
The Phoenix Aspect

JAYDE Jayde is a genetically engineered super soldier, after decades of being forced by her human creators to fight their dirty wars, Jayde rebelled. During a desperate battle for the ultimate survival of her people, she is betrayed and dies. Instead of it being the end, this is only the beginning of Jayde's journey, as she awakens on a strange new world, in the tortured body of a young girl. Forget technology, this new world doesn't have spaceships, replicators or blasters, it has something better — Magic! With her contract to an ancient artifact, Jayde has to navigate her way through this new world filled with magic, powerful mages, strange creatures, and monsters. REN Ren, the fierce demon king, must fight to save his race from the brink of extinction and once again stop the evil Zartonesh from invading the realms. The key to his success lies in the Lower Realm, where the Devil Wars began, and with a young woman whose soul is steeped in darkness, whose presence awakens the primal fury within his soul, and whose vast power can either save or destroy him and his people. EXCITING NEW ADVENTURE Follow Jayde’s journey as she replaces her blaster for a sword. Alone with only her guide, she has to navigate her way around this strange new universe, learning magic, traveling to different dimensions as she makes new friends and enemies. Will the darkness in her soul allow her to find her true-mate? Will she ultimately save this world or will she destroy it? WARNING: Please note that this story is a slow-moving romance. TAGS: Female Protagonist, Adventure, Transmigration, Pets, Strong FL, Late Romance, Revenge, Inter-Dimensional Travel, System, Sword and Magic, Weak to Strong Novel Started: 18 Jan 2019. NB: Please note that I am busy writing and editing at the same time, so there are still quite a few chapters that have spelling and grammar mistakes, so please bear with me as I get to them to fix those errors. RELEASE SCHEDULE 1 Chapter per day (Minimum) / 7 Chapters per week. Although I do try to release more. ======================= WANT TO SUPPORT ME? Interested in supporting this novel? https://www.patreon.com/djrogue1 Donations: https://www.paypal.me/djrogue1 Or buy me a cup of coffee: http://ko-fi.com/djrogue ======================= SOCIAL MEDIA Check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DJRogueAuthor/ Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DJRogue2 Discord: https://discord.gg/e2UDvkd ======================= OTHER NOVELS Rogue Immortal: https://www.webnovel.com/book/12892116605852805/

DJRogue · 奇幻
194 Chs

Transfer to Telia

Jayde spent the next couple of hours sorting out her storage ring. She transferred potted Red Blossom Lotus in her ring to her new herb garden, while the all the beds in her herb garden were full, she could at least place the wooden pot plants she made around the edges of the garden.

There was a small garden shed, which had empty clay pots which she stored away in her storage ring, just in case she ran into some interesting or rare herbs while she was on Telia. Jayde was happy to find that inside the garden shed, there was a storage cabinet, where herbs that had been harvested could be stored, and remain fresh — Jayde was happy to note that the cabinet already quite filled with herbs that had already been harvested by her predecessors.

Seeing all those herbs stored, Jayde really wanted to sell them and convert them into points, since seeing her small herb garden, and finding out about the upgrades available, she was really enthusiastic to get her herb business going, and she was dying of curiosity to know what other treasures she could find when she upgraded her herb garden.

But she didn't have time right now, she only had four hours felt before she had to transfer to Telia, watching Isha busy in the garden, she suddenly had a bright idea, if Isha could help out in the garden, maybe he could also help with trading the herbs. Walking up to Isha she asked him.

"There are no regulations forbidden me from acting on your behalf" Isha replied, he was startled at Jayde request, all of the previous contractors had been suspicious characters — one could even go as far as to say they were paranoid, and had always preferred doing things themselves, although none of them had used the inter-dimensional market system quite like Jayde, they had been distrustful of the system, and really only used it for upgrading the Pavilion, and as for the herb garden, it was either used for refining of pills and potions by the contractors who were alchemists, or the herbs were sold to accumulate vast wealth on Doha.

Isha was really delighted to help out Jayde, he was normally stuck in the Pavilion Hall, with nothing to do — he couldn't even visit the other trainers, as most of the times the trainers were busy in their own dimensional space — and only rarely would they leave to visit him, the only break to his tedious life was when the Protoss Divine System contracted someone, at least then he could watch the world outside through the contract.

Happy to hand over the task of trading the herbs to Isha, Jayde instructed Isha to sell all the herbs that he harvested plus the herbs currently stored in the storage cabinet in the garden shed, she requested that he keep at least twenty Qi Gathering Medicinal Pills for her, Jayde wanted to sell them at the auction house before she had to go through the assessment for magic school, as she had no gold on her, and she would need gold to pay for her school fees and other expenses.

In the future, Jayde would look back at the decision she made today, and regard it as one of the best decisions she ever made, as Isha turned out to have quite a head for business and trading, and with him handling all the inter-dimensional market trades, he made a huge profit for Jayde — but that something in the future.

With only a couple of hours left, Jayde double check her supplies in her storage ring, repacked everything neatly, confident that she had missed nothing, she took out the white slip, then bidding Isha farewell, and with Reiko yapping excitedly in her head, she broke the white slip.

A blinding white light surrounded Jayde, and mission control's female disembodied voice echoed in her mind.

[Transfer to Telia activated]

Jayde felt a strange tingling, itchy feeling all over her skin, then the world in front of her went black, and she felt a weird suction and the world around her spinning.

[Transfer to Telia success, scanning local area]

Jayde opened her eyes and found herself on a small grass-covered hill, she seemed to be in a small meadow. The meadow was a glorious expanse of grass and dainty yellow and white flowers, thick spring grass, wet from the early morning due, rustled gently in the breeze. There was a narrow river flowing through the meadow the clear water sparkling under the sun.

Mission control female voice continued to drone on in Jayde head.

[Threat assessment, zero]

[Closest human Inhabitants, 5 kilometers due North]

[Prepare for mission briefing]

Mission briefing Jayde thought, a sense of nostalgia filled her, bring back memories of her past life, how familiar it was all to her, so many missions before, so many mission briefings. It gave her a sense of comfort hearing something so familiar.


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