
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · 现代言情
31 Chs

The Distance

It is officially a month since Alex went to his Pack. In the beginning, he stayed true to his word and we talked every single day. I can feel that our bond is getting stronger, I started noticing when I was having restless nights. When I told Alex, he walked me through how to make it better even though he was experiencing it ten times more, being a werewolf meant he would experience the mate bond affects more than me. I am always sleeping in or on his clothes, his scent calms me every night. I have tried asking him to get an idea of when he plans to come back unsuccessfully. I miss him so much that I became frustrated, it was crazy and annoying at the same time considering we only spent a few months together. I am falling for him so hard. I could have told him how I felt but he is not picking up my calls anymore.

It was my day off work so I decided to stay in, watch a movie then maybe call my mother who I haven't spoken to for a while. She will be pissed but on the brighter side, I would get to hear her voice and tell her about Alex without hiding the fact that he was a werewolf. Two movies and a bowl of popcorn later, I called my mother. She answered on the first ring as usual then all hell broke loose. "I'll be damned, Zebrine Collson. How could you do this to me? You promised to call every day. I waited and waited and what did you do? You ghosted me, how could you? I thought we were in this together. Am not Jennifer, am your mother!", she was breathing very fast then suddenly I heard some weird sounds then "Zeb? is that you kiddo?", Boris's sweet voice asked making me smile. He was still the only one who could calm her down. "Yes dad, it's me. Am sorry for ghosting you guys and I know mum is mad at me but I needed time to myself", I tried explaining hoping he would be a better communicator. "I know Zeb, she does too, she just misses you that's all. I do too", he said sounding sad. "I miss you guys too and I love you so much", tears betrayed me making me sob. "Hey, it's not worth it. The moon goddess will handle him", he assured making me smile then I remembered why I was calling my mother for. "So, I kinda met my second chance mate here", I said then there was silence. "Does he treat you right? Who is he? Tell me his name, I need to do a background check on him, I don't want history repeating itself", he said using his serious tone. I guess papa bear mode was activated. "I don't think you will need to do that considering you already know him", I teased. "Zebrine, who is he?", mother asked with excitement, finally talking to me. "He is Alex Rhodes", I said then there was silence again, "who is Alex Rhodes baby?", I heard my mother ask from the other side of the phone. "Are you sure Zeb?", Boris asked again making me smile. "Yes dad, am living in his penthouse", I said switching to a video call. I gave them a tour of the house, mother was in awe and Boris was still processing his shock for obvious reasons. "Who is this man?", mother asked now jumping with joy. "He is the Alpha King", Boris told mother who almost lost it. "My baby is a Queen, this is amazing am so happy for you", "Thank you mum", "Does he treat you right?", Boris asked. "He is very nice to me dad", I said with a smile. "You know I don't have a problem putting him in his place, just say the word", I laughed. "Too much violence", I said smiling, he smiled back. "Nobody hurts my daughter and gets away with it anymore. Alpha King or not, am done being nice", he said and for some reason mother looked turned on and that was my official call to disappear. I hung up.

"Still haven't heard from him?", Tracy asked, I nod my head then went to take orders. Todd and Tracy are going on dates now and it's fun to watch Todd put in the extra effort to make it special for her. Miss Rose is over the moon and already asking for grandkids. Todd hates the topic and always finds a way to run from it. It's funny because he wants to marry her and even gave me the ring for safekeeping because she likes snooping around. He was just waiting for their anniversary so that he could propose. I was happy that he decided to take that next step. Tracy's dreams were coming true and she didn't even know it.

"Last order for the night!", I shouted from the counter making the rest of the staff cheer. When I turned around I saw a woman walking towards me, I smiled knowing it was a customer. She looked familiar though, I just couldn't pinpoint where I saw her. "Zebrine, you almost destroyed my relationship with my husband. This is what you deserve", she said, when I looked properly I realised she was drunk. I wanted to walk away but the grabbed my hand, she was not human, a normal human wouldn't have that tight grip. "Look I don't know you nor do I want any trouble", I said looking worried, she could crush my hand in a blink of an eye. "I know you don't, does Beta Cade ring a bell?", she said with a smirk. Then I remembered werewolves don't get drunk easily so she was pretending so that people wouldn't notice her. "I figured I'd hunt you down and see what was so special about you. Turns out it was a waste of my time, you are nothing but extra fat and human. You see, women like you are the omegas in a pack like ours, caretakers, you are meant to worship us as gods and not be Luna. Now, I believe Aiden was right, the moon goddess did make a mistake with you", she said releasing my arm making sure to scratch me with an extended claw. "Consider this a warning and never come back to our pack". I watched as she walked away. I pulled my injured arm to my chest. My eyes were blurry, I rushed to the lockers and got my phone and keys rushing home.