
The Ultimate Rat In The World of Ninjas!

What would happen if a guy from Blue Star inhabited Naruto's body when he was a child? Can he tolerate their eyes full of hatred when they look at him? Can he still remain indifferent to those who isolate him from the world around him while doing nothing wrong? Can he maintain an adult mentality in the face of discrimination when he knows the truth? Follow 'Naruto' as he changes his fate from the original trajectory of his life with the help of his system and exacts revenge on those people who have wronged him! Disclaimer: The Picture above is not mine. Found it on Google-san. Ctto. Author: I Want To Fish More Translator: Ravinder Singh Editor: Novelette_Seeker

Novelette_Seeker · 漫画同人
177 Chs

Chapter 23: Graduation Exam

"System, do I have enough attribute points?"

Naruto returned home and asked anxiously.

[It will take another three days.]

"Three days? One day for the graduation exam tomorrow, one day for class placement, and one day for Kakashi's assessment, then it's okay to be able to upgrade before the official task comes!"

Naruto suppressed the excitement in his heart and calmed down.

Just wait for another three days, then the directly saved points will be enough for 20,000 points, and then I will be able to step from an ordinary ninja to the ranks of the strong in an instant!

Sage Body!

Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!


I am coming!

However, for the time being, only the attribute points, Sharingan, Byakugan, and Three Basic Academy ninjutsu that were collected first on the day of enrollment can be obtained.

As for the ninjutsu acquired later, the time interval ranged from one month to two months.

Naruto was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep just thinking about it!

Then the next day, with dark circles under his eyes, he didn't arrive at school until eight o'clock in the morning.

This surprised the students in the classroom. After all, Naruto always came early and woke up from his chair every time it was time for class.

So Naruto today could be regarded as his first time being late ever.


When Naruto passed by Sasuke's side, he snorted coldly.

In the past six years, the rivalry between Sasuke and Naruto has been shown Sasuke unilaterally. The only time he won once or twice was because Naruto did not want to fight, and then he was taunted by Sasuke...

Then the angry Naruto gave him a hard lesson, and then he saw Sasuke get up, with a pair of black eyes, wiping his nosebleed, and said to him, "This is how it should be!".

Naruto still couldn't forget this scene. Every night, he would dream of Sasuke and wake up in fright.

It made Naruto think that there was something wrong with the Genjutsu that Itachi performed on Sasuke, which made Sasuke more and more annoying, and Naruto became more and more bothered.

Much like Guy to Kakashi.

Every time he left with an arrogant smile without being beaten by Naruto, Naruto would feel uncomfortable all over.

But it was also because of this that Sasuke felt that his strength had indeed improved. Among other things, in terms of physical skills, no one could match him for the time being. Even Guy would want to accept him as his apprentice if he saw him!

In addition, his Three Basic Academy ninjutsu and Fire Style ninjutsu had become more and more proficient. This was all progress in exchange for beatings!

"You couldn't sleep because you are too nervous about the exam today, right? If you are, you should be able to pass it smoothly."

Shikamaru looked at Naruto who was yawning strangely.

"Of course not. I lost sleep because of something else."

"Indeed, the graduation exam is quite simple, and it's impossible to lose sleep over it."

Shikamaru stroked his chin and nodded.

At half past eight, Iruka walked in.

"Listen well, the subject of the graduation exam is Clone Technique, those whose names are called, go to the next classroom in order."

"First, Yamanaka Ino."

"I'm the first..." Ino shook her bangs and got up to leave.

"Hey, Ino pig! Don't get eliminated!"

"Huh! Broad forehead! You don't need to say it!"

Ino and little Sakura berated each other.

Because of Sasuke, the two of them had been at odds over the past few years, and they didn't like each other.


"Next, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Goodluck~" Shikamaru said, wearing a forehead protector.

"Do you still need to work hard for this kind of small test? It's fine if you don't perform normally."

Naruto waved his hand.

In the classroom, Iruka and Mizuki were sitting at the table.

Iruka looked at Naruto with satisfaction. Although Naruto's theoretical results were still poor, his actual combat results were always excellent.

This also made Iruka change his previous opinion of him. As a ninja, you didn't need to be like Sasuke. His grades were always the first in all subjects, and even if he was a little bit biassed, it was okay.

"Perform the Clone Technique, you can start now."


Naruto nodded, and made a seal with both hands,

"Clone Technique."


A doppelgänger like Naruto appeared beside him.

Because there was no interference from Nine Tails now, Naruto's Chakra was normal, and the basic Three Academy ninjutsu were no problem at all.

As for the Nine-Tails now?

He was lying in the sealed space watching Dragon Ball anime.

Fortunately, Naruto was a maniac in his previous life. He watched a lot of anime and could recall many plots. Otherwise, it would be hard to show them to Kurama.

Thanks to the addition of Naruto's spiritual attributes in the past two years, the improvement of his spirit had also allowed Naruto to achieve many functions.

For example, recollecting some anime, and TV dramas, or changing Kurama's living environment, and so on.

The current sealed space was no longer a sewer, but a bamboo forest, blue sky, white clouds, and sunny days, making Kurama very comfortable.

"Congratulations, you passed the exam."

"Genin, Uzumaki Naruto! This is your forehead protector."

Iruka got up happily and handed the forehead protector to Naruto.

"Thank you, Iruka-sensei~"

Naruto took it politely and thanked him earnestly.

His relationship with Iruka, since the misunderstanding that morning, had become less estranged, and Iruka had taken more care of Naruto, and occasionally invited Naruto to eat ramen at Ichiraku Ramen.

He had to say that as a teacher, Iruka was very qualified.

As for Mizuki next to him?

There was no connection, he was not the previous Naruto, and naturally, he would not be targeted by Mizuki.


"Are you ready?"

On the roof of the ninja school, an old man with white hair was standing behind the camera and asked Naruto.


Naruto returned his gaze from the Hokage Rock behind him and replied.

This time, he didn't need to apply make-up to get a memorable ninja photo of himself, and it wouldn't make sense anyway.

"One, two, three, eggplant!"


A bright light flashed by.

"From this moment on, this boy will start a new ninja life..."

The old man in charge of taking pictures looked at the opposite Hokage rock and said with emotion.

"Yes, yes, today there will be not only one boy but several boys and girls who are about to start a new life as a ninja, so please give me the photos."

Naruto urged helplessly.

He suspected that if he continued, the old man would be even more verbose.

"You little guy, what are you doing in such a hurry, you can't even listen to this old man!"

"There are several more behind me, you can let them listen to it."

"Hmph! Here you are! Go, go!"

It had to be said that photography technology in this world was not bad. After taking the photo on the spot, they could take the photo on the spot.

The old man glared at Naruto, gave him the photo, and drove him away.



Ninja School, Principal's Office.

"Third Hokage Grandpa, here's my ninja form."


Third Hokage picked up the form and looked.

Uzumaki Naruto, his hobby was sleeping, he liked ramen, and his favourite was miso ramen.


The Third Hokage looked up at Naruto helplessly.

"Congratulations, Naruto, you have finally graduated and become a ninja, please do your best in the future~"

"I will! Third Hokage Grandpa!"



"Grandpa, let's have a showdown! Take this... oops!"


A kid barged in, tripped over his scarf, and fell to the ground.


Naruto looked at the spoiled brat coldly.