
The Undercover Spies (LGBT+)

Two boys (Hunter and Noah) take jobs as undercover spies, they have hated each other for years but have to be in a relationship during a pride parade to make sure no one gets hurt, as they start to get more into acting as a couple one boy catches feelings for the other, will he hide his feelings from the other boy or will he confess?

Kai_Koda · LGBT+
9 Chs

Chapter Six - Why now?

(May 13rd 2026)

It feels like just yesterday, I told her I'll see you tomorrow, now I haven't seen Miss President since March, but I've noticed I've started to have feelings for my coworker, Noah

"HUNTER" Noah yelled

"Yes what do you want Noah"

"The girl at table 3, has been looking at you, zoned out for the past three minutes, I'll take over making the drinks go talk to her, and if she wants to have sex with you let her, we need the money" Noah said

"Ok, but what do I say to get more money?" Hunter asked

"Just say, the more you pay the better the sex will be" Noah said

"Ok" Hunter said

"I'll get you and her some food" Noah said

*Noah's phone starts ringing*

Hi, yes, this is Noah speaking, what do you need

Hi Noah it's Agent 44, you and Hunter need to come back to the agency building right now, everything just shut down, I think B.R.A.D.I.O is trying to break in

Ok we'll be there in five minutes, bye


"สวัสดี ถ้าคุณจะขอโทษเราสักครู่" Noah said

"Noah what the fuck happened"

"Agent 44 called and said he needs us at the agency right now so let's go" Noah said

"Ok but let me tell her to wait here for when I get back" Hunter said

"Ok I'll be in the car" Noah said

"ที่รัก ฉันต้องไปแล้ว แต่รอฉันก่อน ฉันจะกลับมาเร็วๆ นี้" Hunter said

"โอเคที่รัก" the girl said

*Hunter kisses the girl*

*At the Agency*

"Ok Agent 44 what happened.. AGENT 44"

"I'm *coughs* alright boys, but they took Miss President" Agent 44 said

"Oh we won't have to worry she can get herself out of this" Hunter said


"FUCK" Hunter said

*Hunter closes his eyes*

*Gasps* "Noah you protected me"

*Hunter turns his head*

"Oh no you don't"

*Hunter shoots a member of B.R.A.D.I.O*

"Now I have a girl to get to, so Noah let's go"


*At the restaurant*

"โอเค คุณผู้หญิง คุณต้องการอะไร" Noah said

"ฉันอยากกินเฟรนช์ฟรายส์และเบียร์" the girl said

"Okay that will be out in a few" Noah said

"Ok" the girl said

"ที่รัก ฉันกลับมาแล้ว" Hunter said

*The girl kisses Hunter*

*Hunter breaks the kiss*

"Here follow me to the back"

*Noah making a drink*

"What the hell" Noah said

*Noah looks down*

"Hey Jay call 911 and tell them there is a killer at this restaurant and to come quickly, and tell them to turn their sirens off. Mateo get me the med kit. Kim go get Hunter and kick out the bitch that stabbed me. They're in the back, in the closet. MATEO where's the med kit I'm gonna pass out from blood loss, Jack go help him and HURRY."

*Jack and Mateo come back with the med kit*

"Here boss, sorry I took so long the room really fuckin messy." Mateo said

"Ok Jack give me the gauze, Mateo and Jack you two go help Kim I'll be there when I'm done cleaning and wrapping my wound" Noah said

"Yes Sir" Mateo and Jack said

"Oh and boys if she has a gun, dodge the shots until I get there, don't try to disarm her, Wait for Kim or me we know how to disarm her" Noah said

*Five minutes later*

*Kim looks at the girl*

"Bitch get out of my restaurant, my boss won't be very happy when she sees that you injured not just the bartender but also the waiter, so I suggest you run before I call her." Kim said

"You think I'm scared of your boss, fuck no I'm not scared" the girl said

"Oh really you're not scared well you should be"

"Put the gun down Jen, you don't want to do this" Noah said

*Jen shoots the gun*

"FUCK" Noah said

"What happened Sir?" Kim asked

"She shot me in the hand, Kim, grab the gun, I'll go bandage up my hand" Noah said

*Kim disarms Jen*

*5 minutes later*

"Sir come with me I'll stitch you up" a medic said

"Ok but I've already bandaged myself, though I got stabbed and even though I bandaged my side it still hurts"

"Ok so you got stabbed and shot in the hand?"

"Yes my hand is fine I moved my hand but she still got me in the palm"

"Sir squeeze your left hand for me"

"Ok.. shit why does it hurt?"

"Here give me your hand"


(The medic feels Noah's hand)

"Your middle finger bone and ring finger bones were shot through" a medic said

"WHAT" Noah said

"Sir don't worry it's fixable, just get on to an ambulance"

*Kim's pov*

"Yeah she shot me in the shoulder as I was trying to disarm her, I disarmed her before she could hit Jack or Mateo anymore than she already did"

"Kim you are a good man, but you still need to go to the hospital to get stitched up, you can drive there you don't have to take a ambulance there"


*Mateo and Jack pov*

"We dodged a couple bullets but Mateo got shot in the leg and I got shot in the arm" Jack said

"Ok both of you follow me to the ambulance I'll stitch you up, though Mateo you'll be off from walking for a while" a medic said

"Damn it"

"And Jack let me feel your arm, the bullet went through your radius and your ulna, we got to go now"

(The first two ambulances leave)

*Hunter pov*

"Shit, he's unconscious, (the medic checks for a pulse) TEAM get over here I need your help"

