
The Way You Look

A Story Of How the Priestess Kagome and the Mighty Lord Sesshomaru Fell in Love.

AKEN0X · 漫画同人
16 Chs


Chapter 2

The next morning.As the sun descended, casting a warm golden glow over the vast desert landscape, the weary adventurers trudged back to Kaedes' village. Their mission to find a shard had been successful, but it had taken its toll on their bodies and minds. Every step they took seemed to weigh them down, and their eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion.Finally, they reached the outskirts of the village and made their way through the narrow streets. The villagers greeted them with smiles and encouragement, but the adventurers could only nod in acknowledgment. They were too tired to engage in conversation.When they arrived at Kaedes' hut, they collapsed onto the floor, too exhausted to remove their dusty boots. Kaede, a skilled healer and wise older woman, watched them with a knowing smile. She had seen many weary travelers in her time, and he knew just what they needed.Without a word, Kaede began to prepare a simple but nourishing meal. The smell of roasting chicken and fresh bread filled the air, and the adventurers' stomachs growled in anticipation. As they ate, they slowly began to revive. Their muscles relaxed, their minds cleared, and the weight of exhaustion lifted from their shoulders.After the meal, Kaede led the adventurers to a small room in the back of her hut. A single oil lamp dimly lighted the room, and a soft breeze rustled the curtains at the window. The adventurers lay on comfortable beds, and Kaedes covered them with warm blankets.The adventurers were filled with peace and gratitude as they drifted to sleep. They were safe and well-cared for, and knew they would be ready for their next mission when they awoke.Kagome's POV:As my eyes fluttered open, I was greeted with a startling sight—my clothes had been changed. A rush of confusion washed over me, accompanied by a deep sense of unease. My heart began to pound in my chest as I realized the gravity of the situation.I quickly sat up in bed, trying to understand what had happened. My mind raced, searching for a logical explanation, but none came. I looked around frantically, but the room was empty. There was no sign of anyone who could have possibly changed my clothes while I was asleep.My body felt violated and vulnerable. The thought that someone had been in my room, touching my belongings, sent a chill down my spine. The feeling of privacy and security I had always taken for granted was instantly shattered.Desperate for answers, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the mirror. The reflection that stared back at me was unfamiliar. My usual attire had been replaced with a strange and unfamiliar outfit. The clothes were too loose, too colorful, and entirely out of character for me.Anger and frustration bubbled within me as I tried to understand why this had happened. Who would do such a thing? And how had they managed to enter my room without me noticing? The more I thought about it, the more questions arose and the more helpless I felt.The situation had been resolved, and I was relieved that Sango had changed my clothes. I was grateful for her thoughtfulness, and we spent the next few hours together, helping Kaede gather herbs for medicine in preparation for our upcoming journey. As we worked, Kaede suddenly spoke up. "Kagome, my child, a storm is approaching. You must seek shelter soon or be caught in it."I saw a large raincloud rapidly approaching, and my heart sank. The storm was coming fast, and I didn't want to be caught in its fury. But where was Inuyasha? I had expected him to return soon, but no sign of him was still there.My only guess was that he had gone to see Kikyo, his former lover. A pang of jealousy pierced my heart, but I pushed it aside and focused on finding shelter.Kaede led me and Sango to a nearby cave, where we huddled together as the storm raged outside. The wind howled, the rain beat down, and thunder and lightning illuminated the darkness. I felt a sense of unease as I thought about Inuyasha being caught in the storm.Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the storm began to subside. The rain gradually lessened, the thunder and lightning became more distant, and the wind died down. I peered out of the cave and saw that the storm had passed.As I stepped out into the open, I took a deep breath of the fresh, rain-scented air. The air was cool and crisp, and the sun began peering from behind the clouds. It was a beautiful day, and I was glad the storm had passed.But my joy was short-lived. As I scanned the horizon, I saw a figure approaching from the distance. It was Inuyasha."Inuyasha, where have you been?!" Kagome asked."Inuyasha, where have you been?!" Kagome exclaimed, her voice a blend of exasperation and concern. Her eyes, the color of amber, narrowed as she scanned the clearing, desperate for any sign of her half-demon companion.The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the wind rustling through the leaves, creating an eerie silence. Kagome's heart pounded, fear and frustration swirling within her. It had been hours since Inuyasha had disappeared, leaving her alone and vulnerable amid the perilous feudal era."Inuyasha!" she called out again, her voice echoing through the trees. The