
Who am I really? (4)

"Hi...kar-" I tried to say but the world tipped to the side and then everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "HAILEY!" I called out as I caught her placed her carefully on my shoulders. "Urghhhh...." Yoru grunted as he woke up."What... Where...?" Yoru asked. "You're in my Nightmare at the moment." Kurai explained as he helped Yoru steady himself. "Thanks...Uh... Kurai... Was it?" Yoru asked. "Yeah, Kurai Yuoru, nice to meet you." Kurai introduced himself. "You must be Hikari then, Hailey said you were quite strong." Yoru said. "Yeah. I'm strong, but not that strong." I said while trying to be modest. "Well, I think it's time for us to wake up now." Kurai said as he teleported away.

Then everything went black.


"H...ey....***....p!" I heard Hikari's voice in the background. I then focused on his voice. "HAILEY! ****** .....P!" I heard Hikari's voice loudly. I still couldn't understand what he was saying but I opened my eyes quickly and sat up in a panic thinking something bad had happened to Hikari. "It's okay now Hailey... Just breathe." Hikari assured me as he hugged me and began to slowly breathe. "In.... And out...In... And out.... In... And out...."Hikari instructed me and I subconsciously followed. "W-Where...?" I asked as I looked around now in Hikari's house. "We're in my house, it's okay now." Hikari assured me. "Mmmh...." I said as I went to lay back down but Hikari held me up. " Hailey... you've been asleep for *******.....Please....Don't************" Hikari said. The world tilted to one side and all I could hear was Hikari muttering something. I tried not to fall asleep as best as I could. I lightly nudged the side of his neck. "Hi....kar....i" I said weakly. "Yes, wha****'s ***** Hailey?" I heared him but I could barely see him. "Can't.... s...see....y...you....o...r....H....hear..." I struggled to say. I then felt a warm sensation on the side of my face and I could see a blurred version of Hikari but really close. "Mmmh..... That.....Feels...Nice..." I said as I nuzzled the side of his hand. "Better?" Hikari asked me after about 5 minutes later. "Mmm..." I said as I nodded my head a little. "Can... hear... you better." I said to him weakly. "That's good, can you see me better?" He asked me. "Yeah... not blurry... ny'more" I said a bit louder. "That's good." Hikari said.

"How's the princess?" I heard Yoru ask. I then forcefully wriggled from Hikari's hold but failed miserably. He was too strong. "Yoru!" I said with worry as I used my psychic powers to push Hikari to the side just enough to crawl then I proceeded to unsteadily wobble over to Yoru. "You're... Not....Hurt....?" I asked with worry. "Nope! Not even a scratch!" Yoru said as he picked me up and sat me down on the bed again. "You on the other hand are. Let Hikari heal you." Yoru ordered me. "Oh... Kay.... Ru.." I said weakly as I released Hikari and I almost fell over. "Gotcha." Hikari said as he started to heal me again. "Heh, that was the nickname you gave me coz you couldn't say me name properly!" Yoru chuckled. "How did you know Hailey?" Hikari asked Yoru. "I was her body guard. How does she know you?" Yoru asked. Hikari then proceeded to tell Yoru how I had met both himself and Kurai. "That's an adventure!" Yoru said. "Yeah it was, There's even more after that!" Hikari said. "She found some humans, learnt how to teleport and use pychic powers. Oh! As well as hypnotize people!" Hikari added.

As they were talking I found myself slowly falling asleep.

Sorry for no chapter yesterday! I completely forgot so I made this chapter longer! hope you all enjoy! (^_^)_/

Vermilion_The_Voidcreators' thoughts