
For show

The two men were more than five meters apart, enough for the public to consider them remote from each other.

"He won't be able to take Roy by surprise, he's more likely to get the surprise himself."

The training field had changed to a mainly public-occupied stage. The rumours concerning Oswald's beating had plenty of sceptic versions and people were ready to create a new story in which his butt got kicked to the moon and back.

'What was it.... It was the same Adelmo had when he pointed an arrow at my head...' Oswald thought, recalling how heavy became the atmosphere around Laurel before their match. He racked his brain to find the common point between the two men.

'Hate? No, certainly not, Laurel isn't angry at me.'

His opponent let out a warcry, a powerful roar that vented his anger, confirming Oswald he was right.

But then, the feeling came anew. It was much harder to detect, but it was present nonetheless.