only response was the distant cry of a bird mocking her desperation. Kagome's hands tightened into fists, her nails digging into her palms. She had come to rely on Inuyasha's strength and protection, and his sudden absence left her feeling exposed and vulnerable.Despite her better judgment, Kagome once more trailed the enigmatic Inuyasha. It was like a cruel déjà vu, an endless cycle of heartbreak. As she followed Inuyasha, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that consumed her.Inuyasha's destination was Kikyo's shrine—a place that seemed to hold an eternal, painful allure for him. When Kagome arrived, she found Kikyo with a vacant expression, her tears having dried up. She could only watch and listen numbly as Inuyasha's words cut through the air like a sharp blade."Inuyasha," Kikyo's voice was barely above a whisper, "how long do you plan on continuing this charade with her? Do you not love me more than her?"Kagome's heart sank as she overheard their conversation. Inuyasha's response was like a dagger slicing through her soul. She couldn't bear to listen anymore; her spirit was weary and broken. As tears streamed down her face, Kagome turned and fled from the shrine, seeking solace in the familiar forest.As she walked back, a sense of unease washed over Kagome. The atmosphere seemed charged with an ominous energy—an aura that sent chills down her spine. Her suspicions were confirmed when she stumbled upon an undeniable presence: Naraku, the source of all her misery.Naraku's eyes met hers, a cruel glint dancing within them. It was a confrontation that Kagome had both dreaded and anticipated—a showdown that would determine the fate of her heart and the destiny of those she held dear.Time skip to the final battle! (sorry about the time skip)As Kagome's wish echoed through the air, a radiant light enveloped the Shikon Jewel, causing it to tremble and fragment into countless shards. The jewel's evil aura dispersed, and the world was finally free from its corrupting influence.With the jewel's disappearance, normalcy returned to the Feudal Era. The demons and ayakashi retreated to the shadows, and the humans could live in peace once more. Having fulfilled her destiny, Kagome bid farewell to her friends and companions.But as she approached the well to return to her own time, a sudden surge of energy sealed the passage, trapping her in the Modern Era. The well, once a conduit between the two eras, had closed itself off, leaving Kagome stranded.Kagome's heart sank as the realization dawned upon her. She was now forever separated from her family and friends in the Feudal Era. The weight of her decision to make the wish to destroy the Shikon Jewel bore down upon her shoulders.As time passed, Kagome accepted her destiny, finding a new purpose and home in the Modern Era. Though she longed for her family and friends in the Feudal era, she knew that her journey in the Feudal Era was far from over.Three years laterKagome's POV:With trembling hands and a heart pounding in my chest, I stood at the edge of the ancient well, peering into its depths. Years had passed since I last attempted to jump into its mystical portal, and doubt gnawed at my mind. Would it still work? Has it had time rendered its magic inert?Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and leaped. A strange sensation enveloped me as I fell, a tingling warmth coursing through my body. I was no longer standing beside the well when I opened my eyes. Instead, I found myself in a world that had long faded into the mists of history—the Feudal Era.The air was filled with wood smoke and freshly turned earth. The sounds of blacksmiths hammering on anvils and peasants tending to their fields reached my ears. It was a sensory overload, a tapestry woven with a bygone age's sights, smells, and sounds.I could hardly believe my eyes. The well had worked! I had somehow been transported back in time. A sense of wonder and trepidation washed over me as I realized the implications of my situation. I was now living in a world vastly different from my own, surrounded by people whose values and beliefs were shaped by a time long past.As I stood there, taking in my surroundings, a group of villagers approached me, their faces etched with curiosity and suspicion. They had never seen a stranger like me with my strange clothing and unfamiliar mannerisms.With a mixture of apprehension and excitement, I embarked on a journey through this unfamiliar world, learning its customs, interacting with its people, and experiencing firsthand the challenges and wonders of the Feudal Era. The well not only granted me a glimpse into the past but also allowed me to live it, to become a part of a world that had existed only in the pages of history books.I walked around to feel the air and breeze I once longed for, but I was interrupted when a familiar person showed up."KAGOME, "I turn around to see him, the person I used to love. Has he changed? Maybe he will love me. Many doubts raced through my mind, but it didn't matter. Inuyasha hugs me, and I hug him back. Am I finally getting the love I want?As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, I embarked on a stroll. The gentle caress of the evening breeze and the rustling of leaves beneath my feet created a symphony of sound that lulled my senses. My mind wandered, lost in a reverie of memories and dreams.Suddenly, a familiar voice shattered the tranquility of the moment. "Kagome!" I turned to find Inuyasha standing before me, his piercing amber eyes on mine. Time seemed to stand still as we gazed at each other, myriad emotions swirling within our hearts.Had he changed? Would he love me now, after all these years? A thousand questions raced through my mind, but none of them seemed to matter at that moment. Inuyasha reached out and enveloped me in a warm embrace. I melted into his arms, feeling a longing and desire buried deep within me for so long.As we stood there, time seemed to lose its meaning. The worries and uncertainties of the world melted away, leaving only the two of us in that timeless moment. