
Flirting husband

“I'm the boss, you better show some respect,” Laura said cheekily and crossed her leg over the other elegantly.  She was irritated with Nathan after what he did.

“Lady, have you forgotten I'm the boss…and your husband," Nathan grinned and slowly stripped off his coat and carefully placed it on the couch, and proceeded to Laura sitting behind the desk.

“Husband my foot…mom was right, you can't take care of me,” she scoffed disdainfully, she agreed with Nathan's mom for scolding her son. He didn't work hard to protect his wife. Nathan pouted and showed her the place. Laura frowned as her eyes darted around her office, and Nathan winked at her playfully and showed her some cards. She tossed them away once she read the seductive content.

“What's this huh…” Laura frowned at Nathan flirting with her, of course, Nathan knew what he was doing. It had been a while since he smiled at Laura; hence he filled her office with all sorts of exotic flowers. Laura didn't stop blushing. 

“My lady, all these are straight from the heart,” Nathan said and went on one knee, and he extended his hand to Laura…she muffled her mouth and lowered her head. She was dying of embarrassment. Nathan was acting like Romeo in a high-school play. His smile was gold, and his words melted her heart.

“My angel, my life, my entire world, please be with me always, my one and only woman, for there is no one else,” Nathan recited and handed Laura a bouquet of red roses. She giggled as she took them and sniffed the beautiful flowery smell, she smiled when he took out a small body and pried it open. Laura's eyes shone in delight. Nathan took out a gold necklace.

“I know my lady isn't short of jewelry…she has it all your way and this maybe not even close to her exquisite jewelry, but I'm giving it straight from my heart,” Nathan added, showing her the gold chain with a small diamond heart shape in the middle.  Laura smiled, knowing full well it would be the best gift ever.

“Well, are you going to make me wear it,” she asked, seeing how he was just kneeling. Nathan regained his wits and chuckled

“Sure, my lady,” he said in between laughter and pushed himself up.  And walked around the chair and stood behind Laura.

She relaxed in her seat when Nathan tugged at her hair, pushing it off her back. She flinched at the feel of Nathan's cold fingers brushing on her skin. Not only that, but she felt his warmth engulfing her

“My heart beats just for you. No matter what happens, you're always the one that I want to come home to, I'm the Earth to your sun. I will always be true.” He whispered and slipped the cold chain around her neck, Laura reached for it and caressed the diamond. It was simple yet beautiful. She didn't need expensive things to be happy. She just required a man who understood her, and Nathan was that man.

“Aren't you bothered…people might laugh at you?” Laura muttered closing her eyes when she felt a pair of cold lips connect with her neck

“Never, you are all I want,” Nathan murmured, and he kissed her neck, the sensation rushing through Laura drove her insane.  He didn't stop but continued kissing her shoulders and hugged her from behind. 

“Thank you” she whispered and both of them remained still for what seemed like forever.

“You should, I'm sure that Bernardo is waiting," Laura said after a while, Nathan was too carried away embracing Laura to notice he was running out of time.

“You are right, I hate to leave, I thought I would rip my reward,” Nathan said with a lazy yawn and let go of Laura. She elbowed him, and he walked around the desk and stopped in front of her.

“Hubby, work comes first…as for your reward, I might make an exception,” Laura beamed mischievously and Nathan's eyes widened in amusement.  He trusted her word, he would have loved to do naughty things in the office, but dropped the idea. Laura had a meeting with the board in a few hours. 

“So now what?”

“Hear what he has to say” Laura simply said and Nathan nodded hesitantly, it was good that Laura had recovered.

“It's good to see you smiling again,” he whispered sincerely, his goal was to make sure Laura was happy. He hated it when she cried or was upset. Laura smiled helplessly and nodded.

“Go now, I'll be waiting for you to drive me home,” she coaxed him to go, he was wasting time.

“And you are allowing me to go to that woman's house?” Nathan asked, arching his brows at her. Laura let out an exhalation and nodded.

“She won't do anything, she made a mistake… I won't spare her,” she remarked disdainfully, both talking about Larissa's betrayal. She denied hiring those goons to attack her. She lost her child all because of Larissa, her very own best friend. Nathan walked closer to Laura to comfort her before he left.


“You'll be fine, as long as you don't drink any liquor,” Claire said to Bernardo after making sure he had taken his medication.  Bernardo grinned and nodded like a docile child. Claire stared at him from the corners of her eyes and was satisfied.  It was a few weeks since she prescribed some new medication for him, and he was responding. His complexion had gotten back to normal and his face had that glow of a young man. Claire was satisfied to see him talking and able to walk without much difficulty. 

“You've always been an excellent nurse Claire…such skills,” Bernardo praised her with a grin, she was a calm woman, patient, and understanding. He didn't believe her at first when she said the medicine he was taking was wrong.

“Stop exaggerating, you know I gave this up a long time ago,” Claire brushed him off and packed his medications in the cabinet near his bed, so he could get access to them whenever he wanted.

“They were wrong, I'm sure we can do something to get you back in a hospital,” Bernardo whispered with concern, he knew Claire was falsely accused of giving a patient overdose back when she used to work in a hospital. So many things happened that led her to lose her License.  It wasn't easy, but she moved on.

“That can't happen, just take care of yourself,” Claire said, averting her eyes from him. “And thank you for everything,” she added sincerely. He had done a lot for her and her family. Especially Nathan, Bernardo didn't mind as he nodded and stared at her for a long time. It was just like in the past.  Claire was timid but a strong woman. Despite everything, she raised her children in the right way.

“You should tell him, you have kept this for so long…he deserves to know,” Bernardo whispered and Claire glanced at her startled. She shook her head in disagreement. 

“Let's leave it, I would rather not confuse him… we shouldn't…please Bernardo for my sake,” Claire said desperately and grabbed his hand, her eyes flickered continuously, hoping he would understand what was at stake. Bernardo took advantage and held her hand gently.

“It's a shame things turned out like this…if you just let me…none of this would have happened Claire…none of it,” he murmured and caressed her hand, despite how Claire tried to keep herself from reaching. Her old self was slowly surfacing. The buried emotions rushed through her.

“No, I don't want complications…he's happy now… I want it that way,” she whispered and slowly withdrew her hands from Bernardo's grasp just as the door suddenly opened and Larissa walked in. Claire was startled as she moved away from the bed awkwardly and tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear.

“What's going on…when did you come?” Larissa asked with a straight face when she found the two so close.

“Um, hello Larissa… I just came to see how he was doing, please excuse me,” Claire said nervously and prepared to leave when Nathan walked in, and she stopped in her tracks. 

“Hello,” Nathan said and Bernardo smiled at the sight of Nathan.  Larissa saw this and fisted her hands tightly as her anger flashed in her eyes and moved out of the way to let Nathan in.