
I Want To Help

The next day, I was awakened by the sound of trees falling. Anna was nowhere to be found. She must have let me sleep in while she tended to her duties. I grabbed my things and headed home. As I walked back to the Alpha’s house, I could see the trees were being cleared. And makeshift homes were being put up in their place. They must be getting ready for the people coming from the other pack.

I watched as everyone pitched in. They each had their jobs here. Everyone had a place in the pack. There were trainers, cooks, cleaners, builders, and guards. I seemed to be the only one without something to do. Even Anna was off handling the Luna’s affairs while she was out.

When I reached the gate to the Alpha’s house, Sophie was coming down the driveway. She seemed to be in a better mood than everyone else, who were all still sad by the news of Alpha Ken. I tried to pass her with my head down. I wasn't in the mood for our rival babble.

Just as I passed, she said to me, "Hey. I heard you will be moving out soon."

"What are you talking about?" She caught my attention.

She pointed at the builders. "I heard you'll be shacking up with the new members. Since your parents are no longer on the former Alpha's healing mission, they no longer have to keep you here in their house. Plus, once I become Luna of this pack, there is no way I'll let you stay in that house." She kept walking like she didn't just drop a bomb on me.

What was she talking about? Were they going to put me out, like I was nothing? I put my things away in my room and marched straight to the Alpha’s office. Two guards were standing outside the closed doors. When I approached, they stopped me dead in my tracks. "I want to talk to Godric or Alex!" I demanded.

"Move along. They are very busy right now."

"Fine. You won't let me in. Then I will sit right here." I sat down in the hall. One of the guys chuckled until gave him a look that could kill. I was in no mood to play. How dare they put me out because my father isn’t working for them anymore. Then they tell Sophie before me. I think I was madder at the fact that they were putting me out even though they knew I had nothing. How was I supposed to support myself?

Almost two hours passed, and no one had gone in or out that door.

Finally, I heard the doors open and a few men passed me by. Including Alex. He gave me a quick smile and a concerned look but kept moving. By now my eyes were red and my face was hot. I was beyond angry.

"What is this? Why is she sitting outside on the floor?" I heard Godric say. His voice was now stronger. Like the Alpha, he was born to be. But while the guards were trembling, I was being soothed. The sound of his voice almost calmed my anger.

"Sorry Alpha Godric. You said you were not to be disturbed while in this meeting. We told her that, but she wouldn't leave."

"Zaya is a member of my household. If she wants in, let her in."

Now I was really confused. That didn't sound like someone who was going to kick me out of the house. He motioned for me to follow him back into the office. "I'm glad you came to see me, little one?" He said while closing the door behind me. "I have an update on your parents."

One word about my parents and my petty concerns about what house I would sleep in was out the door. "I have been trying to call them. But no answer. Are they okay? Please tell me they are okay."

He took a deep breath. "They are both alive." He said while staring at me with those brown eyes.

"Ok great! Will they be arriving with the other survivors of the Silver Mountain Pack?"

"They will not be arriving with the survivors."

"I don't understand. You just said they were okay. Did they move onto another pack before the attack?" I was starting to become angry again. Feeling like he was holding back.

"The leader of the rogue pack sent us a list of the captured wolves. Your parents are on that list Zaya."

"Why are they holding them hostage? What do they want?" I asked as my eyes burned with anger.

"They want to negotiate. They want to be recognized as an official pack and no longer rogue. And they want us to pay tribute to them. They are requesting a sit down with me because they know as Alpha King, I can honor their request."

"And will you honor their request?" I was curious to know how he planned to get my parents and the other pack members back.

Godric approached me grabbing my arms to calm me. I felt an electrifying feeling from his big hands. He let me go quicker than I had liked. And turned away from me. "I will try to do everything in my power to can to get everyone back. I promise you. I have a lot of work to do. See you at dinner." He was now trying to rush me out of the office and I didn’t understand why.

"Wait! I'm glad you were able to give me an update on my parents but I came to talk to you about something else."

"Go ahead. What do you want to talk about?" He walked around to the other side of his desk and took a seat. Only this time he wasn't making eye contact with me. He kept his eyes on the papers before him.

"I’ve noticed that everyone pulls their weight around here except me. They all have jobs. I would like to contribute to the pack." I prepared myself for what his response would be. Hoping he wouldn’t turn me away. I needed something to keep me busy.

Godric sat back for a while thinking about my request. "I think I may have a job for you. Well, you and Anna. I have to prepare for my father’s funeral and meet with all the Alphas. Alex is making sure the new homes will be completed on time for the survivors. And that we will have enough provisions to feed us all. He is also setting up two cabins on the outer parts of our lands for our sit down with the rogue pack leader. I need you, ladies, to stock the new homes with provisions for the families arriving soon. I also want you to accompany Alex to stock the two cabins with everything needed. Food. Blankets. Those kinds of things."

His request was so simple but I would take what I could get. "Thank you, Godric. I won't let you down." I was just about to leave the office but thought to ask one more thing. "When is your meeting with the rogue leader?"

"We meet with the rogues five days from now."