
The Vanoss Crew Journey to Another World

The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT. They are consists of Seven individuals. Their Leader, Vanoss, or Evan Fong. Wildcat, or Tyler Wine. Nogla, or David Nagle. Basically, or Marcel Cunningham. Moo, or Brock Barrus. Terroriser, or Brian Michael Hanby. And lastly, the one and only mysterious of them all, Delirious. Due to unexpected circumstances, Vanoss and some of his friends found themselves in a world of fantasy alongside their Minecraft home and turned into their icon characters for mysterious reasons. How will they adapt in a world full of Monsters and Gods, where dangers that could destroy a nation in one single attack and could end the world was hidden in every corner while weapons like guns and nukes were not enough to kill them? How will they face the obstacles of the dangers ahead, while they were just mere YouTube Gamers that insults each other and making racist jokes for fun in a daily basis? Will they be able to keep the team together? Or will they split apart due to their differences? Personally I don't give a shit, but to those who do, tune in each update chapters to find out in this adventure as a full on series! . . . But... . . .  While they were having their time in this strange and virgin world. An evil has arisen in the New World, and it is up to them to defeat this evil and save the world..... Or just forget that bullshit and do whatever they want :3

Artemis099 · 游戏衍生
189 Chs

Battle of Demigods(1)

The fire and smoke quickly spread to the entire city. In less than an hour since the start of the commotion, the whole city had been shrouded in an atmosphere of terror.

Our group of retarded heroes were riding the legendary Banana Bus while driving through the streets. On their way to Animal Paradise, they looked outside of the vehicle and met hundreds of civilians running away, being chased by teams of the Church of Carnage who killed people without a care for age, race, or sex.

Upon killing their victims, these cultists would show their vampire fangs and sucked the blood of their victims before turning them into ghouls, increasing the number of them to slaughter more innocents.

Wildcat, who is driving the Bus, kills all the members of the church of Carnage he met in his way by running over them and any of the Church of Carnage's members tries to stop the Bus.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

'Wooohoooo! This is so much more fun than playing Call of Duty!"

Nogla, who is at the gunner on top of the Bus shoots them with the Gau-19 enhanced with magic-enhancement bullets, of course most could evade and deflect a bullet, but evading hundreds of bullets at once is not enough to avoid all of them, resulting getting pummeled by bullets to death.

They did kill a lot, however, it was nothing but a drop in the ocean that was in Orazvil City. Terroriser estimated that there were at least eighty thousand followers of the church of Carnage causing chaos and killing crazily.

"Is the duke crazy!? How can he allow something like this!?" Delirious asked in anger. Watching how innocent people were being killed had put him in a terrible mood.

His friends were not much better. Although they did not know or were related to the people of the city, watching them die cruelly in front of their eyes was not a good experience.

Actually, Marcel in the group already had a rather good idea of why the duke allowed this. Based on the conversation he eavesdropped on and the things he had witnessed, he reached a rather terrifying conclusion as he said to them with a dark expression.

"They are sacrifices." Basically concluded with a dark expression.

"Sacrifices!?" Moo gasped.

Marcel nodded and explained his thoughts to him, "Look at the magic circles around the city. Have you not noticed that it has turned brighter than before?"

Moo was startled, "Do you mean…"

"Of course, whatever the duke wants to do, he needs sacrifices," Terroriser said, "And because we rescued the slaves he was going to use as sacrifices, he had to… improvise."

"That is… SO cruel." Delirious clenched his fist angrily. His mana seeped out of his body, pressuring the surroundings with fiery killing intent.

"Wow, the irony for a psychopathic man," Wildcat mumbled to himself while keeping his eyes forward and ran over a random vampire.

"Yup, the Duke is definitely crazy. Does he want to become the public enemy of the entire continent?" Vanoss wondered, "Or... wait a moment, could it be that…"

"Huh? Did you think of something, Evan?"

Vanoss nodded to Marcel's question, "Yup, I think that perhaps things are not as simple as we thought. Think about it, the Duke's position in Orazvil Duchy is incredibly exalted, he practically has everything he can so desire. Someone like that, why would he do something so risky like this? What is his true goal? What is his purpose in life?"

Basically's mind moved at the fastest speed possible after hearing Evan's explanation. He thought about all the clues he had and tried to find an answer.

However, he felt like he was lacking something. There was still an important piece of the puzzle he needed if he wanted to understand everything. In the current situation, Marcel felt as though he was half-blind.

"So fucking complicated." He groaned.

'Why the hell are we involved in this in the first place? Jesus, my head always hurts from this.' Marcel thought as he heaved a tired sigh and looked at the front. Anyway, he would soon know the answer to his questions.

The group of seven rode the Banana Bus through the streets of the city. After a few minutes, they were approaching Animal Paradise.

But at that moment, Terroriser's expression changed.

"Tyler, stop!"

Wildcat did not hesitate. As soon as Terroriser spoke, he immediately stepped on the brakes and stopped the bus.

