and blue eyes her name was Jessica Beck who just kept staring at him. Upon not receiving any reply from her Antonio got mad and shouted "are you mute? Don't you know how how to drive? You almost ran me over"