
The Vampiric Lover

Kamen's world was brought to its knees with the disappearance of his beloved parents due to an accident, shredding any remaining hope from his already bleak life. His only source of comfort became Jenny, his childhood friend, until the fateful night when he was turned into a vampire by the same woman he loved. His whole world shifted in an instant and the death and destruction that followed were so much more than he expected. With guilt for what she had done weighing on her shoulders, Jenny followed him on his journey through his newfound vampiric life, struggling to make amends for the pain she caused.

The_Ash_Master · 奇幻
49 Chs

The Mermaid.....And A Portal??

As soon as Elizabeth had spoke. The mermaid spoke to me. "Mmm, such a beautiful young man, how about you come down here with me and I make you the happiest man in the world?" She said waving her body back and forth seductive like.

I stare at her and answer. "I honestly thought it would have the other way around, like the lady part would be on the bottom not the top." The mermaid is taken aback from what I said. Confused the mermaid asks me. "Am I not arousing to look at?" Shaking her breasts back and forth.

"Not really no, I already have a woman that seduces me pretty fine as is." I say pointing back at Jenny. She blushes and looks away. But Alistair can't stop looking at the mermaid. "She's so beautiful." He says drooling looking at her. Veins appear on Alices head as she smacks him on the back of the head. "Snap out of it you horn dog!" She says to him with a firey look in her eyes.

Snapping out of it, Alistair looks at everyone and coughs scratching his head. "It would seem that her powers of seduction work too well on me." He says awkwardly laughing. Jenny roles her eyes. "Dumbass." She thinks to herself as she looks back down at the mermaid.

The mermaid is confused. "No man or beast has been able to resist me. What are you?" She asks curious. I shake my head. "Lady, I couldn't tell you. But you need to have a warning sign here." I say motioning around the lake. She laughs. "Why would I do that? They taste better when their midns are blank and filled with lust." She says as she rubs her upper torso.

Jenny can be seen with a vein in her head now. She speaks up. "Listen you dumb water bitch. If you have to trick men, than haven't you considered you're not that pretty or attractive?" The mermaid looks upset that she said that.

"You're one to talk, you're no where near as good looking as I am." She says motioning to her breasts. Annoyed Jenny starts walking towards the mermaid, about to lay the hurt smack on her. Elizabeth stops her. "You're falling into her hands, you need to calm down. She's down there in the water, where she will never find true happiness." Elizabeth says staring down at the mermaid.

The mermaid clearly angry reaches out and grabs my by the shirt and pulls me in under the water. Everyone stops and looks down at the water. "I need to go in there and save him!" Jenny yells out and a second later as she was running towards the lake. They can see the water fly out of the lake and spread out around them.

In the bottom of the lake they can see that the mermaid is laying down on the ground unconscious. I look up at everyone and smile, and give a thumbs up. Jenny yells out. "What did you do?" I shrug my shoulders and tell her. "I didn't do anything. It was all Vestis. He decided to step in and show her his true face and let alittle energy out. She passed out from shock and here we are."

Everyone shakes their head and turns around to leave. I yell out. "Wait, who's gonna help me out of here?" I look around trying to find a way out. I run up to the wall and try to scale it, realizing that it's mud, I sink back down to the bottom.

"Damn it, I can't believe they'd leave me in here." I think to myself.

"Why not just jump out?" Vestis says with one eyebrow raised. I sigh. "If it was that simple I would've already done it." Vestis shakes his head. "All you have to do is send energy to your legs and jump." I try it and jump, flying way above everyone else, I go past a few trees and notice the area around me in better detail. There's birds the size of a car flying in the distance. I see a the sky above and realize it's changed from the depressing tone that it was before. The sky is a pale blue, much like the one on earth. I'm amazed but realize I'm falling. "This is the last time I listen to you damn it!" I yell out as I hit the ground infront of everyone.

The group looks down and sees me lying in a crater, everyone starts laughing at me. "You remind me of that show that was on the tv in the late 90s. A coyote was chasing a road runner. The coyote was always getting hurt in the most hilarious ways." Alice says holding her hand to her mouth laughing.

I look up at everyone. "I'm glad that you guys can laugh at my misfortune." I say giving them the middle finger and climbing out of the crater. I look down and realize I'm covered in mud. "Damn it, these were my best clothes." I say as I try to clean off the mud with my hands.

"I can help with that." Alice says casting a spell of water and hitting me with it. The water hits me, it's ice cold. I yell out shivering from the cold. "What is wrong with you Alice? Are you trying to give me hypothermia?" I say as I look down and realize my clothes are clean. "Oh, well I guess that worked out gre-" I try to say as Jenny smiles and offers to dry me off.