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring us together, granting us a second chance at love.Inuyasha's embrace was both comforting and reassuring. It spoke of a deep connection that had never been severed despite our trials and tribulations. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling of being loved and accepted, knowing this was a moment I would cherish forever.As the sun sank below the horizon, casting a warm glow on our faces, I realized I had finally found the love I had always longed for.In the shadows of the ancient forest, a solitary figure stood like a silent sentinel, his crimson eyes piercing the darkness. It was Lord Sesshomaru, the mighty demon lord, his presence shrouded in mystery. Unbeknownst to Kagome, he had been observing her every move from afar, his gaze unwavering.Sesshomaru's encounter with Kagome was a chance occurrence. He had been on his way to Kaede's village, bearing a new kimono as a gift for Rin, his cherished ward. But fate had intervened, leading him to witness moments that held profound significance. With each passing moment, new information unveiled itself, fragments of a puzzle Sesshomaru was destined to solve before Kagome vanished.However, as Sesshomaru delved deeper into his observations, a tumultuous storm of emotions stirred within him. He had always prided himself on his detachment and cold indifference, but Kagome's presence challenged his unwavering resolve. Her steadfast spirit, unwavering compassion, and unbreakable bond with Inuyasha ignited something deep within him, something he had long suppressed.Sesshomaru struggled with these newfound emotions, unaccustomed to the turmoil they wrought within his heart. He questioned his purpose, his destiny, and the path he had chosen. But as he pondered the mysteries surrounding Kagome, he realized he could not ignore the pull she exerted on him.With a heavy sigh, Sesshomaru shook off the emotional weight that had burdened him. He knew that his duty lay elsewhere and had responsibilities to fulfill. With a renewed sense of purpose, he continued his journey towards Kaede's village, his heart echoing emotions he had never experienced.A few hours laterKagome's heartstrings vibrated with a bittersweet melody as she reunited with her beloved companions. Surrounded by Sango, Miroku, and her cherished kit, Shippo, she felt a profound sense of joy. Yet, deep within her heart was an unsettling dissonance, a nagging realization that something was amiss.Inuyasha's love for her, once a beacon of hope, now cast a shadow of doubt. The knowledge that Kikyo, Inuyasha's former love, still lingered in the shadows gnawed at Kagome's spirit. A sudden shift in the atmosphere caught her attention, and she turned towards the dense forest, her eyes searching for the source of the intense gaze. But the trees remained silent, revealing nothing.Just as Kagome's thoughts began to wander, Rin's voice broke through the silence. "Kaede, Kaede! Lord Sesshomaru has given me a new kimono!" Kagome's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Rin entered, a wide grin etched across her face. "Lady Kagome! You're back! Yay! Now Rin has a friend to play with!" A polite smile graced Kagome's lips, but her mind raced with questions. Why would Sesshomaru, the cold and aloof demon lord, bestow a gift upon Rin? Had he truly transformed?Her thoughts were still in disarray when she spotted Sesshomaru soaring through the sky, his loyal companion Jaken clinging tightly to his trusty Mount Mokomoko. Kagome watched as he flew over the village and headed towards the west. Her heart skipped a beat, a sensation that both exhilarated and confounded her."Why does my heart skip a beat when I see him?" she asked herself, her voice trembling with longing and trepidation. "Why do I feel this way? He would never have feelings for a human girl like me."Kagome's mind was a whirlwind of emotions, each vying for dominance. The complex dynamics of love, loss, and self-doubt painted a tapestry of uncertainty, leaving her heart yearning for elusive answers.Kagome found herself inexplicably adorned in a priestess kimono. The ethereal garment mirrored the attire of the legendary priestess Kikyo, a figure revered for her spiritual prowess.Kagome's confusion was palpable as she gazed upon her reflection in a nearby pond, her eyes wide with disbelief. "I look just like Kikyo," she whispered, her heart racing with awe and trepidation.Determined to make sense of the bewildering situation, Kagome sought guidance from Kaede, a wise and revered village elder. With a nod of acknowledgment, Kaede