The yellow vehicle stopped abruptly and Wildcat looked in front of him. Noticing the people in front, he suddenly felt a malicious feeling within him that he wanted to kill them right away.

Noticing Wildcat's gaze, everyone also directed their gaze in the direction where he looked.

At some point, three figures had appeared in front of their path, and Moo instantly recognized one of them.

The person in the middle, the middle-aged man with a sword on his waist.

"Ah shit, is it the IRS?" Terroriser said with a horrified expression.

[What is this IRS?]

Deep within Vanoss' soul, the Dragon Empress who turns out had rested inside Vanoss the whole time questioned.

With a calm look, Vanoss answered, "The IRS are nasty people. If you don't pay them in time, they will hunt you down. They are so driven, they make the Terminator look lazy. They're so resourceful, they make Trump look homeless. And they're so full of raw power, they make Ultra Instinct Shaggy just slightly nervous enough to pay his taxes. Maybe not exactly on time, but he pays eventually" he added, "Yeah, and like what Black Dynamite once said, 'Were gonna taxed by the IRS, or killed by the IRS'"


Opening the window, Wildcat peered his head out and looked in the middle-aged man's direction.

"How many times do we tell you that we are not paying taxes, you money hungry bureaucratic sons of bitches!"

Sebastian looked at Wildcat and shook his head, "You might have mistaken for someone else. I am Sebastian, the head butler of the Imperial family, one of the Strongest Generals of the Imperial army, and the Emperor's right hand man."

These words were like a bolt of the blue for the group. Not only Wildcat, but even some of his friends widened their eyes in surprise.

"What the hell is a superpower doing here?" Moo wondered.

Basically shrugged, "Don't know but I got a bad feeling about this."

Although surprised and confused, Marcel knew that this was not the moment for this. Quickly, he controlled his emotions and focused on the people in front of them.

Soon, however, his expression turned ugly. These three people, he could feel they were much stronger than both of his friends and himself. Even if they go all out on the three, it will be one-sided.

Especially the middle-aged man. He felt his mana is like an unending sea, his magic power is immeasurable for him!

"If you guys are here, it means that there is an order from the Emperor about us, right?" Wildcat asked.

Sebastian nodded, "It's good that one of you understands. His Majesty has ordered me to recruit you to work for the Empire."

"Are you fucking serious? We are in the middle of a warzone here! If you don't get in our way I swear I'm gonna run you over."

"There is nothing to worry about. We have hidden forces all over the city. If I want to end this whole scenario immediately, I will end whoever did this in a matter of minutes with only one single command. Unless we need you all to be part of our powerful nation. Now... What'd you say, gentlemens? Work for the Empire, and every riches will be yours."

Wildcat sneered, "And why should we obey your country? I'm sorry, but we choose freedom and America! Thank you very much, you communist nutjobs!"

Hearing the lowly beastmen's answer, Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "It looks like you have misunderstood something. All of your opinions are useless. The orders of the Emperor are absolute!"

When he finished speaking, overwhelming sword intent erupted out of his body, oppressing the entire street.

Everyone turned pale. The sharpness of the sword's intent felt as though it wanted to pierce their skins and cut their bones.

With no choice, Wildcat has to use the object now. Taking out a large peculiar looking potion in his hand, without wasting time, he drank the whole thing.

'It's now or never!'

Back to Sebastian, as he was about to fully unleash his sword intent, something interrupted him.


A powerful torrent of energy sweep Sebastian's sword intent away. Wildcat's presence surged, becoming as powerful as a god of war.



"Holy shit! Tyler goes Divine Canny!" Vanosd gasped in surprise.

"Thank god, now we have a demigod on our side." Moo said in relief.

Glaring at Sebastian with a look of absolute coldness, Wildcat took a step forward.


The city shook, and the clouds of the sky were blown away. Wildcat's mere presence was so powerful that the pair of two Legendary Realm Experts, especially Zabrina, behind Sebastian, were unable to breathe!

Even Sebastian was frowning with a serious look. The worst possibility had turned out to be true.

"You use a Demigod-level enhanced potion. What a waste of valuable resources."

Hearing the butler's words, Wildcat sneered, "Piss off, or tomorrow there will be one demigod less in the world."

Sebastian wrinkled his brows, but he was not intimidated, "I'm sorry, young beastmen, but the orders of the Emperor are absolute."

Then, his sword rang out in his sheath. And with a smooth movement, it flew towards his hand before slashing in Wildcat's direction!

The giant sword slash seemed to cut the world into two. Its power was such that the people nearby were unable to breathe.

But Wildcat, seeing the insane speed of the Demigod in a now normal speed, he grinned, feeling an insane power within him as his mana grew a million times stronger! Powerful enough to withstand a hundred nukes! Without hesitation, he summoned a ten meter magical Longsword from his [Gates of Babylon], then, he slashed upwards.


As though the power of Sebastian's sword slash was a lie, it was instantly swallowed by another powerful magic energy!

The powerful magic energy from the giant sword then descended in Sebastian's direction.

The battle between Demigods had finally begun!