
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · 奇幻
35 Chs

Ch 29: [Spirit King] VS 'Shadow'.......(2)

Note: 'Shadow' --> Kai




Within a minute, all of the [Fire Spears] were used. It was like the [Ifrit] didn't wanted to give even a chance to breathe to his enemy.


But [Ifrit] stood still in his place even after doing such devastation. As a long-living being and for not able to identify the 'Shadow' in front of him.


[Ifrit] took cautious stance towards the 'Shadow'. After It was better than being sorry.


As he waited, the dust began to calm down again. And when the dust cloud settled down.


[Ifrit] frowned for what he saw in front of him.




Even Suzuki and others were surprised because of what they were seeing in front of them.


The ground was completely destroyed. The large amount of ground was gone like someone was digging for a long while.


The ground was completely black with still some melting rocks remaining.


But this wasn't the cause of everyone's reaction.




In the middle of such ground, the 'Shadow' was standing there without any invisible wound or burn mark and laughing in a small voice, like 'It' was mocking [Ifrit].


Not only that, even the ground on which the 'Shadow' was standing was completely unharmed. It was like nothing had happened at all.


Finally It was [Ifrit] who responded first after observing the laughing 'Shadow'.


[It looks like It will really be not easy battle]


When [Ifrit] first saw the 'Shadow' (Kai), he had felt strange from Kai. And he didn't used huge number of [Fire Spears] without any thought.


If It could defeat his opponent then It would had been better but even If not, at least he could gauge his opponent's power.


But It only made him only more confuse. He could only make assumption that the 'Shadow' had used [Space Magic] but It was only an assumption.


As he was a [Spirit], who were highly sensitive to any kind of [Mana], he also didn't sensed any disturbance in surrounding space.


 But There was one thing he found out.


'...He made that dust cloud intentionally.'


When the 'Shadow' had dodged the first [Fire Spear], even though dust cloud was first formed because of the explosion of that spear, It shouldn't had been that big in size.


At first even [Ifrit] had not noticed It but as the spears kept falling down. The dust cloud formed in such big size that It even obstruct his view too.


Even though the explosions should had removed, If not at least lowered those dust clouds. There dust just kept rising and rising.


If [Ifrit] could at least determine the 'Shadow' power level, he could think of an appropriate method to end this battle quickly as he could felt that his contractor, Rem, could keep him here for long.


But as if the 'Shadow' completely knew this from very start wasn't making It any easy for him.


It could be possible that the 'Shadow' used a one-time use method or 'It' is very strong but 'It' is intentionally hiding his power.


[Ifrit] was in very big trouble If he made any wrong move here as It could endanger his contractor's life.


As [Ifrit] was thinking of his next move, the 'Shadow' ceased laughing and began to run towards him.


With just few steps, 'It' had already reached. But [Ifrit] didn't show any hesitation or fear when he saw this as he was prepared for this.


[High-rank Fire Spell: Wall of Flames]


Suddenly between the 'Shadow' and [Ifrit] a huge wall made of complete fire formed. The heat from this wall enough to burn charred any human in a few seconds and could also melt metal weapons easily.


Thinking that It would hold the 'Shadow' for a while, he prepared to launch any spell. But something unexpected happened.


[Ifrit] saw a black Katana passing through the wall, coming towards him in a great speed. It caused [Ifrit] to instinctively stop preparing his new spell and dodged It by moving to the side.


'Did he…throw his sword on him?'


[Ifrit] was surprised that the 'Shadow' had thrown his weapon away. Even through he couldn't fully observe the 'Shadow', at least he could tell that 'It' was at least a swordsman, since It had a sword.


But losing a sword in a battle is same for swordsmen as a bird losing his wings. That's why [Ifrit] couldn't figure out what was now 'Shadow' intention.


But [Ifrit] still didn't let his guard down and looked towards the areas from where the 'Shadow' could bypass the wall like from above or from sides.


"[Ifirt]! Below you!"




Suddenly Rem shouted to warn [Ifrit] but It was already to late. From the ground below [Ifrit] four black chains came out and wrapped around [Ifrit] like snakes, binding him.




[Ifrit] could figure out what just happened.


The chains wrapped around him were made of [Mana] so they weren't effected by the heat of the [Ifrit] otherwise ordinary chains would had already been melted down.


But the thing he was most confused about was that even through he was a [Spirit], he couldn't even sense these chains made of [Mana] until a less than second before they bonded him.


[Ifrit] soon guessed that these chains were actual made as a [Trap Spell] which are only activated when a condition is completed but It's advantage is that on one could find these spells until they are activated.


So It was possible that the 'Shadow' had made this spell before the battle. But [Ifrit] could feel from these chains that they were made only a few seconds ago.


[.…A clever one, aren't you?]


Soon [Ifrit] finally realized something. When the 'Shadow' had raised the dust cloud before, It was not to obstruct his view but to cast this spell without showing anyone through the ground beneath 'It'.


That's why the ground beneath the 'Shadow' was unharmed because 'It' was not only protecting Itself but also the ground to not let anyone found the spell.


As for why he couldn't sense this spell was because the 'Shadow' used his own [Fire Spears] spell's [Mana] as a cover to hide his spell from sensing by anyone.


Not only that, rather than making It directly beneath [Ifrit]'s previous position, It made the spell small distance away from him to avoid any risk.


After which the 'Shadow' throw It's sword on him not to hit him but to made him move on the [Trap Spell].


Normally even without the activation of the spell, [Ifrit] would had still sensed the spell.


But either It was intentionally or just luck that this place was near the Demon King's Castle where Diablo lives.


Diablo's emitted huge amount of [Dark Mana] was covering even the place where the [Ifrit] was fighting right now, which also played in covering the [Trap Spell] as the spell itself made of [Dark Mana].