
the planet amethyst

Nadine_Lemke · 奇幻言情
1 Chs

planet amethyst

The planet amethyst is where our story takes place. It is 1,000 light years from earth. The planet got its name from being purple in color. There are purple mountains all over. The water is a light purple. The grass is purple. It's a beautiful planet but regular humans can't live on it because of how the temperature fluctuates and how cold and warm it gets. It gets negative 150 degrees in the winter. The summer it gets to be 150 degrees above zero.

The creatures that inhabit the planet are beautiful creatures. They are purple skinned. They have scales but they can survive in or out of water. They have brilliant blue eyes. They look almost like humans; they have four limbs and two eyes. They are a little bit taller than humans however the average creature is 6 feet 7 inches. They are peaceful creatures and get along with each other. The planet inhabits about 60 of these creatures.