

  Dylan's POV

  A sweet tantalizing smell suddenly hits my nostrils making my wolf awakened just before I heard a soft knock on my door, "come in" I growled and she slowly opened the door and peered in softly,the words "Mate,Mate" suddenly roared in my brain and I could feel the fur of my wolf on my skin, I was shocked at my sudden reaction to her as I tried to rein in the sudden forceful feelings, I had sworn off falling for anyone when I got rejected by Myla, I am the master of my own feelings and no one can ever make me fall in love, I shut off the chanting of Mate in my head as I gazed her her, feeling agitated, she twisted her hands nervous and refused to look me in the eyes, "you must bow whenever you see me" I growled at her trying to unleash my anger on her, she immediately did as I've ordered and I sneered, "now, get me my breakfast and be fast about it"