
The Great Bully

"Who are you Jaden?"

Daniel's POV

Seriously, this guy is a mystery. He says he's poor but I doubt it. I heard you can enter in this school through that entrance exam which I got in the 3rd rank, but you also have to pay to fully enter in this institution. I know that he's the top 1 student and they may give him a scholarship but this school is very meticulous. They won't just give you your scholarship without knowing something about you. This is the elite school after all. Not having any business related families is not good for you. Everyone in this school always talks about business, money and connections.

"What's with you and Emerald?" I curiously asked him after ditching the thought of who he really is. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Do you know each other or something?" I still continued to ask. Even though he's not the only one who talked to Emerald, the curious thing is he's the only one Emerald talked to out of a lot of guys out there trying to even make her say "Hi" to them.

"We just met in the library, she threw me hateful words and the rest is history." And he's also very secretive. He doesn't talk too much and he carefully chooses his words.

"Bro, she's the Emerald of this school," I pinpointed it at him telling him not to mess up with the Sandejas. No one dared to speak to Emerald that way. After all, she's the treasured daughter of the Sandejas. Messing up with her is like messing up with the entire Sandejas clan. This guy is not even afraid of Emerald. Well, I'm not also afraid of Emerald. I knew her since we're kids but she never spoke to me. Her dad and my dad are good friends.

"I don't even know why she hated me so much," he said and shrugged his shoulders, really oblivious of anything that makes Emerald mad at him. He's the first guy, aside from Emerald's father and brother, Emerald ever talked to for more than 5 words. Even though it's hateful words, it's still more than 5 words.

"You're not afraid of her?" I asked and drank my soda. Everyone's afraid of Emerald because of her cold personality. Her father also owns a percent of this school. Despite her cold personality, she's always been courted by different suitors that belongs to an elite families but none of them ever caught the attention of Emerald.

"If she's gonna be the next Hitler, then it will be the time I will be afraid of her." I almost choked on my soda and looked at him with disbelief. He's really not afraid of Emerald Sandejas. Emerald is a god given beauty. She's richer than me by just small amount of millions.

"Are you even normal?" He looked at me as if not fully understanding of what's to be feared with a Sandejas. "Her family owns a multi-million dollar company and they are mostly known for their 5 star chains of hotels. She's the richest girl in the school and her brother's the Student Council President on the college level. She's intelligent and beautiful, she's basically untouchable," I tried to enlighten him about what he's been messing with but he's still unbothered and just looking at me while eating his vegetables. Now he's something.

"She's still a student in this school. Rules apply to everyone." Okay, now I get it. He's not just the top 1 for nothing. He's wise and I just can't believe how cool he is in everything in here. He's not even somewhat cultured shock and didn't even flinch with fear when Lucas bullied him. He has this authoritative aura...or I'm maybe just imagining things.

"Okay, I believe you're still somewhat normal."

"Why? You, are you afraid of her?" He asked. I am not afraid of Emerald but I am afraid of making her mad at me. There are times I wanted to talk to her but before I could even do that, she would be out of her seat and walking out of the classroom after the discussion. She was distancing herself from me or from anyone else except her family.

"We knew each other since we're kids so I'm used to it."

Lunch ended and we walked together back to our classroom. Lectured started and it's really boring. It's all lecture until dismissal. I waved goodbye to some of my classmates whom I made acquaintances with. I can easily make friends with anyone, well except Emerald. I bid a goodbye to Jaden and offered him a ride home but he refused saying he's needed somewhere. I just nodded and went straight to the hallways when someone grabbed my collar and dragged me out of the hallway and into the corner of the janitor's room full of cleaning equipment. Damn!

"What the fuck do you want Lucas?" I spit with anger at him. He's not alone and he's with his fucking football team. Usually, he just warns me to mind my own business and stay away from him whenever he bullies other students who are less in millions than him. But this time this isn't a warning anymore. I really did piss him off now because he brought with him his teammates.

"Careful with your mouth Daniel or it might bleed," he warned me and grabbed a chair beside him and sat like he's got the time in the world. His teammates got a hold of both my arms preventing me to escape. They are more well-built and taller than me. Of all other bullies out there, why does it have to be an athlete?

"Let's just talk, shall we?" He asked and smirked.

"Talk?" I asked with too much sarcasm. "Then why are your stupid teammates fucking holding me?" He snapped his fingers and one of his teammates punched my abdomen with too much force that I groaned from pain and almost gasped for air when the pain runs through my entire stomach. Heck, the punch is not a joke. They're stronger too. I glared at that guy who punched me and I knew his face. He's a son of a politician.

"Like I said careful with your words, Daniel." His teammates forced me to look at Lucas by lifting my face harshly. I tried to look around but to my dismay, there were no CCTV cameras to help me put him to jail for evidence. He really planned this just to beat me up. Why can't he use his brain for something useful than this?

"Didn't I tell you not to interfere with what I'm doing?" He asked letting me remember what I did wrong to be put in this situation. "You're always on my way Daniel." Maybe I reached his limits of kindness and patience that I got punched now.

"Why are you being such a jackass—" I was groaning in pain when they punched my stomach again, thankfully not the face. If I could just let go from this grip, I swear I could make one them hospital ready.

"You just don't listen don't you?" He said with a bored face but I could hear the playfulness on his voice. He's enjoying watching me get punched by his teammates. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me and grabbed a handful of my hair tilting my head up.

"What's there to listen to your arrogance?" I smirked despite the pain in my stomach. Another punch might give me a big bruise.

"Always sounding so smart, Danny boy." I gave a fake laugh and tried to struggle from his teammates' strong grip. I badly wanted to punch him right now.

"Why? Is it hard to understand for your mediocre IQ—" Now he was the one punching me on the stomach. I coughed and almost spit blood. If it weren't for his minions holding me, I might be crouching to the ground from the pain. Now, that's definitely gonna give me a big bruise.

