
The rise of the battle saint

Johan Seo was a successful office worker who got promoted to become a branch manager. one night while celebrating, he died in his sleep. who knows maybe someone poisoned him or he just drunk to much. but Johan's life didn't actually end there, he was given a chance to live another life but in different world. he was transfered into an Elf Prince's body named Lex, but the prince is pretty much crippled, he's not loved by mana. but on top of that he has the ability to learn any skill just by seeing it. this is the story of Johan, no, Lex, to became the battle saint.

ZEROFUKU1001 · 奇幻
70 Chs



"Hey, what was that?"Oliver asked."Is that guy really gave you a hard time?"

"Come on dude, stop thinking about that, it's your turn, think of how you will beat that guys instead."Lex said.

Oliver didn't said anything and climbed the stadium.

"Is he ok?"Leon asked.

"To be honest, I don't know."Lex replied.'can't really read that guy, and the backlash is kicking in, Oliver must hold for 10 minutes so I can recover my full strength.'

"Hey, you're sweating so much, you good?"Leon asked.

"Oh yeah, it's ok, it's just the backlash."Lex answered.

"You used that skill again?is that Derek guy strong?"Leon again asked.

"Not really, maybe, I don't really know what to say."Lex said.'he's strong but he's health points is too low, if he's level is the same as me, then it will be a me vs one of the pillars, or maybe stronger.'


Ilumi and Oliver is standing on the stadium, waiting for the instructor to give the signal to start.

'Man, he's way more intimidating up front.'Oliver said in his thoughts.'but still, I need to put out a fight.'

The signal to start the fight came but Oliver didn't move, same us Ilumi.

'Is he respecting my strength to just like what Lex said about Leon's fight?'Oliver said.'Maybe he's scared to me too.'

Just as Oliver lowered his guard down, Ilumi charged at him, Oliver didn't expected it and just dashed backwards.

"Tsk."Oliver said.

When Oliver is in Ilumi's attack range, Ilumi swung his scythe towards Oliver.

'Come on Oliver, don't lose pathetically.'Lex thought.

Ilumi smiled."Gotcha."

"I'm dead."Oliver looked at Ilumi's smiling face and smiled too."Is that what you want me to say?"

Ilumi's smile faded after hearing these words, Oliver gave Ilumi a dirty finger and vanished.

{You've learned "teleportation" skill}

'Whoa!'Lex said in his thoughts, his really amazed.

Oliver appeared in Ilumi's back and slash his legs, Ilumi slashed his scythe to Oliver's direction but Oliver is not in there anymore, Oliver reappeared in Ilumi's face and slashed his dagger in his face.

"Arghh!"Ilumi screamed in pain.

"He's different when his in the battle field."Leon said, Lex nodded, the Oliver they knew is a cheerful and annoying, but what they're seeing right now is the opposite, the vibe his giving off is heavy, and his eyes is telling them that he's dead serious right now, it's as if it's totally a different person.

Oliver continued on slashing Ilumi everywhere while Ilumi is slashing his scythe in the air.

"Is it working?"Leon asked.

"I think it is."Lex replied.

'This isn't working, I'm losing too much energy using the teleportation, I need to think of a way.'Oliver said.

The suddenly, Ilumi's scythe was infront of Oliver, Oliver manage to pent it using his dagger, but he got knocked back.

'Sh*t.'Oliver cursed.

"Did you enjoy playing?"Ilumi asked, the smile on his face at the start of the fight totally vanished and was replaced with a serious face.

"Not yet, I didn't manage to draw a perfect star yet, you're moving so much."Oliver said.

"What star?"Ilumi asked, then he looked at his chest and find a star shape on it.

"It's not perfect, the other lines weren't connected."Oliver said while smiling.

Ilumi got really irritated, the students watching was mesmerized too.

"That kid is good, are all elves good at knives?"Roa said while looking at Lorey.

"Not really, most elves wanted to be mage, only few plays with knives."Lorey answered.

"..."Alison is watching the match carefully.

"What do you say?Alison, you can take that kid to your mercenary group."Hilda asked.

"He's good at holding knives, but his attitude gives him off, his too childish."Alison said whit her emotionless face.

Back in the stadium*

Ilumi's vibe change and charged again to Oliver, Oliver vanished again, Ilumi slashed his scythe but not infront of him where Oliver vanished, he swung his scythe in his back and hitted something.


Oliver got stabbed by Ilumi's scythe."You're so predictable."Ilumi stated.

"Oliver!"Lex and Leon shouted in unison.

Oliver smiled."Really?"

A dagger stabbed at Ilumi's back, and Oliver's figure that got stabbed vanished, then another Oliver appeared in Ilumi's back where the dagger stabbed.

"You're the one who's predictable."Oliver said.

{You've learned "reflection manifestation" skill}

{You've learned "petrification" skill}

'Sh*t, Oliver, I thought you're done.'Lex said.