
The Scrummy Bummy Lore

In the infantile state of a new universe were many creatures in their starting phase, one of which was a juice pouch and straw that would challenge any vegetables from the cabbage patch to a round of fisticuffs, ultimately overcoming them and absorbing their power, thus, it became formidable and left behind an entire and complete heritage behind. This being was later known to be none other but...The Succ Sage. The self named Genius Gang, a group of intellectuals with knowledge far beyond the norm of this infantile universe then began to rise and found this heritage, allowing them to begin their ascent to the higher realms. The Scrummy Bummy Lore is an incomprehensive, shortened archive of the real events that the Genius Gang went through on their path. Translator's Note: As the best translator in the world, it is easy to assume that my translation will be complely on point, however, the Scrummy Bummy Lore, being written in the language of the Gods, was far too complex for even a genius like I to translate fully, as I, just like you, am a mere mortal. Please do read this novel with an open mind, keeping in mind that not only are there multiple meanings that we do not understand, but also many that can eventually be understood through comprehensive thought. I myself feel as though I have matured as not just a person, but as an entity in this vast universe that we call our home after reading this novel. In short, I must say that if the human race ever evolves to the point where we can incorporate the Scrummy Bummy Lore into our national curriculum as the most significant subject, I can die knowing that humanity shall live on to achieve great things.

ImmenseEgg · 现实
69 Chs

Genius Gang Exposed??!!


"my plan has launched hehehe!" mr Gloybraith laughed very evilly and in the darkness and jaco hara felt tingles in his jingles! how frightening I love to pee I pee all day!

the unexpecting genius gang were busy creating cottage cheese when jos cot finally became cheese and pesto pasta "this so difficult cottage cheese is too hard to create!" he span around and drilled into the earth and smacked his head on the earths core.

bathtubboy was very impressed by this of course and nodded his head in approval "this some good cheese and pesto pasta!" he loved to become curdled milk but found that the properties of the cottage cheese he hadbrought from morrisons was amazing! reec made sure that the bananas were milky thankfully and this allowed the genius gang to continue on their tests to make cottage cheese yuum.

it was then that the doorbell of the carrot tree rang with exuberance, a unique sense of reverence! "Burger bing boot bettuce!" bathtub boy became attic insulation and ran to the door to open it only to realise that in actuality, it was gayden brijj??!!

seeing this reec had flashbacks to the times he was flora the brand I cannot possibly believe that this is not butter and stared into the sun to become blind, bathtub boy say "stare at the sun for too long as youll become blind! wowow if only you knew bathtub boy!!

ayden brijj dabbed at the door he is the child predator and couldn't take his eyes off the children walking past onto the street "I just want to taste themmmm!" come say "take off your clothes" he ran up to a child and told him not to look at tv for too long or they'll damage their eyesight thanks gayden brijj the child PREDATOR.

bathtub boy ask say "what??" and gayden brijj ate a child!

"i have a big wenis for you!" gayden brijj unzips his trousers and leans in to whisper, "Is it true that...the wenius wang swore??!!"

bathtub boy, reec aloe vera and jos cott were blown away, how could they ever possibly swear that's inconceivable!!!!!1!!!!!!!

bathtub boy was infuriated and also Pennis "if you came here to stir the pot of milk and to make trouble, you can get lost!" and gayden brijj peed in a semi circle brilliant!

"Well, the rumours are spreading quickly, everybody thinks the wenius Wang swear!"

the genius gang were thoroughly disgruntled and discombobulated by this they ascended into the sky and T posed on the oxygen, causing it to disappear into a void and succing them forwards. using this technique they were able to get to the universe center, the canteen, where they knocked down the door and shouted: "Who fricking said we swear??!!"

the loud canteen suddenly became quiet and gayden brijj laughed with a pp in his mouth he licked the moon in front of the genius gang and admitted "nothing personal wenius Wang!" and went into the shadows to eat more children.

miss no man's land was in the middle of the crowd come say, "take off your clothes!" she liked the concept of condensed milk and behind her was...cummy cat!

"what this about??" the genius gang were surprised and planted vegetables in the ground, waited for them to grow and reaped them and created a soup with them that was absolutely delicious good job guys!

miss no man's land however wasn't having any of it and instead ascended to a higher height come say "take off your clothes" say "me pee me pee" say "wenius Wang...you just swore confirming that the jingle jang gang always swears!"

the wenius Wang was appalled by this, in the crowd they saw fanny danny, creamy deeley and even the real the original deadpool who was shaking his head smh "not even my real original deadpool powers could have predicted that the genius gang consisted of people that swore!"

"it not troo!" Jos Cott quickly ate cheese and pesto pasta to solidify this statement and reec peed. bathtub boy then became barisherab boi boi and began pipping olives taking the seeds out and stuffing them with peppers and pimento! this incredible feat highly impressed the crowd and almost got them to stand against miss no man's land however the notion of people swearing was just too terrifying and they quickly told off the genius gang "how dare you swear???"