Thinking that she has a towel I see her lift her hands and realize she's summoning fire to 'dry' me off. My eyes widen with shock as I try to tell her not to do it, but it was too late. The fire hit my body, thinking that I was going to burn I realize that the fire isn't burning my body. I look at Jenny with confusion in my face. "There's alot you can do with fire besides burn things." She says with a grin.

I shake my head. "Warn a guy before you do something like that." I say as I turn around and motion for everyone to follow me back down the path, hoping we won't run into anything that will slow us down again. A few hours later, we come to a fork in the road. "How do we decide which path to take?" Jenny asks. I look to her and smile.

"A good old game of rock,paper,scissors." I say holding out my hand waiting for her to take the challenge. She shakes her head "You're still so childish." She says raising her hand

1. 2. 3. We both show our hands. She has paper, while I have scissors. "Hell yeah!" I yell out as I raise my fist in the air. "Looks like we're going left." I say as I start walking down the left path with a smile on my face. Jenny looks at everyone and they instantly look away whistling. Annoyed Jenny follows me down the path.

We walk for about 4 hours until we come upon a town. I look at everyone and they shake their head no. Remembering what happened last time. I bow my head in shame and keep walking. I wonder how many points I have now?

'Stats' I think to myself as the window appears

'Current Attributes

Level : 10

Health: 100/300

Strength: 20

Speed: 20

Mana: 50/50

Endurance: 35

Mental Fortitude: 40

Wisdom: 10

Blood: 100/100

Charm: 9

Available Points: 100 '

I open my mouth wide when I see how many points I have. "100 points?" I say to myself outloud. Everyone looks at each other then shrugs.

Looking around at everyone, I decide to use the points.

'20 points added to Speed.....Speed stat is now 40

20 points added to Strength.....Strength stat is now 40

20 points added to Charm.....Charm stat is now 29

10 points added to Wisdom.....Wisdom stat is now 20

10 points added to Endurance..Endurance stat is now 45'

"That should be good." I think to myself as I continue walking on. "If everyone knew I could do this they'd try to get me to show them how to get it and use it." Everyone keeps walking until we see a portal. Everyone stops and stares at it. "Is that a portal? What is it doing out here?" Alice asks. Nobody answers as I walk forward to look at it. The portal looks alot like the one back at the house on earth.

I look down and see a touch screen, I scroll through it and it has an option to teleport you to the location you think of. I turn around and yell out. "Everyone come here real quick." Everyone looks wary and decides to move forward. "I need you to follow me through this portal. I'm not sure if it will work the way I think it will. But we need to find out."

Elizabeth, Jenny, and Alice sigh. While Alistair just stares at the portal. Everyone agrees and I walk through the portal.

When we come out on the other side. Everyone is amazed seeing the Algost family home. Jenny stares at me and asks. "How did you know it would bring us here?" I look at her and smile. "There was a section on the screen that let me teleport us here."

Everyone looks at each other in confusion. "There wasn't any screen there Kamen. All we saw was the portal." Alistair says. I look to everyone and they agree there wasn't a screen. Lumen speaks up. "It would seem that one of your abilities is transporting across vast areas in one go. I'm not sure how you managed to do it. From what I can gather, only high ranking vampires and werewolves can do that." I think for a second. "I wonder if it has anything to do with that section of my characters screen that was just question marks?"

I think 'Character Status' A screen pops up.

'Name: Kamen

Race: Vampire

Class:Vampire Knight

Height: 5 foot 9


Alignment: Neutral

Ability: Light, Dark, Space Manipulation, Weapon Mastery,

Speed Enhancement, Strength Enhancement,Reality Manipulation'

I stare at the last entry. "Reality Manipulation? What the fuck does that mean, and why is the sub-class still question marks?" I think to myself as I look forward at a tree across the path infront of the house. I close my eyes and imagine the tree turning into a car. I hear a poof sound as I open my eyes and see a green convertible infront of me.

My mouth opens wide in shock. Everyone turns around and sees the car appear. They look at me in shock. "Dude, at this point, you might as well be a god." Alistair says. Everyone agrees. I suddenly feel like headed and black out.

I wake up 2 days later in my bed I look over and see Jenny laying there next to me cuddling me. I roll over and give her a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you for looking over me." I whisper as I slink out of the bed. Lumen speaks up. "Kamen, I would advise you against moving too much. The strain that ability put on your body is too great until you reach a higher rank." I sigh. "I won't get stronger unless I fight through the pain." I say as I walk three feet and black out again.