"If it weren't for your rich dad, I might get you kicked out right now." He clenched his fist. If it weren't for me being the son of a successful oil company, I would be really dead. He was about to punch my face when a sudden flash of a camera halted him, hanging the punch in midair with only an inch away from my face.

"What the—" Our attention turned to the guy standing in the doorway, leaning to the door frame with a phone on hand. Jaden?! He then put his phone on his pocket and attempted to walk away like he just saw nothing interesting but he was stopped by Lucas's minions by grabbing him in the collar and pushing him inside the room. Now great, they'll gonna have fun beating the two of us now. This guy is really not afraid of anything!

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Jaden who was still unbothered by the fact that they were a lot of them compared to him so why the hell did he have to be here? I can handle few punches because I was trained in a lot of martial arts. I'm a son of a successful oil company and I should just at least protect myself in case someone might kidnap me for ransom or get killed but these guys are also trained for that. More trained than I am because they're also a member of a football team. I knew some of them. One of them is the son of a famous car manufacturer, a telecom company and a son of a famous politician.

"So, you came to save this guy now?" Lucas pointed at me and his minions laughed. "You're what? Friends now?" He punched my stomach again and his teammates let go of their hold from me and I landed on my knees clutching my stomach. Lucas is the youngest son of Yastro's. Their family owns a lot of financial companies and we're somewhat on the same level when it comes to financial status. I don't know if his father even knew this side of him since no one dared to report Lucas's ways of beating the weak ones here. I haven't reported him to the director since this is the first time he really went serious on his threats to me.

"Nope. I just walked pass by and saw this pathetic way of yours on torturing him." Jaden gave me a side glance and raised his eyebrows in amazement. What the hell is wrong with him?! I know he's fucking genius and seems to not be scared of anything but fuck! It's the time to be scared right now! Even if we could escape, these guys are the sons of rich and famous personalities and can also escape any excuses they want and do it against us. There are no CCTV cameras in here to support our accusations against Lucas. I could save my ass because of my dad but I can't guarantee Jaden's life in this school. Like I said, everything in here is about money and status.

"I don't give a damn, newbie." Lucas just smirked and looked at Jaden. "Since you're here, I might just continue what I did earlier before Danny boy came in like a hero." He grinned and I already know what he's about to do. He's going to torture Jaden. This is really not my day.

"Now, hand me down the damn phone, newbie." Lucas held out his hand for Jaden to give him his phone which of course have a picture of him torturing me. Jaden just looked at Lucas's held out hand and tilted his head sideways and smirked. Damn, he's really not hella normal! There's a total of 4 minions and plus the fucking Lucas, he could be beaten up badly and ended up in hospital beds if he keeps on messing up with Lucas.

"Funny, how our situation earlier changed huh?" Shocked was an understatement in Lucas's face and also mine. Where the hell did he have this confidence?! Based on his body built, he could just at least punch one of them but that's just it, the rest is them punching Jaden until he knocks out.

"Trying to be tough huh? Well, let's just pretend I didn't hear that." Lucas grinned but later on his smile faded and I could only see anger. He's now serious of killing Jaden. Even if I shout, nobody could hear us in this place. It is far from the security and mostly all of the students must have gone home now. If I also shout, they will just punch me again.

"NOW, HAND IT TO ME BEFORE I LOSE MY PATIENCE." Lucas emphasized every word and glared at Jaden but Jaden just smiled mockingly finding this whole situation funny.

"You know, I could just give it to you if you just asked nicely." He casually said and I would laugh if it weren't for this situation. He's really just playing around and I hope they won't kill him now. I looked at him with disbelief and prayed he will just shut his mouth. Lucas was fuming with anger and his minions were fast enough to surround Jaden.

"Beat him up until he begs for his life." Lucas ordered his teammates to beat Jaden as he stand aside to see him get a bloodied face.

They attacked one by one and Jaden was still emotionless waiting for them to come closer to him. I feel like I was out of breath as I see one of them attempting to punch him on his side but he swiftly dodged it and kicked the guy into his stomach sending the guy to the ground. The next one held him in his back and another one was attacking him in front. I was about to stand and at least help him but Lucas kicked me to my side and held me to the ground.

What I saw next was unbelievable. Jaden was already free from the guy's grip and kicked the other ones head making the guy unconscious. He dodged every punch and hit then landed a strong punch on Lucas's minions. He dragged the last guy who failed to land his punches on Jaden. He walked towards us while dragging the half conscious guy and threw him towards Lucas. He knew some martial arts too? His swift and fast movements were calculated like he's been doing it for long that he can accurately hit the opponents open spot. He's even faster than me and doesn't even break a sweat from dodging and kicking them. He wasn't even panting from all of that! Who the hell is this guy?!

"By the way, that's how you torture someone," he said with a straight face to Lucas who was still shocked of what was happening. I took a glimpse of the other 3 minions and they were all groaning in pain and holding their wounded body parts. All of them are a member of a football team and they are all well-built. Lucas was the captain and now, all of them were like beaten up by 10 men. Where did he learn all of that?

Lucas lunges forward and was about to punch Jaden but still, Jaden docks and punches Lucas's stomach making Lucas groan in pain and kneel on his knees clutching his stomach.

"I nicely asked you earlier. This couldn't have been delayed if it weren't for Daniel," Jaden said in a dead tone and leaned forward to whisper in Lucas's ears.

"So if I were you, I think you should thank him for entering the morning classes without a bruise." He stood up and let go of Lucas. He looked at me as if studying how much punches I received before he came.

"You're alright?" He asked and I was speechless of what just happened. He held out his hand lending me a help but I just stared at him.

"Who are you Jaden?"