
The Photographers

Four youngsters, obsessed with photography are on their way to find their true selves and escape from their turbulent lives. Discover how photography leads them to discern how exquisitely ravishing life can be...

Sandra_Stevenson · 青春言情
8 Chs

CHAPTER 04 : I Have Messed With the Wrong People

"We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone ".


I had always aspired to become a photographer and I can't believe that I was going to make that dream come true today. The thought of that still seemed unreal .

When we finally reached the destination, I realized that it was a freakishly aesthetic park with a calm and perfectly transparent lake which added to the view.

We all gathered around Tyler.

"So guys... I think we should start working now . The aim for today is that everyone must click at least five best photographs. Am I understood? Now go on." Tyler addressed.

Is he usually this bossy?

We scattered around the park and to take pictures. Anna had changed my lens on the way. She's always got my back.

I went to the lake because it enthralled me in the way no other place did.

I was clicking photos of the lake from different angles when I felt a presence behind me. I spun around, facing the person. Tyler?

No, not again.

"What? Is there something I can help with?" I asked, trying to sound as unbothered as I possibly could.

Okay. Let's say boys in black holding a camera did have an effect on me, but not him. NO. WAY. IN. WORLD.

"No." He said rubbing the back of his back with one hand and holding his DSLR in other. "I just- I just umm.. wanted to say that perhaps we should clear up things between us and stop fighting. We are a team now and we must cooperate with each other".

"Well that's exactly what I am doing?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I think you should do the same too 'cause if you think you putting on a play of being innocent in front of me will be of any use, let me tell you, you're wrong."

He took in a deep breathe, looking at me like I'm the biggest disappointment the world has come across.

"You know what? It's useless to talk to you! You're always so ready to have a beef. Just know that I apologized and I tried my best to clear up whatever dispute we were having." He said, furrowing his brows. His brilliant blue eyes were narrowed but still twinkling under the sun.

I gritted my teeth and made attempted to move past him but, it was gloriously failed when I lost my balance because of the slippery land and was about to trip in the lake when someone grabbed me by waist. I secured a had on the nape of their neck, clutching my camera in the other tightly. I sighed in relief, but the relief was soon taken over by utter disbelief. The realization of being held in Tyler's arms hit me like a thunderbolt. I studied his face intently. His expressions were surprisingly calmer than usual.

He pulled me to a safer surface, letting go of me. I got to my feet gaining my balance.

"Umm... Thankyou". I said, taking a step back breathing heavily. I blushed crimson when he smiled at my shocked expression.

I wish I could dig a hole, bury myself in there and never come out.

"It's okay...". He said, biting his upper lip and walked away from me.

My heart was thumping hard against my chest, threatening to break through the ribcage. No, No,No. There's no way I will let him have an effect on me. NO. I shook my head, which was throbbing because of the past few events.

I checked my camera, which I had miraculously not dropped into the lake, thanks to the devil. I had taken numerous pictures of the lake. One of them turned out pretty great.

I moved on to click some more. I clicked one of the sun which looked prettier than usual, beaming through the clouds. Its rare to see the sun shining in Chicago.

I moved on to find something when someone blocked my way. Luke.

I know what I did wasn't right but I don't know what revenge he was going to take from me now. To be honest, I was terrified.

"Hey Lucy, I recall proposing earlier that we could be friends. It would be better if you had accepted that, but it's alright if you don't want me as a friend. I respect you decision. Now just wait and watch what I am like when I am someone's enemy". He grinned, sending shivers down my spine.

What in the world is he planning?

"What do you think? You can scare me off like that? Keep talking to me like that and this time I will trip you in that lake". I acted like I wasn't scared at all but the truth was, I was petrified.

"Okay then.. don't say that I didn't warn you." He chuckled, earning an eye roll from me.

I walked away, leaving Luke behind. I was still trying to calm my nerves. I had to find three more ideas to photograph. I piled up some stones and above them was the sun shining brightly. When I clicked the picture, it seemed like someone had placed the sun on the pebbles. Anna's lens was pretty admirable I guess.

I went on and clicked two more pictures. When I was finally done, I saw Anna coming towards me.

"Hey Anna! Are you done?". I asked her.

"Yesss! I so am. We should call others now". Anna said looking for the other two. I saw Luke and Tyler coming towards us. Tyler waved his hand towards us and I managed to look away, careful not to meet his eyes.

"I think we are all done now. Lets share our pictures with each other". Tyler said excitedly.

"Tyler, you be the first." Luke suggested and we all agreed.

"Okay." Tyler said and started showing us the photographs.

The pictures Tyler took were brilliant. I will give him that. His serious talent of photography could not be neglected . They were captured considerably well.

"Now Lucy, your turn, then Anna's. I'll be the last one". Luke said.

I started showing my pictures. Tyler took my camera in his hands for a closer view. I tried not to stare at the veins popping out of is arms.

I'll just let the fact slide that his features satisfy all my weird kinks.

"Great job". Tyler said, giving me the smallest of smiles.

Anna showed her pictures hesitantly.

One word: awesome. I patted on her back.

"Now Luke, it's your turn ". Tyler said.

"Okay but promise me you won't force me into deleting any of my pictures ". Luke said cheekily.

"Mind explaining why we would do that? Did you clicks nudes or what?" Tyler asked curiously.

"Just promise me." He said, provoking my suspicion even more.

"I promise I won't ". Tyler shouted.

Luke showed his photographs. He was a talented photographer. Before showing the fifth photo, Luke said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Now presenting, the best one, a picture worth a million dollars ".

"Oh C'mon . Get it over with". Tyler said.

Finally, Luke showed the next picture making our jaw drop in disbelief. I felt heat on my cheeks and there was only one emotion that took over my body at that moment : rage.

How dare he....

It was a Tyler, holding me in his arms, beside the lake.

This whole day will do down in history for being the biggest embarrassment in Lucy Wilson's whole life.

"Luke! I am telling you to delete this picture right now or else"... Tyler said.

"And I am telling you that I am not deleting it ". Luke stated, acting like the unbothered king he was.

"Luke please! I am sorry for everything.. Please delete it." I pleaded, which came out almost as a sob.

"No baby, I don't follow your orders, neither am I in a mood of accepting requests right now. C'mon guys this photo's great. I'm anticipating a huge ass explanation from you Tyler, though". Luke said eyeing

Tyler goofily.

"Luke's right. Look at it, how the visuals are on point. Trust me it's superb." Anna said.

"Okay then ugh. It's not like I can ever convince you". Tyler said giving up.

"Hey but-" I tried to intrude.

"Okay so its done, we are keeping it".Luke said, rubbing his hands in glee.

Tyler hanged his camera around his neck, getting ready for another speech.

"Okay everyone. These photos still require some editing and cropping. So, the plan for tomorrow is that we'll go to our place and edit these epic pics". Tyler said.

"Wait a minute. Did you just say your place?" I asked.

"Now please Lucy, no arguments. I'm done bickering with you". Tyler said.

"Okay then. Apologies. I will not be able to come. Anna will". I said decisively.

"No Lucy. Tyler, we both are coming tomorrow, just send me the address ". Anna said, kocking me in the elbow.

"So it's done . Now we are losing daylight. We shall leave. I will drop you guys home". Tyler said and walked away.

I stomped my feet and leaned over Anna. I had no chance left but to follow him.