
50. Talk about very pleasant .

Wang Yanchao didn't keep Ye Xiu waiting for too long.

A few minutes later, Wang Yanchao stood up from behind his desk.

The two didn't linger in the office, heading straight for the parking lot.

Wang Yanchao drove a very ordinary SUV, with average performance, but it was quite comfortable to ride in. Seeing Wang Yanchao's vehicle, Ye Xiu became even more convinced of his previous assessment of Wang Yanchao.

At first, Ye Xiu felt somewhat uncomfortable sitting in Wang Yanchao's car, a bit restrained, especially when Wang Yanchao actively asked him many personal questions, displaying an extremely caring demeanor, which made Ye Xiu feel somewhat overwhelmed by the attention.

However, as Wang Yanchao noticed Ye Xiu's restrained state and began steering the conversation towards professional matters, Ye Xiu gradually relaxed, and they began to engage in lively conversation.

As the discussion progressed, Ye Xiu began to express more of his proactive opinions. Wang Yanchao's eyes gradually lit up. Although he knew before that Ye Xiu's medical skills were extraordinary after learning that Ye Xiu wrote those suggestions, hearing those insights directly from Ye Xiu's mouth was another matter altogether.

Many of his views and philosophies were surprisingly similar to Wang Yanchao's own medical principles.

This made him feel a sense of camaraderie. Unbeknownst to him, Ye Xiu's insights were actually a fusion of what he had learned from him over the past few days.

Watching Ye Xiu talk enthusiastically, with a radiant and confident demeanor, completely devoid of the earlier restraint, Wang Yanchao couldn't help but feel fortunate. He was glad he found out the truth in the afternoon, glad he went to Director Zhao to keep Ye Xiu in the department, and glad he had steered the conversation back to professional matters in time, avoiding continuing to chat about personal topics with Ye Xiu.

Initially, he just felt that Ye Xiu seemed somewhat restrained and uncomfortable, so he wanted to change the subject. Since he didn't have much interaction with Ye Xiu and didn't know what topics interested him, the only common ground they shared was being doctors, specifically pulmonologists, so he casually shifted the conversation in that direction.

Unexpectedly, he hit the mark.

Ye Xiu was indeed a person with an enthusiastic pursuit of medicine. Once they started discussing this topic, the floodgates opened.

The more they talked, the more Wang Yanchao felt a kinship with Ye Xiu. He himself was a person deeply committed to the pursuit of medical expertise. Otherwise, he wouldn't have achieved such a high level of skill. At his age, he couldn't have learned as much in medical school. His advanced medical techniques were all refined over many years of practice.

Soon, Wang Yanchao couldn't help but engage in discussion with Ye Xiu.

They delved into medical issues, and the more they talked, the more they clicked. They completely forgot about the passage of time and their surroundings, even the frustrating traffic jam went unnoticed.

It wasn't until the car stopped in the parking lot of the Drunken Immortal Restaurant that Wang Yanchao and Ye Xiu finally snapped out of their engrossing discussion on professional medicine.

As they got out of the car together, Wang Yanchao felt incredibly content. The discussion with Ye Xiu had left him with a feeling of exhilaration. He hadn't had such a lively discussion about professional matters in a long time. There weren't many people in this small hospital he could engage with professionally. His old colleague, Huang Maoqing, was one he could talk to, but their discussions lacked the vigor and novelty of the conversation with Ye Xiu.

Unlike Huang Maoqing, Ye Xiu's thinking was more open and innovative. He constantly introduced new viewpoints, refreshing Wang Yanchao's mind and inspiring him. This was why he felt so invigorated today.

While feeling as content as Wang Yanchao, Ye Xiu also felt immensely rewarded. In this discussion, although he enthusiastically shared many of his own viewpoints, providing new insights to Wang Yanchao, it was undeniable that he was the one who gained the most. Wang Yanchao not only clarified his own viewpoints with rich experience and strong theory but also introduced many theories and viewpoints he had accumulated from his extensive clinical practice.

For Ye Xiu, all of this was a tremendous wealth.

As the saying goes, "A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study." Wang Yanchao's experience was something he couldn't learn from textbooks or academic papers in just a few years of study.

When they arrived at the room reserved at the Drunken Immortal Restaurant, several doctors from various departments had already arrived before them. Seeing them, each one stood up to greet them warmly.

Seeing these doctors approaching to greet them, Ye Xiu couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise. Among them were not only colleagues from their department but also doctors from other outpatient and emergency departments, even Vice Director Huang Maoqing was here.

Could it be that this time, Director Wang invited all colleagues from the department?

Soon, Ye Xiu's speculation was confirmed.

Except for those on duty and a few doctors, all the key members of the department, including the nurse Su Dongmei whom he was more familiar with, arrived one after another.

Ye Xiu had initially thought that Director Wang's "welcome party" would just be a casual dinner with a few colleagues from the office. He hadn't expected Wang Yanchao to make such a grand gesture.

Seeing the familiar and unfamiliar faces greeting him and hearing their welcoming words, Ye Xiu couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. He had just arrived, what had he done to deserve such attention from Wang Yanchao? He silently resolved to do his best to fulfill his responsibilities from tomorrow onwards, to contribute his part to the hospital and the department.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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