
The Reminiscence of Yesterday

Arshianna Marshall never really had a complete family. So when she had friends for the first time she was willing to risk everything that she has. But what if a dream-like moment turns into a disaster as the truth of the past unfolds.

aclinomania · 奇幻言情
7 Chs


"SPARE US please!" The woman said while hugging her little one, dearly. But the man in the cloak seemed to pay them no attention. The woman was crying begging for her life.

The man held the blade in his arms, he was planning to kill the woman without any doubts.

I just stood there in the middle of the rain, speechless and unable to move. It felt like I was stuck in a nightmare without any way out other than to watch the woman beg for her life.

Without any other word the man stabbed the woman with the blade and disappeared. Leaving the helpless woman in the middle of nowhere with the infant in her arms.

The mother hugged her baby dearly, with all her energy fading. As the clock ticks away she held her last breathe, with the words saying…

I'll always be with you even when I'm far away.

I WOKE up feeling light headed, probably because I hadn't any proper meal other than cereal. I looked at the clock that was on the little cabinet beside the bed. It was already twelve o'clock in the midnight.

I sighed I saw it again. This was the second time I saw that happened first was at the headmistress's office and now it was on my dream.

I looked around looking for water as I felt my throat slightly burning. I went outside the bedroom and there was a dining set and nearby was a living room that consists of couches and a television.

I went inside a hall the leads to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and opened the refrigerator to get a pail of water. I drank a glass of water, and another until my throat was at ease.

After drinking I went back to the living room looking for a door outside this small house, which somehow looked like a mini condo. Nearby the television I saw a small corridor that leads to a door. Without any doubts I went in, I didn't care if I would be lost, because I am already lost.

Outside was hallway that was lit up by chandeliers and doors that has numbers on them. I looked at the door where I came from and written to it was G87. I went to look for the number before 87 which was, 86. Not too long after I found G86 and the numbers before it.

It was a never-ending hallway. It was a long walk and everything looks the same the only different thing was the room numbers.

I got passed the hallway and it led me to a huge hall that looked like a lobby. I looked around and I saw a counter I rang the bell looking for someone to help me.

Am I in a hotel? What the hell. This place is so big.

"How can I help you?" A voice said and I immediately look at the counter where the ring was. "Can I talk to the headmistress?" I said as I look at the girl in front of me who was wearing her pajamas. Looks like I disturbed her sleep.

"Oh, are you a newbie here? Or perhaps you got lost?" She asked me. "I got lost." I said and she nodded. "But how'd you get here? You came from the girl's dormitory, right?" She said.

"How'd you know that?" I asked is this girl's a witch or what. "Instincts. I guess you're the girl that accidentally crossed the barrier. Well the headmistress told us that you'll be staying here for a while." She said and walked away.


"No more buts I'm tired aren't you?" She said and I nodded as she led the way back to the girl's dormitory to rest.

I guess I could use a little rest.

"WAKE UP." I hear a voice as I felt someone shake me up. It was Luna. "Hm?" I said, she rolled her eyes and told me to get up and I did. "'The Councils are having a meeting later and you'll need to come." She said and gave me a towel and a dress?

"Take a bath. Breakfast starts in thirty minutes." She said and I nodded. "You could find the soap and other stuffs you need on the cabinet in the bathroom." She added.

"Okay. Thanks." I said heading to the bathroom.

I took all of my clothes off and turned the shower on. My skin shivered with the cold water as waves of memories flashed through my brain and it all suddenly disappeared but one thing was clear, it was the woman whom I dream of last night and also she was the one I saw from the headmistress's office!

I looked at the mirror and I saw how deep my eyes were. It was as deep as the ocean, deep but empty.

I quickly finished my bath and wore the dress Luna gave me. It was a plain white dress with long sleeves. I brushed my hair and went out wearing the sandals that were with the dress. I didn't seem to notice this earlier.

"Let's go." Luna said when she saw me and I followed her. We walked through the hall across and straight through the lobby where I saw a girl last night. I forgot to ask her name, maybe the next time we meet again.

I was looking around and I saw some people walking around with their friends. This place is really huge, I taught while looking around.

While I was looking around I noticed some of the stares I got. I was feeling a little uncomfortable, I don't really like attention.

"Is she the President's friend?"

"The President's not even talking to her or what. So I guess not."

"The Council will be gathering later!"

"Oh? Did something bad happen?"

"I think this is about the girl that got passed at the barrier without knowing."

And I heard a lot more. I sighed and looked down.

I just wanna go back home.