confirmed that Kagome's spiritual powers had grown exceptionally strong and suggested that she help with gathering herbs. This task required a delicate touch and a deep understanding of the natural world.As Kagome immersed herself in the tranquility of the forest, her mind wandered to the depths of her spiritual awakening. The realization of her amplified abilities filled her with both exhilaration and apprehension. She knew she needed to seek Kaede's wisdom to learn to control and harness her newfound strength.Lost in her contemplation, Kagome failed to notice the presence of Inuyasha, the headstrong half-demon who had crossed paths with her on numerous occasions. His sudden appearance startled her, and she turned to face him with a mixture of surprise and caution."Hey, Kikyo, what are you doing here?" Inuyasha exclaimed, his voice laced with confusion. Kagome remained silent, her gaze fixed on him. Seeing her wearing Kikyo's kimono ignited a spark of curiosity and suspicion in his eyes.Without uttering a word, Kagome reached for the basket filled with herbs and turned away from Inuyasha with a determined stride. She knew she needed time and space to process the profound changes within her, and she yearned for the tranquility of her thoughts.As she ventured deeper into the forest, Kagome's heart echoed with a newfound purpose. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she embraced the challenges that lay before her, eager to unravel the mysteries of her spiritual transformation and unlock the secrets of the ancient priestess whose attire she now wore.In the heart of the mystical forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets and mystical creatures roamed freely, Kagome's footsteps led her to a clearing beside a tranquil lake. The air was still; the only sounds were the gentle ripples of the water and the rustling leaves in the breeze. It was the perfect place for meditation, a sanctuary where she could connect with her spiritual essence.As she settled into a comfortable position, Kagome closed her eyes and began to focus her mind. Her breathing slowed, her thoughts drifted away, and she felt a profound sense of peace. The time she seemed to stand still as she immersed herself in the depths of her spiritual journey.Suddenly, Kagome's meditation was interrupted by a subtle but undeniable presence. Her senses heightened, and she opened her eyes to a sight that took her breath away. The enigmatic and majestic Lord Sesshomaru stood before her under the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy.Kagome's heart fluttered in her chest, and a mixture of awe and trepidation filled her. Sesshomaru, the powerful and solitary demon lord, was a figure of legend known for his strength, wisdom, and unyielding pride. Visiting him in this secluded spot felt like a surreal and extraordinary dream.In the blink of an eye, Sesshomaru was no longer standing at a distance but right in front of Kagome. His golden eyes, piercing and intense, bore into her soul. A sense of electricity crackled between them, and Kagome felt an inexplicable connection, a bond that transcended time and space."Miko," Sesshomaru uttered in a deep, resonant voice that resonated with power and mystery. His gaze held Kagome captive, and she could not look away.Kagome's lips parted in surprise, her mind reeling from the encounter. "Lord Sesshomaru," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "What brings you here?"Sesshomaru's gaze softened slightly, and a hint of vulnerability flickered. "I have been drawn to your presence, Miko," he replied. "Your spiritual energy is unlike any I have encountered before. It is pure, untainted, and radiant.""Hmm," Kagome replied, her heart still pounding wildly. She knew the full-fledged dog demon, Sesshomaru, could hear her heartbeat. The moment of silence was broken when she sensed Inuyasha's presence nearby. She turned to look at him, but he was gone when she glanced back at Sesshomaru. "I wonder where he has gone," she mused to herself.Kagome returned to meditation, creating a barrier to protect herself from threats. However, piercing golden eyes watched her intently in the distance. Kagome couldn't help but feel a strong attraction towards Sesshomaru. Despite knowing that her hopeless crush was unlikely to lead anywhere, she couldn't resist the urge to yearn for him. It was futile, but she felt it was worth a try.As Kagome continued her meditation, the golden eyes observed her from afar. Sesshomaru was intrigued by the young priestess's strength and resilience. He had initially dismissed her as a mere human, but he had realized that there was more to her than met the eye. Kagome's determination and unwavering spirit had captured his attention.Despite his cold and aloof exterior, Sesshomaru couldn't help but feel a spark of interest in Kagome. He had never met a human quite like her before. Kagome's strength and compassion made her stand out from the rest. Though he would never admit it, Sesshomaru found himself drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain.As the sun began to set, Sesshomaru watched Kagome from a distance, his golden eyes reflecting the sky's golden hues. He knew their paths would likely diverge at some point, but for now, he would allow himself to appreciate the young priestess's beauty and mystery.