"What's wrong"

"The Boy is unconscious and a very little pulse, get him on a gurney but be careful, any sudden movement could kill him"

"Start stopping the blood from flowing then clean the wounds of any debris or dying tissue, then stitch up the wounds"

"Yes Ma'am"

(The third ambulance leaves)

*Officer James's pov*

"Hands behind your back, Jennifer Chariya Anchali, you are being arrested for breaking in to this restaurant and harming the employees, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can be used against you in court"

"Officer James she didn't break in, the door was open" Officer Shaun said

"Hi, this is my restaurant, officers what seems to be the problem" Sydney Noi said

"Miss Noi, this woman has stabbed multiple waiters and your main bartender" Officer Shaun said

"Wait what" Sydney Noi said 

"Go to that room you'll see Kim and Noah getting treated by medics, the other guys are on their way to the hospital now" Officer Shaun said

"Ok" Sydney Noi

"Hi Miss Noi" Kim said

"I was out for an hour, what the hell happened to all of you"

"Hunter got with a girl and almost killed us all, if it wasn't for Noah, we would all be dead" Kim said

"Both of you are the least hurt, why?" Sydney Noi asked

"oh because I got stabbed before anything started and patched myself up, then went to help Kim, Mateo, and Jack, then got shot in the hand, though thank Jay he's the one that called the cops" Noah said

"And I got shot in the shoulder but I'm fine" Kim said

"Noah and Kim I would still like you two to go to the hospital" Sydney Noi said

"Ok ill drive Noah come on" Kim said

"But I feel fine" Noah said

"Noah go with Kim to the hospital or you are FIRED" Sydney Noi said

"Yes Ma'am" Noah said

"Ok now JAY where are you you're helping me clean this up"

"Yes ma'am"

"Shit" Jay said

*Sydney catches Jay as he's about to fall*

"The hell happened to you"

"The bitch stabbed me and knocked me out after I called the police"


"Yes ma'am"

"bring Jay with you he just woke up from being knocked out, he got stabbed" Sydney said

"Here, help me take him out to my car" Jay said


(While driving to the hospital)

"Now Jay how the hell did you get knocked out, me, Noah, and you are the most trained"

"I mean you got shot, Noah got shot and stabbed,and I got stabbed, and got my leg broken. Even though we're trained we still all got hurt. Though what's strange is that Mateo and Jack are the least trained and got the least hurt."

"I mean yeah I went from helping Agent 44 and Miss President at the H.O.P.E Agency because B.R.A.D.I.O. broke in, to helping out here"

"Oh and how is Miss President and Agent 44 doing we haven't gotten to see them since three years ago on Christmas"

"They are doing fine, besides that in March Agent 44 got taken, we got him back, but now Miss President got taken"

"Oh she'll be able to get out, she's done it before so she can do it again" Kim said

"She has?" Noah asked

"Yeah I'll explain later after Jay gets fixed up, we'll also visit the Agency" Kim said

"Ok, though hold on roll down the window" (Noah throws up)

"Noah I thought you said you were fine?" Kim asked

"I thought I was, the blood from my side wound is traveling, drive faster" Noah said

"Ok Jay get on my back since you can't walk" Noah said

*At the hospital*

"Yeah hi we need a doctor"

"Ok what are your names?" the receptionist asked

"my name is Kim, his name is Jay and his name is Noah" 

"Ok Kim, Noah, and Jay go to room three a doctor will be in shortly"

"Ok and do you have a bag? He's been throwing up blood" Kim said

"Yes here you go, but tell me what your injuries are so I can tell the doctor" the receptionist said

"I got shot through the shoulder, a medic wrapped it in gauze and Noah got stabbed in his side, and he wrapped it in gauze, and got shot in the hand he stopped the bleeding and wrapped his hand in gauze" Kim said

"I got stabbed in the leg, knocked out, and got my leg broken


*In room three*

'Hello I'm Dr. Kang, and by what it looks like Noah you are going to need surgery, to fix the injury to your lateral, and Kim you are also going to need surgery to remove the bullet, and repair the tissue" 

"Wait but the bullet grazed my shoulder and went flying nothing drastic happened, I drove here"

"but it nicked the brachial plexus, you could have a difficult time walking or not even be able to walk" Dr. Kang said

"Ok I'll get the surgery" Kim said

"Oh and Jay why are you here"

"I told the receptionist I got stabbed in my left leg, and my right leg is broken" Jay said

"Oh so that lady that made all of our nurses have to work over shift, broke your leg, though it should only take about six weeks to heal.The stab to the leg doesn't look that bad and the stab wound isn't that deep, but how did you get here?" Dr. Kang asked

"I carried him from the car to the hospital while Kim carried him to this room" Noah said

"Well since you all need surgery, you are all gonna stay here for the night, Kim and Noah you follow me since you injuries is the worst" Dr. Kang said

*The Next Day after surgery*

"Okay so Kim and Noah you both can go back home but Jay you need to stay longer so your leg can heal and so you can get physical therapy" Dr. Kang said

"Can we go back to work or are we on bedrest?" Noah asked

"Kim you can go back to work, but make sure not to over work your shoulder, and Noah you can go back to work, but try not to laugh hard as it could reopen the wound, but you have to use your right hand as your left hand is still healing and you're going to have a wear a brace" Dr. Kang said

"Ok Jay we'll come visit you after Kim and I get off work" Noah said

"Ok I'll see you then, and tell Miss Noi, that I'll be out of work for a while" Jay said

"we will bye Jay" Kim said

"Bye boys" Jay said