
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · 奇幻言情
40 Chs

Chapter 8

Seven woke up panting in fear but came to see that she was still sleeping under the bed she had hidden under. There was no end to her nightmares and fear. 'That dream again.' Rubbing her head, it had been a long time since she had a decent sleep. 'I was an orphan early on in my previous life with no one there by my side. Now, I'm a test subject that failed and was nearly killed, sold off into a slave auction, and now I am in another mage's home.' She thought about everything, knowing she needed to hurry and get out of this place. Hearing the sound of the door open, she saw the same cloak from the Mage who had taken her there in the first place. Getting up, she growled and refused to be mistreated in any way.

"I came to tell you that I brought you food." Hearing him say that, she slowly crawled out and stood on the opposite side of the bed, where it separated the two. Eyeing the white fur lion, she did not know if he was trying to scheme something against her. Seeing the plate of chicken, her stomach growled while drool was trailing down from her mouth.

'Looks delicious!' Her eyes shone as though the food was the only thing that could convince her to let her guard down a bit. Seeing the food placed on top of the bed, she crawled onto the bed, grabbed the chicken, and went back to the opposite side of the bed. She continued to look back at the lion who had brought the food for her in the morning. Knowing fairly well that he was good at controlling mana.

"Do you have a name?" Sachin asked. Sitting on the bed, but on the opposite side of her. 'She probably won't say anything or do anything to mention her name.' Sachin thought. How could anyone really say anything so soon?

Seven ignored him; she would not tell him anything, just like she did with Otie. Sachin knew that she would not open up so soon, but it was indeed going to be an effort that he needed to put in. Once he had left the room, Seven had fallen asleep under the bed again, which made him see that she either did not know what a bed was or refused to get comfortable in their home.

"Father, are you going to try and tame that child?" Reg went over to his father, who would have never done this kind of thing.

"Not tame. Understand. Reg, take care of your mother. I'll be gone for a bit." Sachin disappeared while Reg sighed, seeing that his father would follow this plan. There was no helping it when the girl was already brought into their home, and his father was a person of his word.


Seven had gone over to the balcony, pushing open the window doors that stood in the way. Looking out from the balcony, she could see that the entire place was huge, with excellent maintenance. She was on the second level of the big mansion. She figured there was no way that she would survive if she jumped down. A tree was close to her balcony, climbing onto the balcony's rail. She launched herself, jumping onto the tree, being sure to avoid slipping from it. Crawling down gently from the tree soon after, she landed on her feet and decided to try and get away from this place. She was hiding at every corner and crack once she heard footsteps coming her way.

"Why would the master bring in such a monster?"

"I don't even know if it's really human or a beast folk. Most beast folk children would remain as a full beast form until they come of age."

"Just look at how it does not hold full human features."

"Maybe it would have been seen differently in the old days, but now those like her are just monsters."

'Those like me?' Seven started to wonder, hearing that talk which brought curiosity towards her. 'What is the history here?' She thought, feeling as though she could find out more about the world she was in if she could. Watching the servants walk past her, she looked around more to see if there was possibly anything she could find out about where she ended up. Seeing large double doors, she pushed them open and looked around the room. 'Books?' She went around the entire room, seeing piles of books and bookshelves that stood tall with tough wood used to build them. 'Maybe I can find information here.' Pulling out a big book on one of the lower levels of the bookshelf, she opened it to take a look. The book's cover looked very important, which she could not help, but pull out and guess what it was. 'I don't understand any of these writings!' She realized that she would have to learn the alphabet again. 'How am I going to know now?!' She didn't know how she would find out more about the history of this world without knowing its language first.

"Why are you here?" Dropping the book, she hopped away and growled at the voice she heard.

Reg was in the library when he saw a little figure that had appeared inside the library that would only be for the Maximus family to use. 'I didn't think that there would be someone in here.' She didn't think that she would stumble upon him. Growling at him, her eyes transitioned from human to beast.

The black fur cub lion looked at her, seeing that she was still on guard with them even though they saved her from the slave auction. "What are you trying to do?" He went towards her, seeing the book she had pulled from the lowest shelf. Holding the book in his hands, he stared at the book and then at the girl. "History of the Emparael Kingdom." He read out loud, looking back to the little girl again. "Were you trying to read this book?" He did not think that the little girl would be looking into this kind of book. Seven did not think she would pull out the correct book, but she did not drop her guard. "I'll read it to you. Just be sure to lower your guard a bit and listen well." Reg sat down on the couch in the library, with Seven cautiously going over to him to be able to listen. But she remained more at the couch armrest than to sit next to him.